Grumblefish junior member
Member # Joined: 15 Jul 2001 Posts: 2
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 3:05 am |
Well i saw this picture ages ago( it didnt seem to do anything out of the ordinary except look spooky, except last night i came home and viewed the picture yet again and looked at various sites that had close ups and stuff.
The whole time my eyes where crying while i didnt realy noticed and continued using the computer as per usual with windows open dedicated to other stuff like etc. At about 2 am and having viewed the picture for an hour or two, i had an overwhelming urge to draw several paintings of my own, which both seemed to follow the series. I also seemed to understand the picture at that point in time as well, there is actualy a person missing in it.
Anyway i cant paint or draw for shite so obviously i didnt not act on this urge and did not draw the three pictures, except i have perfect images of them in my head. The first that came to me was "Tears Fail To Taint" and has a boy (didnt seem to look alot like the child, was older) looking upset as if hes in tears, except the face is shown to be perfectly dry and not a drop of water in his eyes. The wall behind him has drab brown wallpaper, and is slightly distorted with water running down it, making it appear as if tears are running down everything but the boy.
The second I thought of was titled "Cliffs drop for him" and had a picture of a man in a suit, walking across an old fashioned city using only a slightly brown tinted black and white color base. Except the city has a huge hole in it as if a earthquake had split the picture into two islands, but everything else is normal and no one is taking any notice of the giant crevice. The man in this picture has one foot on the left side of the crevice, his leg bent at the knee, while the other leg is over the edge - except it is misproportioned and stretching all the way down to the bottom of the painting, and the crevice goes underneath the city which would apear to be floating or held up by something off the side.
The man is wearing a pinstripe suit with a briefcase and he is looking slightly upwards with his head tilted in our direction so you can see his face. His eyes are actualy slightly sunken into his head so you can see the eye socket. No one takes any notice of him and it would appear to be a classic city setup except for the obvious crevis.
The third picture that came to me actualy stared the original cast from the "hands resist him" picture, including the man who is missing. The boy has no hands in this picture and is turned to face the man who is facing him on his left. The boy has outstreched his arms, and his stumps (no blood, but you can see the raw meat) are touching the mans hands, the man has his arms outstretched as well and it is as if they are pushing against each other. The man does not look like anything out of the ordinary, and is wearing normal clothing, although with the same brown overtones. Between the two is a huge Mouth facing the boy, the mouth looks like a sharks mouth without the head (closer to the mouth of a gulper eel actualy, those deep sea things) and has feathers connected to chains coming off of it. The mouth is open in the direction of the child but is slightly closer to the man, both the child and the man do not appear to acknowledge the mouths presence, although it has giant teeth and looks extremely menacing.
The child/doll is still in this picture, and is not actualy a doll anymore. She isnt a child either in the original picture, nor in this picture. It is actualy a lady who looks about 30-40, except extremely short and chubby. The battery is no longer clenched to her chest, instead she holds it at her side - letting it dangle carelessly by its cords. It is obvious this was before her doll persona, as she appears happy and complete, without a need for the battery. I never had a name for this painting, and i fell asleep shortly after completing the picture in my head.
So in closing it would appear that this painting is part of an incomplete set. And it makes me cry for some crap reason except not realy crying, just everything normal except for THE FACT MY STUPID EYES ARE WATERY. stupid picture. Who would like to be a nice person and draw my pictures? pretty please? i unfortunetly am unable to do so, i have the drawing ability of a 5 year old
If anyone does want to draw these pictures, i can go into more detail on the one/s you chose. |