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Author   Topic : "a post in the form of a reply to xyz"
psi burn

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2000 3:07 pm     Reply with quote
xyz's post isnt really visited right now so i figured id just reply right here...

first off, learn to use commas! damn, your sentences made pretty much no sense, since you just carried on. fix your sentences, dont just ramble on. ok now for the reply.

i have to say, i completely DISagree with what you said. no offense or anything but heres where i dont believe what you say. for one, i dont believe anyone has a "spririt." theres just no such thing. lets look at a basic person. what is a person? a person is a complex living organism, that is controlled by a brain. we are a shell full of tissue, organs, and other such things, that are all working together to allow our body to do various things. there is no ghost residing inside this "shell" of ours. there is no spirit floating inside our brain. you may disagree, however this is just my belief.

now, dont take me wrong, i believe in God. i dont like to think that only christianity (the religion i was brought up in) is the only correct religion, because i dont believe there is a correct religion. i believe that God is the ultimate being, who created life from the beginning, and has simply sat back allowing his creation to evolve, learn, and adapt on its own. he gave us the ability to think, therefore, we have the ability to dream or be mislead. i feel that every religion is just one person's way to recognize that there is a God. im sure god isnt sitting there throwing everyone who doesnt believe in one religion into hell. i know you never talked about this, but im just stating my religious beliefs.

now onto your encounter with a demon, or whatever. i didnt exactly read word for word, your entire story, because it was making my head hurt. but, let me tell you something. that was a dream. that was a false movie projected in your mind from thougghts in your subconscious. nothing was real. everything that you saw was merely created from the electric pulses generated inside your brain. i dont see why you had to tell your parents about this dream, or why you prayed about it. what were you really praying for? did you ask god to stop giving you nightmares? there was no demon or devil manifesting itself within your mind. you created it. and thats not a bad thing, we cannot control our subconscious (in this point in time.)

and curses? dont make me laugh. never, once in recorded history, has a "curse" ever been proven to exist or occur. a human being (shell with funky stuff and a brain) cannot put any sort of magical control over another human. there is no way to. our brains are limited to our bodies. we cannot curse others or cause things to happen. if some crazy gypsy were to "curse" me, it wouldnt be doing anything. she would merely be saying a few words generated by the vocal cords in her lungs. those words dont carry any sort of magical power to them. they are just vibrations picked up by our ears which are turned into electric pulses that our brains can decipher. sorry for going so technical to you, but its the sad truth.

maybe when we become mentally stronger and can control more than (what is it, 18%?) of our brain, we can do such things as telepathy. but as of right now, its humanly impossible.

if you disagree with me, tell me why, i dont care, i'll just keep arguing.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2000 6:24 pm     Reply with quote
Okay sir I completely agree with you about the "what is a person? a person is a complex living organism, that is controlled by a brain. we are a shell full of tissue, organs, and other such things, that are all working together to allow our body to do various things. there is no ghost residing inside this "shell" of ours. there is no spirit floating inside our brain." deal but see I said earlier we have three bodies a soul, spirit, and a physical body.

Religion is made by MAn...

I belive in GOD, I read stuff think about it and make my own beliefs. I am not going to go to sit in church and listen to some man tell me his beliefs.

I belive that there is a DEvil who has an army of fallen angels. This Devil and his ARMY will do anything they can for us to JOIN them in hell. Demons exsist, at least i think so. Christ came to earth to save us he paid in blood for our sins. Now we start out with a clean record. The devil or one of his demons will try as hard as they can for us to screw up. blah blah...

I am not sure if it was a demon what i saw it could of been an angel. But i am sure iw as not dreaming. I can tell when i am dreaming and remember my dreams perfectly.

a curse is simply a command like you said...
the tounge or words have power...
There are worlds that we can not see but they are there...

about the brain...
God is a GREAT creator...
he greated us similar to him but he put limits to what we can do...
because once upon a time he created the perfect angel or being...he was beautiful...he had instruments built into him to adore and praise his creator...but all this beauty and perfectness got to this beings head and he thought he could be greater than GOD and he gathered an army of corrupt angels to try and overthrough his creator...he is now known as the devil satan and many more names...

iF we could use all of our brain we would be so full of it that we would think we are greater than GOD just like Satan...look at smart people sometimes they think they are the center of the universe the shit that nobody can be greater than them...

