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Topic : "Some new picshers" |
Cos member
Member # Joined: 05 Mar 2000 Posts: 1332 Location: UK
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2000 8:02 pm |
More sketches as usual, big goldstar for cos =)
First one I was kinda inspired by the pic Frost posted a while ago.
and the second one a skecth I did a little while ago.
Any comments/critic is appreciated. Thanks =)
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IKhelix member
Member # Joined: 08 Apr 2000 Posts: 61 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2000 8:16 pm |
Legs very long compared to torso. See if you can get some anatomy books or (god forbid) use your girlfriend as a model (something I delight in being able to do )
"I don't suffer insanity, I enjoy every moment of it..." |
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Spiritwolf junior member
Member # Joined: 30 May 2000 Posts: 48 Location: Olrando, FL
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2000 8:26 pm |
Hey, these are pretty nice. I'm not going to comment on porportions on the female bodies since I tend to draw females all wrong mostly because I haven't drawn many, but I thought I'd comment on a few things.
Top picture:
- If the moon is directly behind the character then you would most likely get a soft silhoutte since it is moonlight (not sunlight) meaning that most of the body would lose detail.
- Her hair is blowing to the left, and the mist appears to be rising. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but I suppose it doesn't have to. It might add a bit more harmony in the pic to choose just one direction.
- Some of the mist is rising directly from the horizon line. If it were out on the horizon then it wouldn't appear at all, or it would appear cloud-like.
Bottom Picture
- Her pose seems too ridged. A stiff wind looks like it could knock her over.
- Having one of the swords cut short by the edge of the picture doesn't look quite right, and takes some of the focus off of her. It is almost like the beings laying at her feet are supposed to be the focus.
Just my two cents
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samdragon member
Member # Joined: 05 May 2000 Posts: 487 Location: Indianapolis
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2000 8:42 pm |
first off, that's a pretty good improvement from the second picture.
yeah, your proportions are off a little bit. "big birth-un hips"
You've got some nice textures going on in the body on the top image. Looks like you didn't want to put much into the feet??? Most people do this because they hate to draw feet and they are hard to get foreshortened correctly.
Keep at it! But, while you're keeping at it. Always keep in your mind about the over all composition. Centered objects "targets" are usually not as dynamic or appealing to look at. Off center your main subject some to the left or right, but keep it out of the center of the page. Look at some of Brom's images. Some of his images are ridged, but they are designed so well that it doesn't matter, he sometimes plays off of the ridgedness of his figures. I hope I'm being clear, sometimes I just ramble on thinking the whole world understands me. Think of your image as simple primative shapes and then start placing those shapes so they are visually pleasing. Try to break the habit of putting everything in the center of the page. You'll start to get some nice effects(hate to use that word) when you start moving elements around.
I don't know about the hair thing, I think that if you where to have it blowing straight up, it would cut the page in half. (just my opinion)
Grab a figure drawing book, or anatomy book and start drawing from it. but pay attention to what you're drawing, learn why the body is shaped the way it is and how it moves and what causes this and that..blaa blaa i'm sure you get the point.
Good job, you should be drawing arm loads of this stuff a day.
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Spiritwolf junior member
Member # Joined: 30 May 2000 Posts: 48 Location: Olrando, FL
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2000 8:56 pm |
I'd like to clarify on the hair thing..not straight up (unless she is falling really fast which doesn't appear to be the case). It is hard to describe what I mean other then to say that the hair would look much more chaotic if the wind was blowing up (ie. some of the hair would probably obscure the face; some hair would blow to the left, and some to the right). It would probably be easier to draw going to the left or right, but you still might want to give it a try just to see how it turns out
Oh..almost is a link that might give you some ideas on the second picture
[This message has been edited by Spiritwolf (edited June 01, 2000).] |
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samdragon member
Member # Joined: 05 May 2000 Posts: 487 Location: Indianapolis
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2000 9:18 pm |
DOH! I've been looking for that site. I keep forgetting to bookmark it. Thanks Spiritwolf. I have an autographed sketch book of his! I've been a long time fan!
yeah, having the hair all chaotic would help more. It's hard to tell what people are saying on message boards, unless you can see them waving thier hands back and forth and pointing to stuff. visuals always help
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Hurri-cane member
Member # Joined: 01 May 2000 Posts: 466 Location: sweden
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laslauk member
Member # Joined: 30 May 2000 Posts: 107 Location: Finland
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2000 2:33 am |
i always love to see some good old pencil drawings, because I tend to do them myself a lot.
Top picture: the part between shoulder and elbow seems a bit short compared to the part between elbow and wrist (these parts must have some anatomical terms in english, which I'm not aware of, but i guess you'll get the point.. if someone knows the terms, please do tell me)
Bottom pic: I like the two sick creeps grasping for air, perhaps this female has cut them in half or they are rising from ground?
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StormVermin member
Member # Joined: 13 May 2000 Posts: 252
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2000 5:44 am |
Dude, just a quick comment... the second pic, the chick looks like she has tree trunks for legs.
Keep up the nice work though.
-Adam |
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Spiritwolf junior member
Member # Joined: 30 May 2000 Posts: 48 Location: Olrando, FL
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2000 6:28 am |
Samdragon: An autographed Larry Elmore Sketchbook? You lucky bastard Where did you get a hold of that?
Yeah, he is one of my favorites as well. I corresponded with him a few years ago via email and he seemed like a very nice person. Just sending me a few well thought-out responses gave me a very high opinion of him.
*wishes he could see Samdragon's Larry Elmore Sketchbook*
-Spiritwolf |
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Wildkat junior member
Member # Joined: 29 Nov 2001 Posts: 8 Location: us of a
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2000 2:34 pm |
Cos, the sketches are fantastic... the first has an alluring femininity with delicate features...
the second, in contrast, shows the strength of feminine fury...
they both have charisma and capture a lot of feeling...which is what I think art is all about... I love 'em both, keep up the great work! |
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