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Topic : "ANIME!" |
Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 3:07 pm |
Hey, there was a small discussion on anime under another post, so I decided to start one of its own.
I edited this message due to the responses below =(
[This message has been edited by Shrimpish (edited October 26, 1999).] |
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Alex junior member
Member # Joined: 23 Oct 1999 Posts: 44 Location: Toronto, Ontario, canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:03 pm |
gee.... how stupid do u have be to say something like this?
Alex D. G.
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Jerrid member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 66 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:15 pm |
Oh man, Think before you speak. Do you have a clue about how many artists I know that use an Anima/Manga style? Try a hell of a lot of people at the topcow message boards, and they all love both styles, American and Japanese. Do you seriously think that it is that easy to draw in a anime/manga style? How bout you go and try it, it is harder then it looks.
I think the the moderator on the topcow board and all the open minded and smart people had to tell the people that have no common sense to think before they speak a thousand times. I hope that this board doesn't turn into a complete disaster. Watch what you are saying, you offended not only me (even though I don't draw in a manga style that much), and all my friends.
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imdaking member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 321 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:24 pm |
True, anime takes alot of practice to do. Anime, is a cartoon, a japanese cartoon. I dunno(never been to japan) if they watch mickey mouse and some of the other complete and utter BULLSH** that we have in america, but if you go rent some anime movies, i recommend akira, and some others, not Pokemon, that is not my idea of anime either, then you will see. Go rent the good movies, that are 2 or so hours long and watch the whole thing and then tell me they have no talent, or skill what so ever.
imdaking |
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Optical member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 331 Location: Edmonton, Alberta , Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:29 pm |
yeah, watch *real* anime before you diss it punk. |
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Jerrid member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 66 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:32 pm |
Oh, and adding the King and I's posts. Go take a look at Battle Chasers (the comic). That is the best play on Manga/Anime I have ever seen. You go and pick up a Battle Chasers book and then tell me that Anime is easy and has only big eyes and pointy noses.
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:35 pm |
I'm sorry I don't like anime. I'll try harder.....
[This message has been edited by Shrimpish (edited October 26, 1999).] |
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:39 pm |
Here's a question:
What's the definition of it? |
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Optical member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 331 Location: Edmonton, Alberta , Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:39 pm |
what the hell are you talking about? look at akira fool. |
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Jerrid member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 66 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:44 pm |
1) Too MUCH freedom!? I have never really heard about TOO much freedom. Why is that a bad thing??
2) "Take to regular comic books out there, and compare: You can clearly distinguish the styles. As for Anime, there is just ONE style. You don't have to come up with your own." Is there more then 1 Japan? I didn't think so. Anime is exclusive to Japan, and I think it is great that their style has gotten so far.
3) You obviously are extremely single minded Marius. The reason that you havent heard of any Anime artists is because you most likely refuse to. I know tons of good Anime artists.
4) If you show an anime drawing, will I be able to pinpoint the artist? You are right, probably not. Do I live in Japan, am I japanese, do I draw in an Anime style? Nope. BUT, I bet that the Japanese could do it. We all (most of us) live in North America, so we know more about the american style. The Japanese are obviously going to know more about their style. It works both ways man.
Gg look at Robert DeJesus, Rob Hunter, Dragonfly, Joe Mad. Those are just a few of the anime artists I know on the net, excluding Joe Mad.
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Jerrid member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 66 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:46 pm |
Anime: It is the Japanese style. Cartoons, comics, movies, and graphic novels that are drawn and produced in Japan have an "Anime" style. It has just moved over the North America.
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:48 pm |
Thanks for all the "kind" esplanations. I'll give it a chance. |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 4:57 pm |
eww i've missed this cool thread! hehe
well i do dearly hate japanese/american anime, and wait wait! i hate comix too!
but hey.. i'm RUSSIAN for jesus christmases sake! Weeeeeeeeeee...
Russia is power. You dont agree --> we nuke you!
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Threnody junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 37
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 6:08 pm |
I hate Anime! It's too darn hard to draw, and have you ever tried to make an animation of an anime? It takes forever to make the character turn his/her head without losing proportions!
[For the sarcasm impared, this post wasn't serious. I love Anime (As long as I'm not the one drawing )]
[This message has been edited by Threnody (edited October 26, 1999).] |
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Alex junior member
Member # Joined: 23 Oct 1999 Posts: 44 Location: Toronto, Ontario, canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 6:24 pm |
Here is my 2 cents: Anime is not a cartoon style. Cartoon style is Disney. Anime is art. I just finished watching Ghost In The Shell. Let me tell for all those who hate anime. Each SINGLE frame in that movie is near the quality of Dhabih's pictures and amount of details is superb to any Dhabih's picture i've seen (not to offend you dude, in anyway).
