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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 12:19 pm |
What is this?
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NeoFun member
Member # Joined: 12 Oct 2000 Posts: 263 Location: California
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 12:33 pm |
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fshock member
Member # Joined: 05 Apr 2001 Posts: 86 Location: Faust`s rectum
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 2:21 pm |
Its God almighty himself coming down from the heavens to destroy 2 of my 5 personalities?
fotoshock |
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Dude member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 144
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 2:28 pm |
Flamewar--->BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!!!!!!!
Athiests unite!!!!!!!! WHo's with ME?
*translation-->is anyone else here an athiest?* |
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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 2:56 pm |
I am and I drew the was an experiment.
You bring up a good point Dude and I am comend your bravery. It is a hard thing in this day and age to pronouce yourself an athiest. It makes religious people uncomfortable.
I think that is a big problem with athiests...they don't unite. Not like religions like christianity and judiasm. We don't have anywhere to go and congregate and we don't recruit people like the above mentioned religions. It keeps us weak and we don't have a real voice in the world. When in all fairness I think our voice would be one of the most logical and thoughtful.
Just because you don't beleive in god dosen't make you a bad person. That is what religious people are taught. I know in my case I think it makes me a better person. My thoughts are not weighed down in superstition.
And for all the people out there who are going to flame me for this. Before you do and I know you want to. Calm down and ask yourself this one question.
Out of all the religions in the world ( at least 20,000 diffrent ones ) what makes your right? All those religions can't be right can they? Is there just one right religion? Maybe if all those other religions are wrong...yours might be to. Is there a chance? it's okay to think. Think for yourself and try not to think about what other people in your religion have told you. Just a thought.
If someone of you are wondering what I beleive in. I believe in myself. I don't think anyone on earth really knows who god is and what he wants. He is many things to many diffrent people all over the world. I think people the word god to push there own agenda on what they think is right and wrong. I don't think that is right. Weither god exists or not I don't know. But I do know that no one on earth really knows either. I beleive in myself. |
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Brainswitch member
Member # Joined: 11 Apr 2001 Posts: 112 Location: Maine, USA
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 3:41 pm |
You bring up a good point. I think god was created in the absence if science becuase man needed an explanation for life itself and all its mysteries. Perhaps it was out of the fear that there could be no "meaning of life", or that after death, there is nothing, no second chance, no relief or grand reward for the hardships which many people are forced to endure throughout their whole life.
I do however, believe that there is some greater power that we are a part of and dont realize it. I'm not saying something divine or all powerful. Just something that is completely beyond our comprehention. Like trying to explain nuclear power to an ant.
Anyway, thats just what I think. Im not trying to make any enemies. I'm not trying to get you to believe my view point. Just expressing my thoughts. |
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Dude member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 144
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 3:44 pm |
*YeeeaahhhH!* pours fourth the uproar from a nearby crowd, as a mob of religion bearing folk draw near.
*pics up a piece of logic that was lying on the ground and stands in front of nickmarksdotcom in preperation for the oncomming barrage of thought prevoking discussion*
But seriously, one other thing that always happens when I tell people that I'm athiest is that they shoot back the prhase "prove evolution! or prove the big bang theory! But the thing is that I don't really care about that either, all I concern myself with is logic, as it pertains to the situation at hand. And pushing the point of multiple religions, many religions state that they are the only god, now debate that my friends! It seems pretty contradictory to me, if you all believe all religion is true and some religions state only 1 god exists that is a paradox people, something is wrong there! And why do you base your judgements and life on things like that which you have learned, think about this if you believe in reincarnation and are born in your next life somewhere else into a differnt religion and become religion B you are learning something of which is decided upon to which place in the world you are born, THINK ABOUT THAT...depending on where your born, your religion would have been different, does that make any sense? No...anyway I don't think people should reply to this with anything negative, if it bothers you just turn around and head the other way
* Oh by the way I don't want any enemies either and I'm also not trying to change your point of view, just sharing mine
[This message has been edited by Dude (edited April 15, 2001).] |
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milesg junior member
Member # Joined: 02 Feb 2001 Posts: 15 Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA,
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 4:02 pm |
*Addresses: nickmarksdotcom, Dude, and Brainswitch*....
Right On! I agree completely.
Miles |
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Darklighter member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 223 Location: L.A,CA
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 4:24 pm |
a�the�ist (th-st) n.
One that disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.
just like you can't prove that a god exists, you can't prove that one doesn't exist either.... my take on it is that i just don't give a shit.... i'm not gonna take a stance on the subject, because either way, i can't prove anything....
"Weither god exists or not I don't know"
then you're not an atheists.... and whoever said that there is only ONE god? i like the greek mythology, sounds more plausible to me, must be pretty lonely just being the ONLY god.... |
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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 4:33 pm |
Your right Darklighter. What you believe is called Agnostic. I think of myself as one of those too. Go figure.
