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Author   Topic : "Why is it that we are afraid?"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 10:17 am     Reply with quote
I accidentally stumbled upon a site which showed gruesome crime scene photos. Bloody murders, torn apart bodies and severed limbs/heads. It wasn't particularly pleasing.

I don't understand how a person can inflict these kinds of things upon other human beings. They say there is a reason for everything. These killers were once five year old children, what causes a person to be born as a small baby, then later in their life they become monsters who tear apart the flesh of other people!? They don't just shoot their victims in the head, they do all sorts of ritualistic deep cuttings in the body. A picture I saw was of a person in a bathtub, half filled with water (the water was red). The legs were missing from halfway down the thighs. The body was covered in very deep cuts, exposing a few unrecognisable internal organs. It was awful.

What makes me afraid of it? Why does my heart beat fast and my blood run cold? My stomache flutters. How can people do this, and why am I so concerned? What makes me different to the killers? Why do they have the desire to mutilate human bodies and I do not?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 1:11 pm     Reply with quote
I don't think that stuff causes violence. Lack of self-control, maybe, and certainly mental issues. And the way violence is idealized these days...


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 3:19 pm     Reply with quote
ahh violence has always been idealised (well, for a long time anyway)

And we used to gather people around to watch it for real; they jeered and clapped.
Little has changed, except we do it pretend more than for real these days (in the western world anyway)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 4:52 pm     Reply with quote
There are many reasons why these people do these things. There is a belief I once heard of. I'm not sure what it is exactly. But someone believed that all children are born equal. All born the same. As they grow up, there surroundings, influences, environment all shape the individual that is created in the end.

So perhaps these ppl had a bad childhood, if they didn't, perhaps they have a serious mental condition. I would think that we're all afraid of it because we all feel so safe living in our own little world. So when we are exposed to something so brutal, so inhuman and so REAL, it shocks us. It bursts that ever so delicate safety bubble that we have created and it opens our eyes.

Sure, the news and things like that show us the real world, but we are so used to it that it is easily dissmissed. Something as digusting and BLATANT as this is just too horifying to dissmiss.
And, well, if someone can just ignore it (doesn't affect you at all), I'm afraid that person has been de sensitised to such a point that they just don't care when a body has been sliced up. That's when psychos are born. Well, not straight away, but if they continue like that and thrive on violence, one day someone will push them over the line and BAM! A few dead bodies here and there.

I hate the reality of this world, and that's only the beginning of it. I can't even imagine being able to relate to all the suffering in this world because once again, here I am in my own little safety bubble and one day something will come along and burst it...

-Jason :)


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Giant Hamster

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 5:21 pm     Reply with quote
you want an answer? i have the answer. you want to know why i have an answer? its cause i am a sick sadistic bastard that would kill someone on the turn of a dime...the only reason i dont is i have self-control.

why people kill: its intresting. it may not be entirely pleasing, but it is interesting. a known fact is that if someone says something to themselves enough times, its the truth to them. so you tell yourself whats right and its now your new religion.

games/tv/violence doesnt make poeple get violent themselves. its their lack of self control. you are the only person that can make you do something. no one can ever force you to do something. they can only suggest. video games dont make people kill, people just have their heads stuck so far up their asses that they cant take responsibility or blame for their own said actions.

everyone is born a killer? yes, you say your not, but it is true. no im not blaming all of you as being psychopathic assmunches. what im saying is, its natural to do everything even if its "wrong". its just how we are. the way you are raised is what changes you to make your decisions in life.

your actual life has no effect on you and neither does your childhood and pass. it can only give you the suggestions of a cruel world and make you say to yourself "life is hard. i must kill to calm and thrive" or something to that effect and take a askewed path.

its all self control. you just take it as the, "just dont, cause its stupid, and its not all that great" thing.

im just gonna bring up one other little thing...our current society sucks. they take whats perfectly ok and call it wrong. like:

beer- there is nothing wrong with drinking, even "underaged". its all in the hands of the drinker to make actions. so why only not let teens drink, but let adults drink? adults have cars.

nudity- the only reason we have this is 1.) men dont care if there is a naked woman, as long as its not their wife or daughter. 2.)women...i cant truly answer why, because i dont want to offend anyone more than i might be doing already.

language- its just dumb that they censor it. its cause they are all deaf...if they weren't deaf, i wouldnt have to speak.

-JameZ the Giant Hamster-
the Hamster Alliance
ICQ: 43691064
Musician,2d/3d artist, programmer,overall guru :)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 7:32 pm     Reply with quote
had this similar topic in my english class one time in 11th grade.. think about this
on 2 levels..

1. are we born evil and taught good
2. or born good (innocent) and taught evil?

how many of you seen or read "Lord of the Flies"? ya know wit those kids stuck on the island.. without no discpline they all started killing each other and became savages..

on the other hand.. the quote.. monkey see monkey do.. if u see nuttin but evil.. you'd probably do evil..

what do u have to say about this..?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 9:02 pm     Reply with quote
everything and everyone and nothing makes people do dumb things.

To ppl who can't drink and stuff (ie: teens) Would you go out and get drunk and puke all over yourself if you could go out to a bar and drink?