Now, to all who hates anime, and likes to draw, i'd suggest to take their pencil, put it up, shine it nicely, AND STICK IT RIGHT INTO YOUR CANDY ASS, FREAKS!!!
Hey, Jerrid, what is this topcow you are reffering to?
BTW, speaking of good movies, can anyone suggest me something good, i'd say level of Ghost In The Shell? I really wanna see some more
Alex D. G.
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 6:48 pm |
EWWWWW that's plain nasty! and UMM anime sux and its always has something to do with showing HUGE eyes, microscopic noses, underwear and weird expressions like when someone is tired, ther' one huge water drop on his face.. EWW and they use it to make pr0n cartoons too! hehe well i guess i'm not getting my mechanics tutorial now =8-D
Russia is power. You dont agree --> we nuke you!
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Jerrid member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 66 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 6:49 pm |
Just tell'em that Jerrid sent ya. I know a lot of the guys there and they are all real cool. Got some awesome talent on the board too!
Oh, forgot.. Goto the "Creators Corner" message board. That is the one im talking about.
[This message has been edited by Jerrid (edited October 26, 1999).] |
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imdaking member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 321 Location: USA
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Jerrid member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 66 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 7:14 pm |
uhhh... well seeing as how I posted the url for the message board, just take out the cgi part of the URL. That would be... www.topcow.com.
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Doc Holliday member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 81 Location: NYC
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 7:47 pm |
Here's my 2 cents on the subject. I didnt read the post in question due to the edit, so im mostly responding to replies. Manga is beautiful, anime is great, Disney artists kicks ass (the suits are a different story). Both have alot to offer, to exclude one or the other is foolish. However copying for that sake of following the latest trendy style is even worst. If you copy someone you'll never be as good as the original, which is what alot artists seem to be doing. Damn am i awlways this grumpy  |
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 7:52 pm |
Gooo, Doc!!!!
Yea, tell them about it!
Hehehe... |
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Doc Holliday member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 81 Location: NYC
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 7:55 pm |
BTW if you trying real hard to make something look like someone else stuff ala. trying to draw the "manga" or "american" style you're already limiting yourself and not being yourself. BTW GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!
PS top cow comics suck ;P
[This message has been edited by Doc Holliday (edited October 26, 1999).] |
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Doc Holliday member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 81 Location: NYC
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 8:14 pm |
Ghost in the shell kicked ass too bad is so damn short I suggest you should check out Wings Of Honamse (im spelling it wrong)very nice film, one of the few films without a post-nuclear setting or Ninjas(not that theres anythig wrong with that . Also the guys behind Ghost in the Shell just finished a movie called JINRO, it should be in the import market soon if not already. |
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Grift junior member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 29 Location: New York, NY, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 9:08 pm |
Wow. What a heated discusion to get into as my first post on this board. Let me begin by saying that my main interests are in animation, so I guess in a way I'm a bit biased to the discussion. Anyone who hasn't had the chance to experience some of the better works in Japanese animation are really robbing themselves of a chance to see something that's 1) Professional to say the least, and 2) Probably on the most 'badass' expressions of modern cell animation you're going to find. Akira is a great film, GiTS is a great film ... but even more notably the are the works of Hayao Miyazaki. Miramax (a disney company) is releasing his latest film "Princess Mononoke" this month in a nationwide theatre release. If you can get a chance to see this work of art, do it...if not just to experience a wider ranger of art...don't shelter yourself to one style or one culture, you just wind up smothering your work. Nausicaa is another classic of his...almost a must see. There are plenty of great movies, original videos, and comics that I would recomend, but his are among the best.
As for Disney, don't snuff out their work as BS. I sorta feel bad for their art direction, because I'll agree that it sorta sucks. I think they're probably one of the most talented animation studios in the world, if not the most ... but their creativity seems to be blocked out on almost every level and every project through corporate control and whatnot. It's ashame, but their animators and artists are still very, very good...I just don't think they're the best story tellers out there.
And if you think American comic artwork is BS, go pick up a copy of Frank Millers "Sin City" ... or countless other modern american stories.
