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Topic : "Grendel" |
Nomadik member
Member # Joined: 27 Mar 2000 Posts: 62 Location: Spokane, WA USA
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2000 10:04 pm |
Im working on a battle pic between the evil Grendel and Beowulf.. Beowulf was frustrating me, so I drew the Grendel.. What do you all think so far?
This will be interesting...
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Seph|roth member
Member # Joined: 07 Sep 2000 Posts: 261 Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2000 10:16 pm |
well the most obvious problem in there is his left hand. its not well positioned. You also mentionned that its gonna be a battle, where are you planning on putting his adversary ? I also think it lacks a lil fluidity, try doing multiples fast sketches until you reach a satisfactory result.
You have a good start though.
- Seph -
Listen Without Prejudice |
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PaK-RaT member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2000 Posts: 135 Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2000 10:29 pm |
Something i do like is the overlapping lines, you have a good grasp of which shapes are in front of one another...i think you should use that as a starting point to improving the drawing...think about:
1)what will be the final elements in the coposition, how should it look?
*do some quick sketches no more then 4x4 inches about where you are going to place the figures and what you want the viewer to be looking at, play with these quick sketches till u have something u however many u want till u get what u are looking for out of the idea, a good idea is to keep these skecthes quick and fast...they are just blueprints for the final, keep them down to 5 mins per sketch..that way u get to explore lots of ideas AND most importantly u dont get too attached to your drawings that u make..i mean, u can draw an AWESOME figure but if it doesnt do what u need it to do copositionally u have wasted your time.
if u need some help, gimmie a buzz on icq:
31047620, i'd love to be of more help if i can *wink* |
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Nomadik member
Member # Joined: 27 Mar 2000 Posts: 62 Location: Spokane, WA USA
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2000 11:18 pm |
Here are some rough draft scenes that im working on for the image..
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Grendel Khan member
Member # Joined: 17 Aug 2000 Posts: 217 Location: Barcelona
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 5:03 am |
Hmmm, you say that you drew the Grendel, but that's not the Grendel I know?! Either this is Argent or I don't even know where my nickname comes from ... Are you refering to Matt Wagner's comics?
About the drawing, maybe it would be better to draw the caracters slightly from the side, so the faces of both of them could be seen. Just my 2 cents.
Hope I helped.
/*EDIT: Deleted the image, not really related to the topic. */
Bleed the Freak
[This message has been edited by Grendel Khan (edited September 16, 2000).] |
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Sc00p member
Member # Joined: 08 Nov 1999 Posts: 210 Location: Ottawa, ON. Canada
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 7:03 am |
No, he is referring to the grendel monster in the novel "Beowulf". Also where the name for DC comic's Grendel character came from. Almost nothing done in the 20th century is original, its all about the classics.
Hey, I hear that a Beowulf movie starring Christopher Lambert will be out this October, weee!
Rene Antunes
[email protected]
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Grendel Khan member
Member # Joined: 17 Aug 2000 Posts: 217 Location: Barcelona
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 7:57 am |
I'm so ignorant...  |
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Nomadik member
Member # Joined: 27 Mar 2000 Posts: 62 Location: Spokane, WA USA
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 8:08 am |
The reason I have the Grendel's back towards the audience is to give a sort of sense of mystery.. If you read the story of Beowulf, the Grendel is never really depicted... This still gives the audience a chance to make their own Grendel in their heads. Hey Grendel Kahn, you should pick up the book. Its not that big.. Its a big epic of the life of Beowulf, and his adventures as being the king of the Danes.
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Kenzo Tanaka member
Member # Joined: 24 Jul 2000 Posts: 58 Location: NoCal
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 8:11 am |
Grendel: Maybe, but your smart enough to read Matt Wagner's stuff, and it kicks a#$!!
The original Grendel comes from the epic poem Beowulf. You can probably find it at your local library. |
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Grendel Khan member
Member # Joined: 17 Aug 2000 Posts: 217 Location: Barcelona
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RobW junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Aug 2000 Posts: 5 Location: LA . CA . USA
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 2:43 pm |
holy shit i just read that part of beowulf where grendel gets messed up for school, the kennings in the book are starting to get on my nerves though |
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 3:21 pm |
Ok people....first let's get some things straight about Grendel. I hope all of u have read garners...or whatevers version of the book called GRENDEL. It is considered one of the most intriguing and complicated pieces of lit written. It depicts the life of Grendel, but in it are SOOO many paradoxes that ur brain uterly gets friend.
You see, it's a deceptivly simple plot of Grendel and his life hunting the people, with his mother, and the dragon up until his death when beowulf rips his arm off.
The thing is, (i cant examplain it its so complicated). Grendel is actually a modern day humanish creature existing in a 6th century world. So 1) There fore he doesnt exist since his 20th century ind has not been created. Secondly, Grendel throughout the book listens to villagers singing excerpts from Beowulf....but how can the villagers be singing about beowulf if beowulf hadnt already come there and killed grendel. So
2)....Grendel is already dead listening to people sing about his death and beowulf.
So in conclusion...the question is...what is Grendel. Though depicted many ways as a human beast, in the old book of beowulf he is essentailly that. But in the new lit version, which is pretty much ocnsidered the ongoing saga, just not sum shit add on, grendel is
Therefore, you cannot depict Grendel, because he is everything and nothing, twisted between time and different egos.
U probably don't get the book..."GRENDEL"
its a short read (147 i think), but a damn fine book. That's post modernism for u. And if you want to see what grendel REAALLY looks like....look at the chapter pages in the book. THAT IS GRENDEL...the only way one can depict him.
PHEW! nice try on the pic though
sorry for rambling. |
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Flexible Elf member
Member # Joined: 01 Aug 2000 Posts: 642 Location: Parker, CO
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 9:40 pm |
I would say just depict him however you want... you're an artist... take license.
that's what's fun about being an artist!
-Flexible Elf |
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Flexible Elf member
Member # Joined: 01 Aug 2000 Posts: 642 Location: Parker, CO
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2000 9:40 pm |
DOh... double post
[This message has been edited by Flexible Elf (edited September 16, 2000).] |
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Nomadik member
Member # Joined: 27 Mar 2000 Posts: 62 Location: Spokane, WA USA
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2000 7:25 pm |
I'm really trying to make a great scene for this, so while I'm working out all the details, I made a dumb little pic from an earlier sketch of the grendel.
-Jesse |
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