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Author   Topic : "M A C vs P C"

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 10:17 am     Reply with quote
-What are you Using???

-What would you Prefer???

-Which do you think is Better???

-Which is used at you Work???

Now people don't get crazy just because this was posted March 15, 2000 08:26 PM.
This is meant for people who didn't respond, people that are new and people who might have changed their opinion on the matter and last but not least for people who don't know how to use search.
Things change. Computers change quite rapidly. That includes prices, parts software, opinions, and hardware etc. Who knows, new questions might arise from this new problems or new solutions. Maybe Maybe Not
Sorry for what seems like a needless thread to some people (no names).

[This message has been edited by WildMyth (edited June 19, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 10:57 am     Reply with quote
Well, I used to be quite the PC fan, but after using Macs at school (G3s and G4s) I've taken to liking them much more for doing design work.

One of the biggest design concerns with a PC is the lack of postscript fonts/printers. PostScript is the best way to print out a document, and if you don't send postscript fonts with your documents when they go to print, a lot of times your print will not come out the way you wanted it to. All the best design software (Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXpress) were designed for macs in the beginning, and PCs later, so applications like photoshop for example, are much more integrated into the system and the internal submenus/dialogue boxes are much cleaner, not to mention these programs are a lot more stable on a Mac.

The only thing the Mac lacks right now for doing design work is multitasking capability, which is actually alright, because there aren't a ton of applications for the mac that run constantly (multitasking allows you to run a program, while another is running a process in the background) but things like photoshop and illustrator and quark (design applications) don't run any constant processes, so multitasking isn't necessary for those. Also, Mac OS X will be out early next year and will feature multitasking, and it is based on UNIX, so when your photoshop crashes on you, you won't have to reboot, you can simply kill the crashed process. It's going to be very nice.

Mac hardware IS more expensive though, which is a big downer, however I feel it's much higher quality. They don't tempt you with lame inexpensive parallel port devices, or redundant floppy drives anymore. You get USB and FireWire ports on the new G3/G4 series macs and an internal ZIP drive. Zip disks being the prefered mode of transportation for your files while you take them to print.

Right now, I own a PC, and it's going fine for my webdesign, I certainly won't do any print on it though, as my computer can't quite handle large files of that magnitude right now, but I am buying a nice new G4 this summer if all goes well :)

But anyway, I'm not trying to tell you PCs suck, becuase they've been really good to me so far, but try out a PC, do some printing, try out a mac, and do some printing with that as well, and make your decision. No matter how good or bad something is, buying something always comes down to the consumer's personal preference, so you should definitely keep your options open and try both.

NOTE: Many colour output establishments (print shops) in the city require that the support files be mac based, instead of PC.

Anyway, I hope this helped a litle :)

Rene Antunes

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 10:58 am     Reply with quote
The one that's newer
Well, at my school we use PCs for 3D stuff, and Macs for the rest.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 12:08 pm     Reply with quote
PC.. gotta go with PC.
Like the other guy said . 'RAM' is the key.
I've a 450mhz with 128ram. All is good.. no problems and such ...
I hate Macs specially the mouse. heheh
WHAT ??? 1 BUTTON ??? freaky, know what i mean ?

BUT Seriously ... it all comes down to preferences. U like mac ? ok. U like PC ok.

But go with one youre already FAMILIAR with.

PS: U do have more fun with PC. WHO wants to WORK/slave all day ?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 12:37 pm     Reply with quote

I prefer VIC20, but they stopped making extra parts and repair it for about 20 years ago.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 12:38 pm     Reply with quote
Personally when it comes to Photoshop I will use whatever will get the job done.
However, when it comes to games a PC is your only choice.

As far as witch is better�. Depends on what you do. I like the upgrade ability of the PC (SO many choices to chose from) secondly when I buy a CPU I know what I�m getting where as in a Mac you may end up with a IBM made chip or a Motorola made chip.

(Iv only read about such incidences)
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Snake Grunger

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 12:57 pm     Reply with quote
Hrmm it seems some of you (no names) don't know how to use the search option on this message board. WE ALREADY TALKED ABOUT THIS ISSUE OH SO MANY TIMES, so go search for old threads! and stop posting needless new ones!