[email protected] |
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TurboYVR member
Member # Joined: 24 Oct 1999 Posts: 189 Location: Vancouver BC Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 10:10 pm |
As an artist and an avid comic reader, I respect both styles of drawing - anime and "american". Each is distinctive, and that's to be expected, with two seperate cultures both drawing and creating comics! Frist of all, for the uninitiated :
Anime - japanese animated shows/movies
Manga - japanese comics
Hentai - anime/manga for *cough* adults *wink wink nudge nudge*
And I know many ignorant people who claim anime is only good for cutesy or porn... its like saying all american cartooning is either like South Park or Penthouse Comixxx. Unlike the american market, comics in japan have always been geared to all ages, as opposed to only children. My favourite anime movies are GitS, Akira, Slayer, and the Ninja Scroll series, and all are fantastic. Japanese anime has always been lightyears ahead of american cartoons ; they use advanced cinematic effects and colours and techniques that we are only beginning to see over here in the later Disney movies. Ghost in the Shell is a hell of a good example.huge sweeping camera pans, incredible detail, effective use of colour to establish mood.. when was the last time you saw that in American cartoons? And just as many american artists borrow their styles from other artists ; Todd McFarlane rips from many notable artists, and my god, do I even need to count the number of comic artists who copy or emulate Jim Lee?!? And as for not being able to distinguish anime styles, yes you can. I can easily tell between the clean cartoony look of Adam Warren's manga, and Hisao Tomaki's more evocative work, even though its very similair. and dark, serious, style of Shin-ichi Hiromoto. And this is just from the Classic Star Wars manga collection! There are many styles within anime... Look at GitS and Pokemon. Helluva difference. No damn tear drops or exagerrated expressions in GitS, for instance. Its geared for a difference audience, so they use different techniques. We do the same in our saturday morning cartoons.
<gasps for breath> okay, I'm done for now. |
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Element junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 4 Location: Los Angeles, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 1999 11:31 pm |
Ghost in the Shell was cool! If you liked that, I'm sure you'd like NINJA SCROLL -- awesome Anime! |
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Dhabih Administrator
Member # Joined: 13 Sep 1999 Posts: 532 Location: Kirkland, WA, U.S.A.
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 1999 12:10 am |
I've only seen akira and ghost in the shell. it was super cool
here is what i still wanna see:
patlabor, macross +, ninja scroll.....uhm...forgot the others that were recommended by friends.
which anime out there has the absolute best eyepopping, jaw dropping animation around?
akira was pretty damn cool in parts, anyone know of others? |
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Leo member
Member # Joined: 24 Oct 1999 Posts: 328 Location: Russia
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 1999 1:07 am |
Hey! I saw Ghost in the Shell a few days ago.
Nice 2D & 3D mixes and titles remind me "The Matrix" movie. Also in anime you may found some very interesting tricks... for example motion effect. And much more .
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Kusanhagi junior member
Member # Joined: 23 Oct 1999 Posts: 42 Location: Dallas, TX
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 1999 1:43 am |
Since I run Anime Extreme, and in the last year have had to watch over 200 anime's for the site index I am creating, I wanted to give you all a good list to look at before swearing off Anime.
Anime is actualy more like Hollywood, than a genre. You see anime has many many types of movies, and while they are all animated, they all are very different. If you want to judge anime as a whole and say "I hate anime" or "Anime sucks" fine, but don't do it without really delving into what anime really is, by seeing one or two things and then forming an opinion.
Action/Drama: Ghost in the Shell, Bubblegum Crisis, AD Police, Golgo 13, Cyber City Oedo, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Neo Genesis Evangelion, Gunsmith Cats
Comedy: Ranma 1/2, Dragon Half, Project A-ko, Burn Up/Burn Up Warrior
Fantasy: Record of Lodoss War, Slayers, Final Fantasy
Anyways, those movie are all so different, that I can't belive anyone who hasn't sampled a large number of those could say they "Hate Anime" You wouldnt know what anime was.............
Kusanhagi |
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Wed Oct 27, 1999 2:40 am |
People that posted anti-anime stuff on here are cool with the content of it. The only thing that bugs some of us is that anime is a style that a bunch of different artists use. And it HAS to be that style to be called ANIME.
The other thing is that Anime is NOT strictly Japanese Animation. If Americans (as it is sometimes the case) put together a movie in the Anime style, it would still be ANIME.
The actual definition of it kinda fades in between Japanese art and the style that it describes.
If I draw a guy that has huge eyes, small nose and mouth, super long legs and huge hair it's automatically Anime. (?)
I'm not sure if I'm being clear enough...Ugh... |
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