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Topic : "How to improve photos ..." |
Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2000 1:24 pm |
Here's a secret little technique I discovered somehow: sometimes, making a copy of a dark photo on a new layer and setting that layer to 'exclude' will produce interesting results. The only problem is, that birght areas will get funked up, so you'll need to erase those out of the exclude layer. The grain of the photo will probably become more visible, too. Anyhow, after doing this, flatten the image and run auto levels on it. This technique may not work every time, but sometimes it produces surprisingly good results.
As for slicing things up, use guides to divide the image up and then the marquee tool to make selections along the guides.
Affected |
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Goldstaub junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 1999 Posts: 27 Location: Austria
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2000 2:51 pm |
thanx for your tips ... I`ll try them ...
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Goldstaub junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 1999 Posts: 27 Location: Austria
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 12:29 am |
Hi there!
Haven�t been here for quite a long time ... I had a heavy lot of things to do for my final projekt - a lot of interface design and such stuff - you�ll be able to watch it in a few weeks ( ... anyway, I�m still working on it and got some troubles and ask for your help.
First of all - it�s a site for a driver�s school and the owner wants to show some of his cars, personal photos, etc. the only problem is, that are $%�%"!$ ... parts of them are too dark, other ones to light, anyway, I can play around with it for hours - they doesn�t seem to improve very much - any tips?
My second problem: Does anybody of you know a good tool to split up pics in several small parts? I`ve got a software called dicer but it isn�t the best thing, you can work with ... I also tried to cut it up with photoshop, but the pic doesn�t fit together that well afterwards. Anyway - there�s noone to ask in my surroundings, so I�m asking for your help.
Goldstaub |
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Cypher member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 81
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 2:46 am |
I chop up all my web pics in PhotoShop. The way I do it is I "draw" the whole site up in PS, and then, with the rectangular select tool, I zoom in and select the pic I want to chop. Make sure that the edges of the select rectangle are ON TOP of the last row of pixels in the part of the image you want to cut. Then hit "cut" (ctrl-x). Then, create a new image, and don't change the sizes that pop up automatically. Just hit "ok." Now hit "Paste" into the new image, go to "layers" and select "flatten image." Now save the pic, and keep repeating these steps. It's easy to cut out the pics as you do them, so you don't miss any lines or pixels in the process.
There! I hope you can use my blab.  |
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Cypher member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 81
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 2:48 am |
Oh, and to improve picture quality, get "Fireworks." They have a 30-day free trial. |
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Goldstaub junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 1999 Posts: 27 Location: Austria
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 1:34 pm |
Hi Cypher!
well, I did it all the way you told me ... but I guess, the problem occurs, when I put the parts together. Well, I was told that I have to use a table to combine the parts, but that doesn�t work. The pics never fit to gether. I set cellspacing, cellpadding, border to 0, but it simply doesn�t work. you can see, that the parts are somehow "moved" (?) a few pixels to the right or the left. Is there a special tag for it? |
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nicole member
Member # Joined: 08 Dec 1999 Posts: 90 Location: CA, USA
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 1:54 pm |
Tables work wonders if you can get it right. I'm not really sure what your page looks like so it's hard to really help, but try using the div tag.. example:
<div align="center">
<put all your table stuff in then around the img tag put the div tag>
<div><img src="blah"></div>
and/or try playing with the width..
That's how I do it, anyway and if you have no clue what I'm talking about (I'm not sure I even do :P) try reading up on tables a bit, and the div tag.. |
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Goldstaub junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 1999 Posts: 27 Location: Austria
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 3:30 pm |
I guess the div-tag was the problem ... well, I�ll see if it helps
Goldstaub |
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LeChuck member
Member # Joined: 20 Dec 1999 Posts: 406 Location: unknown
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2000 7:12 pm |
Could you post some lowrez pics of the cars? It would help us to see how bad they are.
[This message has been edited by LeChuck (edited January 29, 2000).] |
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Wintermute II junior member
Member # Joined: 29 Jan 2000 Posts: 7 Location: Sydney, Australia
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2000 10:46 am |
Fireworks can also splitup pics, in fact that's what it's basically good for apart from really good image conversion.
It's kinda obsolete though now with Photoshop 5.5 which has a web tool.
"A truly wise man knows only what he does not know" - Socrates
"Through one thing know ten thousand" - Miyamoto Musashi |
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proximo member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2000 Posts: 467
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2000 4:41 pm |
About your problem witht he web pages .. i think you best bet would be to get dreamwearver 2 or 3 and do your page in layers.. make sure you setup the layers so they dont overlap then when you have the page all setup the way you want it .. select the convert layers to tables button and it will make it just how it was with the layers .. if you have any more questions feel free to e-mail me
[email protected]
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armature junior member
Member # Joined: 15 Dec 1999 Posts: 39 Location: San Diego, CA
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2000 12:56 am |
To cut an image in PhotoShop is pretty easy.
All you really have to do is lay out the guides. Then set the marque to snap to the guides.
Highlight, ctrl+c (copy), ctrl+n (new), ctrl+p (paste). Tada that piece is ready to be flattened and saved in your format.
Now, reconstructing the images takes a little longer, but isnt a big deal as long as you know tables pretty well.
Remember, when all else fails, nest a table.
If you drink, don't have sex...accidents cause kids.
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LyonHaert junior member
Member # Joined: 03 Feb 2000 Posts: 13
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2000 3:52 pm |
you may be coding the table incorrectly.
make sure that you organize the pics top-to-bottom, left-to-right. in other words, columns are the primary organization, then any rows inside of those. all ending TD and TR tags should be right at the end of the IMG tag; don't have them on the next line down.
go to any site that uses tables to organize the pics, and study the table code, and the way it's visually organized (reload the page, then hit stop before any of the pics have loaded into the table). a couple good places are , and a more complicated one I made here.
a good way to study and learn the tables is to copy the code of the table, paste it into a new HTML file, and set the border values to 1. the pictures won't load, because they aren't there, but the border (and maybe a little bit of cellspacing) will help you see which tables are inside which.
hope i've been of help
LyonHaert |
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tanis member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 207 Location: Bergamo, Italy
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2000 11:23 am |
If you're using PhotoShop 5.5 you can then launch ImageReady 2.0 (a program that ships with version 5.5 but NOT with 5.0) and use it to slice the image up and output a nicely formatted html page with the correct table. ImageReady was also available by itself from Adobe, but I don't know if there's a trial version on their site.
Valerio Santinelli a.k.a. TANiS
[email protected] |
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xyz member
Member # Joined: 04 Feb 2000 Posts: 123 Location: Dallas, TX USA
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2000 4:23 pm |
I am a lamer but I was struggling for a month or so trying to split these images evenly like you i tried the picture dicer, ps buyt it just was not doing it for me. So then i found this thing called Ulead Smart Saver Pro it dices, creates image maps, rollovers, and more all i use it for is dicing or slicing images.
Hopefully this will help you.
eNd mEsAgE
xyz |
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