Lukasofzion junior member
Member # Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 2 Location: Lithuania-UK
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:32 am |
Hello friends! First of all i should introduce myself because I am new for this forum. I found it by accident in browsing fot H.R.Giger work. At present I am student in some UK college doing Art&Design, next year I will go to study Games Art in uni. so now it's last days in college, busy time in another words
Anyway enough about me I guess you would like to know more about this project. This piace I started maybe one week before, still a lot of work to do. The title of this painting is "time is over" I was thinking to convey idea of landlord who is totally master of You, any moment you can be throwen away to street and it is nothing you can do about that. You are feeling sort of lacerated inside... Maybe a little bit to much red color but boobs and blood rock!
Or maybe not... anyway i hope you will like it aaaand comments & critics are welcome.
first composition and full size sketch
details close-up
step by step and boss starting to look as boss ^_^
i don't like her a lot ;D
it is quite unusual picture for me.In the usual way I am not using a lot of blood in my paintings so it is something like expression which of all these years without 'brutal' paintings.
Cheers! _________________ I wana jamn with u |