Oh and Joachim, you can buy parts for your Vic20 on for less than 5$ US! Super bargain! That's where I bought my good working C128, Amiga500 and Amiga1200

[This message has been edited by Snake Grunger (edited June 19, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 3:59 pm     Reply with quote
heh, i have a mac, and i have 4 buttons on my mouse. that is why you buy a new mouse.....

a program is a program on a PC or a Mac. Deal with it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 4:02 pm     Reply with quote
PC nuff sed
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 6:29 pm     Reply with quote
To quote the ganja drug dealer from predator 2, 'Its not about money man, Its about power' I gotta go with muh baby the G4. I actually have a P3 450 as well (parents seem to like it) for games. But i use my mac for.. all work. not to mention why do all pc programs have big grey windows behind them? that bugs, anyway a mac is what i prefer.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 6:43 pm     Reply with quote
lol Joachim! Snake Grunger - I have a 3000... But it doesn't work...

I never really used a Mac, so I'd have to say either Pizza or Indian food - depending on the what I'm hungry for...

Hmm... Gotta go eat!!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 7:04 pm     Reply with quote
alot of people only think macs are good because they were used in the movie Hackers...and the only reason they were used in that movie (and a ton of others) is because apple pays producers to use their operating system in the movie.

face it, macintosh has a sweet interface, but its painstakingly more trouble to navigate through and such. i dont know if this is completely accurate, but i heard that macintosh's use texels instead of pixel (which means extremely fine points)... i remember having a mac a while ago and i remember making graphics in a cheesy program ClarisWorks, and then seeing some my friend made in windows, and noticing how "big and blocky" or pixelated it was, and how smooth mine were...anyone know?

either way, a pc is a much better choice.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 7:34 pm     Reply with quote
I would use a rusty nail if it had photoshop or painter on it. I've used just about everything except linux. Irix(unix) is ok, but very heavy!But the trade off for all that power evens it out. Mac os is alot easier to trouble shoot, less crap you have to go through. Pc is great because that's where all the games are. I miss my amiga 3000 though and that old "workbench" Os!
If you're a digital artist, You probably want something that has enough power and memory to allow you to work freely and also allows you to trouble shoot any system errors that may pop up along the way, with out having to go through an 8 inch thick book. If this sytem exists, let me know.
I think computer are still primitive in a way. We have to use input devices like mouses and keyboards, When we install something, we have very limited control over what happens to our system when it installs, so if anything goes wrong we have to uninstall it(usually).
My dream computer would be one that that has no keyboard, no mouse. It uses electromagnetic(sp) energy to move the cursor(by a device attaced to my figure) so all i have to do is think where I want the cursor to go and it does. I also want it to be able to project my thoughts into text. Or even better, images. I don't want to have to rely on operating systems, I want the programs I use most to just appear when needed. Screens suck, anything that emits light instead of reflecting light causes horrors with colors. Why not have the image appear through my eyes, maybe some wetwear that would allow us to see images.
Ok, I've been reading too many of those sci-fi stories..enough babbeling.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 9:50 pm     Reply with quote
First of all, the fact that Macs were featured in the monstrous POS "Hackers" would deter me from buying one. I might also add that Verabatim discs were used in "Mission Impossible", and nobody uses those useless flat things.

Having said that, I work on PC's. However, if I had to get a computer for strictly painting, I would at least consider a Mac. I have a crapola older G3 and noticed that PS ran well on it. Other than that, it's mostly useless.

The thing I want more than anything right now is dual monitor support (Win NT). Anybody know which cards are good for this?

:) :) :) :)
"That activates my hilarity unit."
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2000 11:04 pm     Reply with quote
i prefer pc's just 'cause i do other things than graphics jazz with computers anyway.

we (company) use nt 4 workstation.. it's pretty stable and whatnot, and since we have more moeny to spend than it's even legal, we have big pc's, and nt 4 likes that.

give it 1024 megs of ram and it won't choke..

ram is the key. (and our dual p3 940's we have here.. tho' i've got the shittiest setup right now, a 700 mhz :| ). 3d studio viz r3, rhinoceros, 3d studio max 3.1, photoshop, illustrator, yadda dadda (plus whatever black magic the *gasp* coders use), they cause no trouble with our setups... nt4 could be good for something after all.

then there's the little point of you being able to get so much more for your money with pc's than with mac's.....

so i prefer pc.
i think pc is better.
we use pc.

the not so resident caustic bitch, and the owls turned back the way they are.. even the foos ain't trippin' no more. 35983387 /
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