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Author   Topic : "THREE...heavy conceptual images"

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Joined: 07 Jun 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2000 3:42 am     Reply with quote
Well, serious art is not for everyone.
The 99% of people cannot understand heavy conceptual images like the 3 here.

I do not expect replyes to this thread, btw i post this images in order to stimulate human's brain. They have no particular spectacular appeal techinically, but they have a great concept inside.

If i'll find someone interested here i'll start givin' the right interpretation of each pic. Have good time man.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2000 5:19 pm     Reply with quote
Hey Nur, I was looking at your site. Very moody and stark. I dig your style.
I have one question though:
You picture titled Christianity, what does it represent? If you could explain it to me that would be great, I'm quite curious.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 7:22 am     Reply with quote

Hmm... why do you assume you won't get a lot of replies? Do we lack the ability to decode, or are we just not interested in 'conceptual' work.
I mean, there's a lot of comic work going around, but that dosen't necessarily mean we're anit-fine art.
I for one just resented the conceptual artists at college. I found too many of my peers were turning in substandard work and instead focusing on bullshitting about conceptual concerns in the crits.
I don't make conceptual work because I've can't see the point in creating work that can only be understood by 0.01% of the population.
However, I like these pieces a lot. I appreciate the skill, attention to detail, composition and color, as well as a heavy-handed approach to mood. Very cool.

But why do they have to say something more than they do already?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2000 6:40 am     Reply with quote

Well. I'll reveal part of the meaning of the second pic, called "Christianity". Interested, continue to read, i'm sorry for have writed so much but i need this to explain what i wanna say.

The rose represents Christianity itself. U can see Christ's Cross on a leaf. The leaves have blood on them, and the rose is not really full of life.
THIS represents the crisis of chistian religion and religion in general. U can see a lot of decay in the world of today, couse people have not a moral code n a life style that a religion should give you.
Today's religions, Christianity included, are not more that dogmas without any sense or meaning. An intelligent man cannot undestand why he has to confess himself as some church says couse he knows that Jesus heve never sayd a such non-sense thing.
So christianity have lose its power, the power it has in the past - couse Jesus talked bout love, and He had a tremendous good impact with the world of Him times.

AS Muhammad, Buddha and others have done. The principle "Jesus is the ONLY way" is destroying this religion. Now must people don't believe in God, couse them associate God with the religions of today, and so with weird ritual stuff and dogmas, and a brain cannot accept them. Verily, a true religion cannot be against rationality.

The 2 children on the rose represents the few people that are attached to religion yet.
Not bad people, but people waitin' for something...

The logo in the up right clarify another concept. The Baha'i Faith believes that religion is a fundamental tool for the development of humankind and the growth of the single man. Man needs God to have somewhat reason in his life.
So when a faith goes down, God sends Someone to found another one that gives a new way of life, depending of situation of the time all happens. Jesus have sayd some stuff that must be renewed now after 2k years.
Baha is the name of todays Jesus accordin to the Baha'i concept. He founds a religion, and this religion is not based on formal stuff, but on what it must be, love, respect, relationship with God, progress.

So the end is the beginning, as the logo says. End of Chistianity, beginning of a new era with the Baha'i Faith. U can recognize the Cross on the left, and on the right, the Baha'i 9 pointed star. This faith exists by 1844, so it's very young n this is why u may still never heard it. Btw, Baha'i Faith is the same religion as Chist's is. It changes in the social aspect couse it's for our times. Its goal is to transform humanity and let all decay and absence of values disappear. I hope it will.

You can see a sort of persian Symbol in the bg of my image. This is another Baha'i symbol. Is it very dark becouse is it still hidden to the biggest part of humanity.

Uff, i done. Forgimme again for have bored you, i hope someone will understand and appreciate what i have wrote.

Thank you all. Feel free to post here or email me to talk about this - in my opinion - interesting subject. Also follow my site ( that i'll redesign and re-launch in the next month - to understand more bout the Baha'i heavy progressive vision.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2000 6:54 am     Reply with quote
What did you use to make these? Also, I had trouble pulling up the pictures. I had to go the properties and copy/paste the url. You might want to list them and you will get more replies.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 2:17 am     Reply with quote
Sorry guyz, my server is down so sometimes u cannot see the images.
Click on the titles to see them:


CHRISTIANITY(the one i have described).


Have fun.

I've used 100% Photoshop to make them, using scanned objects (the rose, the buddhist statue), textures and digital painting.


[This message has been edited by NUR (edited October 25, 2000).]
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