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Author   Topic : "How does a tablet work?"
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:57 pm     Reply with quote
I know that a tablet is a tablet attached to your computer and that you "draw" on it with a special pen, but that's all I know about it. That's why I'd like to ask you guys some questions.

Are you supposed to have it tilted when you draw? I noticed that Wacom's site mentioned a tilt range for their tablets.

Should the aspect ratio of the tablet correspond to the monitor's aspect ratio?

Does the painting program start drawing at where the cursor is when you use the pen? Can you use the mouse in conjunction with the pen? That is, draw something, stop and scroll the picture in a direction with the mouse, and then continue drawing from there. Can you move the cursor with the pen without drawing?

Is the eraser that's on some pens just a quick way to erase so you don't have to select the erase tool in the painting program?

If you took the pen off the tablet and touched another part of the tablet, would the cursor on the computer move to that spot?

How does the tablet represent the picture? Does the whole tablet represent the whole picture, or just whatever region you are looking at?

If you zoom into a picture, do pen strokes still appear the same as when zoomed out? Like if I did a one inch pen stroke at one zoom, and then did the same stroke when zoomed in closer, would the painting program create the same sized stroke as when you were at the previous zoom?

Besides Wacom, what other brands are there?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 10:51 pm     Reply with quote
Originally posted by mtw:

Are you supposed to have it tilted when you draw? I noticed that Wacom's site mentioned a tilt range for their tablets.

**The tilt can be used to control any number of features in the brushes. I usually leave it turned off. You draw however is natural to you.**

Should the aspect ratio of the tablet correspond to the monitor's aspect ratio?

**Usually does, unless you have a wide format monitor**

Does the painting program start drawing at where the cursor is when you use the pen?

**Yes, the tablet surface corresponds to the monitor, so if you place the pen in the top right, the cursor appears on the top right of the monitor**

Can you use the mouse in conjunction with the pen? That is, draw something, stop and scroll the picture in a direction with the mouse, and then continue drawing from there.

**Yes, but you can't use both simultaneously**

Can you move the cursor with the pen without drawing?

**Yes, just don't touch the pen tip to the tablet surface(or don't push down)**

Is the eraser that's on some pens just a quick way to erase so you don't have to select the erase tool in the painting program?

**Yup, pretty much**

If you took the pen off the tablet and touched another part of the tablet, would the cursor on the computer move to that spot?


How does the tablet represent the picture? Does the whole tablet represent the whole picture, or just whatever region you are looking at?

**The whole tablet represents the whole screen, not the whole picture.**

If you zoom into a picture, do pen strokes still appear the same as when zoomed out? Like if I did a one inch pen stroke at one zoom, and then did the same stroke when zoomed in closer, would the painting program create the same sized stroke as when you were at the previous zoom?

**see above, the tablet corresponds to the monitor, not the individual image**

Besides Wacom, what other brands are there?

**Doesn't matter**

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:37 am     Reply with quote
TheY woRK WiTH EleCtRiCItY!

... it's actually amazing!

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 3:00 am     Reply with quote
Wacom Tablets uses an electrostatic pad which is displayed in a grid under the surface (this is why Wacom pens don't have batteries), the pen nib is made of nylon and has a coil inside the pen, as you apply pressure the coil compresses and the information is sent back down in2 the pad giving the feedback needed to give you ur different strokes..

remember never leave magnetic storage on ur pad when its on, or ur find that after pro-longed exposure will cause data loss ..
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 2:27 pm     Reply with quote
Thanks for the answers. Now they're not as mysterious to me.
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