GOD is perfect...
there fore he loves, judges, and looks at everybody equally...

okay i am bored of typing now...
my head hurts i need some sleep...

okay your turn to argue with me again...
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psi burn

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2000 6:39 pm     Reply with quote
there is no other worlds, or other worlds that interfere with ours. when and where have you ever gained evidence that there is a parallel universe in which magic exists and what we say in this world, can trigger the magic in that world?

and if that world did exist, why would it have anything to do with this one. it makes absolutely no logical sense. and logic is everything.

and if you weren't experiencing a dream, have you ever heard of hallucinations?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2000 7:59 pm     Reply with quote
hallucination yea thats probably it...

well let me refrase that not worlds but dimensions shit i dont know how to explain it...

there is no magic, magic does not exsist.
here is an example of a curse or witch that does things.

lets say a witch makes a curse or a spell all it is to me is a command to a being in an other dimension/lever/world such as a demon that can not be seen to do.

if she tells an object to move in a form of a spell and the object were to move it would look like magic because we are not seeing that demon move it but we heard the witch telling it to move....

we are made of three parts and we all live in this same world...

just like there is things you cant hear because your ear cant pick them up thee is things that our eye cant pick up...

the eye is amazing by the way...its lets us seee things but like the brain we might not be using it to its full power and the ear too...

[This message has been edited by xyz (edited July 08, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2000 10:32 pm     Reply with quote
okay I think that it's a bounch of crap okay... to each his own.
We are no more than bags of water, talking monkeys.
I can see from both view points... the mind is more powerful than we know. Curses are caused by the mind. Say someone tells you they put a curse on you and you'll be sick in a few days... if you worry about it so much you'll make yourself sick. Ok try this just sit down and think really hard that you've been shot in the leg, treat it like it was, and you will feel a kind of pain.
And about you saying that the ears and the eyes don't pick up things, you are wrong they pick up everything it's just a syblimanal (sp) message, but it is picked up and the mind does "see" it just doesn't tell you it has, and we do use the whole mind maybe just to carry messages, but it is used maybe not much.

I'm not taking sides but dang anyone who's taking science and/or psychology knows these things.

The world is a blank sheet of paper it is our mind the perseves the writing.

What the Hell is bothering me?
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psi burn

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2000 8:31 am     Reply with quote
thats pretty much what i think jabber, i dont believe theres anything in the world that we cant see. if we cant hear it, see it, smell it, or pick it up with a radar (etc), it doesnt exist.

its called the power of persuasion. its when your mind believes something so strongly, it causes it to happen on your body. like jabber said, if you believed you got shot so strongly, im not saying a bullet would go through your leg, but you'd think you're feeling pain.

its the same thing as anorexic women. they see themselves fat, yet they're quite bony. their minds are telling them they are fat, therefore they see themselves fat.

there are no such things as demons, and anyone who says someone was possessed by a demon, it was merely because their mind was telling them crazy stuff that wasnt true.
that person was either mentally retarded or just cracked temporarily. no spirit can possess us. nothing can inhabit our brains.

oh, btw, i saw your "3.2.1" quote, heh. a fan of Family Matters?

[This message has been edited by psi burn (edited July 09, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2000 9:03 am     Reply with quote
psssst. believe in love. it'll get you farther than j.h.christ / *whatever deity/equivalent you hold* .

the not so resident caustic bitch, and the owls turned back the way they are.. even the foos ain't trippin' no more. 35983387 / [email protected]
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2000 6:21 pm     Reply with quote
No never watched the show... had a friend that always said it... kinda stuck.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2000 9:45 pm     Reply with quote
I'm going to take sides. My head hurts whenever I see people using a very narrow conception of what constitutes "science" to chip away at someone's spiritual beliefs.

I'm not a Christian, or a follower of any other easily identifiable form of religion, but I do believe that there are experiences or phenomena that fall outside of what we can see, hear, pick up on radar etc.

PSI, if your argument was followed to its logical conclusion, then we'd also have to discount things like love, happiness, wellbeing, and so on. These are all powerful elements within our lives. We all feel them. We know they're real. But we can't see, touch or 'prove' them in any way. And in the same way, we can't 'prove' mystical experiences. But they are and still remain a fundamental element of the human condition. Science, however, chooses to ignore/denigrate these profound, but less tangible aspects of human life, and along with them, one of our most basic motivations-the search of meaning. To me, that what xyz's post is about-a need for insight into a powerful experience. Where science is largely silent about this sort of thing, he's turned to his faith for answers. While I might not agree with the details of xyz's explanation, I don't see anything wrong with looking at alternative ideas. Science (just like religion) doesn't have a monopoly on 'truth'.


PSI, I hope this doesn't sound like a flame. I just putting forward another point of view. And I'm bit tired, so if I sound disrespectful or anything, accept my apologies in advance ).
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psi burn

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 2:27 pm     Reply with quote
no offense taken at all, however, those feelings of love, etc, are just caused by the electrical impulses in our brain. no mystery or magic behind it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 2:46 pm     Reply with quote
Psi, you sound just like my neuropsyc lecturer. Ha,ha. I always hated going to see him about extensions etc., because he'd look at you like you were just a bunch of ambulatory chemical processes.

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