Anaeriel junior member
Member # Joined: 05 Aug 2003 Posts: 23 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 3:55 am |
I redone an old character of mine, which i made in february last year.
This is the new one, but still not finished.
and this is the old one
I would realy like to get some comments on this.
Greetz Max4d |
maxetormer member
Member # Joined: 14 Dec 2002 Posts: 259 Location: M�xico
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 2:32 am |
ok i see a lot of work here
you have potecial and you have a bold good intecioned shading
and a good style.
but i see somethings that i dont like, so i maked an over paint
because i think that in this kind of work, drawings speaks
better than words.
but before that, this are the things that boher me the most:
The neck does not seem capable of holding the head
The prespective-sence of bulk and some of the anatomy it is not very well.
There are two ways of getting the volumen on abject the "photografical way" meanig colors and shades, and the "bulk way" i mean you try to think in 3D not just on planes of black,white and gray, you need to make a good structure like the wire structure of a 3d rendering before applaying shading, becuase now your images are way to fare done to be able to chage something without waering out the resistance of the paper you used, i used to make like you complicated shading, with not all that much concern for construccion or anatomy and belive me it is very painfuul to spent hours of work shading somethign that does not has the proper 3d-wire structure.
My avise it is: spent more time on construccion, make as many small studies as you can before the final drawing-painting specially if you are using traditional media becuase there is no way to go back there,
(many times i have though of the Ctrl-z hot key while doing traditional media it really feels funy ya know =))
Keep the good work!!! keep drawing and hear only your heart, and you ill do fine =)
i dont have a way of remote link my stuff because i used to use the nestscape service but they do not allow that any more so this is the link to the over-paint i hope it helps =)
bw (should some one knows of a a way for me to up my stuff-remote-linking wise, ill be forever gratefful =) _________________ Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.Sorrow is the contrast of happines then sorrow is some how the esence of happiness + = |