Would you go out and smoke weed and get drunk if you were able too?

Im 16, I dunno how old the rest of you are but, I know ppl that go out, every weekend and get stoned, and then have some "Jello Shots" or something like that and they come home, DRIVE home, and then they put in some tobacco or chew or something and accidently swallow it and then puke on everything in there room? WHAT IN FUCKS SAKE WOULD MAKE YOU WANNA DO THIS?? Hello, I'm a retard...

I almost killed myself driving home drunk as a mother fucker... Then I went about insuring that I won't be able to get a job unless I have someone else take my piss test, or bleach my hair and shave my head... and then great now I have puke all over my room? Okay yea, Hell yes I am the coolest guy in the world!!

Okay and then, people going out and murder each other? Why you ask, most likely because they weren't paid enough attention too, they were hit and yelled at and abused as children, they have a bunch of frustration built up inside that makes them want to hurt someone? It is a personal thing. I would think rather than video games harming and making a person want to annhilate someone...... I rather think it helps me... What would you prefer? Me taking a shotgun to school? Or me discing some poor shmuck and yelling COME GET SOME! Over the internet ?

You decide.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2000 9:35 pm     Reply with quote
Yeah, a lot of people are really stupid and submit to the pressures of society easily. Today there is so much media hype, trends and fads going around that unfortunately, manage to suck a lot of people in.

Opinions and image are promoted so much that it becomes the most important thing to people. So much so that they don't even realise they are doing something to be 'popular' or to fit in.

I agree with Imdaking and I hate those ppl that get pissed all the time and BRAG about it. Just shut up, I don't give a damn.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 12:21 am     Reply with quote
you know when they get your order wrong after driving through a drive thru,, and not noticing untill you get home,.. what about those people that cut you off so you can't change lanes to get off/on the freeway,...or someone else calls in sick, so you have to stay a few hours later at work, when you were planning a relaxing evening, only to find out the person wasn't sick, they just didn't want to go to work, about when you work so hard, just to find out others cheated their way to et ahead of you at something,. or or or when you've struggled all your life to make the grade to get the A+, to get through college,.. only to know that others paid their way and partied every night of their life,... and they beat you for the position you want, and you're forced to work a deadbeat job for this scum who you realize was the guy that cut you off on the way to this job.... things like this is what cause people to do things like that,.. at least this is what i believe.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 2:02 am     Reply with quote
the original latin for teach was to help someone in the realisation of what they already draw the information and knolage out of somone...they belived that every one already knew everything....

i belive that u r born w/ now perseption of right or wrong of good or bad...u draw your own lines acording to what YOU think is just or injust from your experiance and what goes on around u (sociaty (political indoctrnation [sore point])) if u don't BEILIVE that sommin is wrong then no one can tell u it is bad...this is one way to explane why in one culture they might think sommin is ok and in a nother people will have a really big problem w/ it

fortunatly being British we get to decide who is right and wrong *shudder* but we r never as right as the americans *grimice*

Phill 'i have no opinion...i was never here' Tew
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 6:12 am     Reply with quote
I agree with Phil. Look at little children. They are taught moral, it's not something that's 'in the human anture' as such. I think all life is primarily selfish ain one way or another. The instinct to try to survive is dominant, and has to be, if a species is to live on.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 6:41 am     Reply with quote
why are we born anything (good or evil).

Gifts that ppl have are a mixture of chemical (im)balance. take intelligence for example. (reminded by "Good Will Hunting"), he wasn't like everyone else. His brain wasn't chemically like others.

I mean every person will be made differently. Some ppl are born without toes or fingers, why? No one really knows why it happens, but it is physical so everyone knows it has to do with the balance of development. Mental balance has a part is just not noticable until we are able to express it
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Count Zero

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 7:58 am     Reply with quote
What's most interesting about this is everybodys fascination with death and murder. You say it doesn't exist? Well someone has to be interested in it to have a website dedicated to it. There are other examples as well; my friend has a thing for planes, and he's read two books made up of nothing but transcripts of "the black box" of airplanes that crashed. Sick and quite morbib, but he's perfectly normal. Death is the great unknown to man, and always will be, this causes grim fascination with it. IMHO.
As for why a person kills another person? Greed, revenge, anger, jealousy etc. etc. It's in our DNA, to even dream of a society without violence, conflict or crime is absurd. There's a potential killer in all of us, the pressure point is just different for other people. Some person might kill another just for looking at them funny, another only to protect their family...
Now a cool quote.
"Death is the only reality, and I'm a realist."

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 4:35 pm     Reply with quote
I must admit, the webpage was interesting. The following quote comes to my mind:
I fear to look, yet I cannot turn away.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2000 1:36 am     Reply with quote
sorry, i just couldn't let this go. You got a problem with that? :P

Then I went about insuring that I won't be able to get a job unless I have someone else take my piss test, or BLEACH MY HAIR AND SHAVE MY HEAD... and then great now I have puke all over
my room? Okay yea, Hell yes I am the coolest guy in the world!!

iCE VGA Division

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2000 7:12 am     Reply with quote
Huh? I don't follow.
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