I will comment on everyone else's words after I have some dinner. |
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Dude member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 144
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 4:53 pm |
That's how I feel to, I just don't care, I just thought we were discussing the whole religion thing, i could care less about any of it but well were on the topic etc....and about only one god I was refering to the specific religions which state that there is only one god, I was not stating that people believe there is only one god.
And you remind me of a good point I have been telling people that exact same thing, that I'm not an athiest but they just say I am and thats why I refer to myself as that but now that I know the defination I not it is not so...anyways more for later
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Darklighter member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 223 Location: L.A,CA
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 5:17 pm |
it's not that i don't care, i just can't take sides, i just observe and laugh.... there's nothing wrong with ppl having spiritual values, i judge them by who they are.... if they're cool with my being agnostic, that makes them cool in my book.... if they're gonna start an argument about their religion every day trying to prove that they're right, they can kiss my ass....
there's this guy on 3rd street promdenade preaching and always attracting the biggest crowds, trying to convince them that they have to embrace god or burn in hell... haha, it's funny, i take breaks from work right on the balcony above and watch his stupidass daring people to start an argument with him.... funny thing is, most people win, and the only retort his ass can muster is "well, then you're a sinner and you're gonna burn in hell for eternity"....
it's just so annoying that i can't even take breaks anymore, sometimes i wonna just jump down right on top of his ass.... haha, oh well, nuff ranting |
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shahar2k member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 867 Location: Oak Park CA USA
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 5:30 pm |
well, here's the thing, by some eastern religion (I think it's Taoism) the very action of saying "there is a god" would in turn confirm that there is an argument against it
I say there IS nothing, but faith is by definition blind, and does not limit itself to what there is and isnt.
here, it's an interesting site about religion I'd like to see what everyone's results are....
real short survay
Maybe I'm paranoid... maybe it's you! |
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Dude member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 144
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 5:34 pm |
I sorta know what you mean, when I was younger there was this freaky old lady who always used to walk around and praise god, she was probably about age dead and wore a neck brace, threw fliers all over the place and tried to talk to little kids who took it the wrong way, she talked to her self also
anyway whenever a cristian learns that I'm not one of them they tell that I will burn in hell!?
I think I phrased it wrong earlier It's not really like I don't care but more like how you phrased it
[This message has been edited by Dude (edited April 15, 2001).] |
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Dude member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 144
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 5:41 pm |
Atheist/ to learn more (score=100)
Humanist to learn more (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist to learn more (score=92)
[This message has been edited by Dude (edited April 15, 2001).] |
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travis travis member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2001 Posts: 437 Location: CT, USA
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 5:54 pm |
quote: Originally posted by nickmarksdotcom:
You bring up a good point Dude and I am comend your bravery. It is a hard thing in this day and age to pronouce yourself an athiest. It makes religious people uncomfortable.
It's hard to pronounce yourself as anything actually, believe me there are plenty of religous and self-seeking people who don't want to make athiests uncomfortable. Some of you guys here seem to equate any spiritual interest with fundamentalism -- but I assure you there are many simply spiritual people out there who aren't crazy follower-types but have seen and felt life in a different way then the purely logical. |
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Dude member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 144
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 6:07 pm |
Maybe this isn't going to come out right but here goes nothing:
Now I used to be a full fledged christian, this is SErisouly true until one point where my teachers explained some theories to me and from then on I was like stuff that doesn't add up or logic and of course i've been with logic ever since. It's sorta like when you find out that the easter bunny isn't real you can't just go back and believe in it again, just like I will never ever believe in god again because there is no need, I don't need it for my life to me it is just like a fable, something to be acknowledged as something that some people believe and I will not dis it try to prove that its not true but nor will I praise it, and I do not argue either about the real way that the earth was created either that is a whole 'nother thing |
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Slicer member
Member # Joined: 03 Mar 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Sala, Sweden
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 7:14 am |
I think where a little bit undefined on some things. Like what is the difference between an angel and a god? Where is the line? What IS a god? First we must all try and use a sort of standard definition of what each thing is. Then we can start to think about what is what and if it does or doesn't exist. |
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EviLToYLeT member
Member # Joined: 09 Aug 2000 Posts: 1216 Location: CA, USA
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 7:50 am |
Ummm..... that's a lot of analysis. Anyway, In my opinion, religion is a fallacy. I'm athiest by the way. Thing shappen just because....
But hey, if religion makes bad people good, I opt for it  |
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Jason member
Member # Joined: 06 Feb 2001 Posts: 180 Location: Eugene Or
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 8:58 am |
Ok now is the time to see if these modirators are doing there job. Can this thread or at least move it to another section under discustions or something. |
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