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Topic : "sketch: chess horse and female" |
chaplin member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2003 Posts: 70 Location: Berkeley, CA
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 1:17 am |
No references used, which is why I need to double check the composition and anatomy of these two. Thanks for any comments.
Cheers! _________________ Chaplin |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 11:58 pm |
Okay, here goes. The girl first, since figures are deffinately my thing.
The eyes seem a bit too widely spaced, and are a bit too close to the side of the head. Also bring the hairline down some, there's a triangle on the left side of the picture of her face that is where the hair shoudl really go- unless she really is half bald. Decide where the jaw is. It should be the line just before the shaded bit, ie the shaded bit would be around her neck, not on her chin and jawline. The neck is too long and too wide. Witht he body type that she has, her neck should be thinner than the width of her head. Usually roid freaks are the ones with necks the same size or bigger. I always start the curve of the neck into the shoulder at about the chin line. Also, seen from dead on, like you have her, the bottom of the chin, to the start of her collarbone is the same distance as the middle of her eyes to her chin. Usually only works when looking at a person dead on. Also, the muscle on the sides of her neck I would only faintly draw in, and only strongly towards the collarbone.
the shoulders are really weird to me. The one on the left side of the picture is dislocated, because it's floating in space. In that position the shoulder muscle should be a lump starting at the end of the shadow of whatever she has slung over her shoulder. While I'm on that side of the body, the arm is way too long. The upper arm is roughly as long as your ribcage when it's in a relaxed, dangling position. basicially, end the arm where the lower flower is. Also, add a bit of meat to the area behind her ribcage on that side. She's missing the muschle that allows you to bring your arms to your side(I'm not a medical expert, I don't know muscle names, and I'm not bothering to look them up in grey's anatomy). Basicially just add a line from the stripe on that side to the cuff of the shirt on that side, and realize that it's still part of the body. The hand is a little long, and could do with some reference, even self-reference works well. The outher shoulder should have been drawn where the the little ghost image is within the body. Real shoulders aren't that short. The shoulder muscle itself attatches to the arm bone at roughly mid breast. Again the arm is too long, the elbow should be at roughly where the end of the ribs are, just a little higher, and her forearm is a little big, espescially for basicially dangling alongside her body.
Okay, if she's wearing a blouse, and not body paint, her breast shouldn't be that well defined. If you're trying to draw them like they do in the superhero comics, fine. But for a reality based drawing, realize that blouses are tight, but not nesessarily that tight. So the shape of the cloth on top of the form will tell you where the form is. The bottom of the breast isn't going to be that pronounced. It may be a slight shadow on the underside of the breast, but it probably won't be a solid line. Cloth usually srtetches between breasts, being the two tallest points on a chest and all. There are techniques women do use to change that, and for that I would pay attention in malls and stuff, or even on TV, or in magazines, etc. to see how the cleavage is exposed. Also, the breasts are sittling a little high, and are a little lopsided. Let them down a little. The chest is roughly the length of the head, so start there.
What I like about the midriff is the fact that you defined where her ribcage is. What it does is gives us a reference to give her curves, or figure out where the curves should go. There is only a couple of things I see wrong with the midriff area down. If the lines on either side of her belley button is her abs, then you have them too close to the middle. The outside edge of the abs should be half the distance from the current lines, to the edge of the figure. They should also just be lightly indicated. The crotch is a little too low. Think of how a tow piece bikini sits on a swimsuit model. The top band of the panty goes just over her hips, and the bottom goes into her crotch, forming a triangle between her hips and her crotch. The same goes here.
Hip wise we need some work. In the pose that she is currently in, all the wieght of her body is centered on her leg on the left side of the picture, and since the other side isn't holding the weight, ti's naturally lower. But this means that the way the spine is curving, and the way the hips are pointed, all the curving going on will happen on the left side of the picture. Basicially draw in her hip as a single curving line from her ribcage, out over the hip, and down the leg. basicially the same shape as you have drawn between ribcage and hip on the other side. The other side of the body I would let her have more room for organs. Don't bring the waist in as much on this side. Remember, all the curves are happening ont eh other side of the picture. Basicially, if you can take what you have drawn on the forearm closest to the belleybutton, and duplicate it as the silhouette for that side of her figure, it should look great. And let the leg on the right side of the picture curve in a little more, just remember it stops curving after it has gone past the hip.
Now for the horse. Iw ant to know in how many point perspective is this supposed to be drawn it, cause from looking at the top of the head, there are about 4 lines I would expect to find parrelel to each other, but aren't and seem to dissappear into the corner of the image. If you're trying 3 point perspective, I wouldn't get too complicated too fast. trying drawing a ring in 3 point perspect. Just try it. It's hard. For now I would just try and figure out how I'm drawing the horse, and figure out which lines should be parrellel to one another. The overall shape and look so far is really good, so you are on the right track.
And if any one has problems with my crit of the figure, it's based on realistic proportions of figures. It's not based on style, or whatever. It's better to get down how to draw correctly before drawing crazily, just so that you have the knowledge of correctness to guide you.
Anyway, great pics, keep em coming and keep improving. |
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DeadbeaT member
Member # Joined: 18 May 2003 Posts: 97 Location: Norway
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 10:14 am |
whatever he said but seriously i love the face.. just work your clothing and anatomy. not much help here. just wantet to pop in and say that i luv that face. _________________ DeadbeaT was here |
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chaplin member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2003 Posts: 70 Location: Berkeley, CA
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 12:41 pm |
faeklone: wow -- thanks for the input. I'd figure I should learn those ratios well since it does make a huge difference. Most likely I will have to start a new but with the same pose and put all your suggestions into effect.
Do you have any anatomy sketches on a site? or would know of a good site with references for these things?
DeadbeaT: yeah her face is cute -- thanks for the comment _________________ Chaplin |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:46 pm |
Well, seeing as how it says you're from berkley on this thing, why don't you just practice by like going otut walking to an outdoor cafe or something with your sketchbook, and quickly sketch the people that walk by(I'm assuming it's warm down there in California). Going to a park, or the beach can work too. the beach espescialy(forgive me, I don't know if the beaches are open year round or not). There you get bikini clad beauties that show nearly everything you would get in a figure drawing class. You just need to work fast, or learn how to choose one position, and memorize as much of it as you can. If the person isn't moving, use your eyes more so than your imagination. Draw a couple of strokes, look up, figure out the realtionships youre setting up between each of the lines you know is on your page, and how it's going to define your figure, then keep drawing.
I don't think there's anything online, but I go across the occational Porn pic that is really well done. Don't dismiss porn, it's a good resource for drawing naked people, just it doesn't usually have very good poses to work with, and a little too provocative at times too. Just remember to look at any reference that you can and draw from it. magazines, newspapers, if a picture shows a kewl pose or something, keep it and draw from it.
And don't try and get everything online. Getting out and drawing form life, or even just noticing things about how people move or how they looks when walking down the malls also helps. File those things away for future reference.
All in all, keep drawing, cause the more you draw the better you will get. |
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