exo13 member
Member # Joined: 31 May 2001 Posts: 243
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 8:49 pm |
I was just wondering about some real basic shading and coloring methods you all use. I, right now, am sort at conflict. I've always done plain and simple line art on a shadow map layer in painter, and the color layer underneith with shading and lighting included all on that. Usually when shading I'd just make darker varient of the color I'm shading over and then go at it.
Recently I've tried doing all but the lighting on a sepperate Black and white shadow map. The result looks something like the black and white version of what I did in my "Playful little scamp" post in the wip section. Then, I just applied simple flat colors underneith like I did with the colored version of the same image. Do you think this is working when compared to some of previous images? I'm not sure at all. My main worry is losing color depth by making it filter through the black.
Really, any imput at all would be very helpful.
[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: exo13 ] |