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Topic : "The Movie Thread" |
balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:39 pm |
District 9 is this decade's Robocop.
PIG TOSS! _________________ brian.prince|light.comp.paint |
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Mikko K member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2003 Posts: 639
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:39 am |
Yeah, one of the best movies I've seen in a loooong time. |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:30 am |
Anybody seen the 20 min pre screening of avatar that's showing in the cinemas now? The trailer on apple was INCREDIBLE. Is it going to be shown in 3d also? Next big thing after the matrix? Imagine working on that movie, designing stuff for it, animating, I would pay for that chance.
This thing is of the scale. If the movie is good he'll topple Titanic. |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:41 am |
Fock!! District 9 was incredible! Although I still don't understand why the poor aliens went to Earth in the first place..
And I dunno, but the Avatar's avatar (the pic on imdb) looks like a 13 year old acne-ridden LOTR fan drew it in Photoshop with generous use of "Dodge Brush". |
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Cicinimo member
Member # Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 705 Location: Seattle
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:57 am |
Returner wrote: |
Anybody seen the 20 min pre screening of avatar that's showing in the cinemas now? The trailer on apple was INCREDIBLE. Is it going to be shown in 3d also? Next big thing after the matrix? Imagine working on that movie, designing stuff for it, animating, I would pay for that chance.
I saw the screening. Yep it was in 3d and IMAX. I thought it was great! Some of the CG in the trailer felt cartoonish or poorly lit to my eye...this was not a problem in the screening.
The fully CG segments worked much better in 3d than the live action sequences (live action in 3d felt like a layering of cards or sprites instead of actual 3d). There is some truth to all the hype describing it as a new "experience". Insects buzz around you, monsters loom over you and the jungle is alive with its depth and variety. Definitely the sort of thing I'll want to see over and over in the theater.
The story seems like a straightforward dances with wolves type thing. The world looks inspired by pern or some other classic pulp. It feels like the sci-fantasy world is handled with a lot of respect for the legacy of that material. Lots of beauty and hard work on display. _________________ |
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Max Ostap member
Member # Joined: 25 Apr 2007 Posts: 70 Location: LA
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:42 am |
What do you guys thinks of the Basterds?
I was a little suspect of any of his movies unless reviews are good since that travesty called Grindhouse (although machete was awesome). Or kill bill... not my thing. However. Inglorious Basterds was a great movie. Kind of low budget - but it was all about the dialogue. The characters were so well polished. Nothing in it felt formulaic to me at all. Very unpredictable.
Avatar looks pretty good. Seems like uncanny valley is getting smaller and smaller. What did they do? Motion cap? Those thing do look alive in some scenes. Will have to see. |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:12 pm |
Max Ostap wrote: |
What do you guys thinks of the Basterds? |
Poo-poo platter.
I thought it was an overly machoistic-dummkopf-gloating-Schadenfreude-history-fucking-amerikanischer-propaganda-schwein movie! But then again, I equally hate all of Tarantino's movies.
I still watched it though, but besides a few action scenes, I can't even remember what it's about. |
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Godzilla Was Matthew member
Member # Joined: 11 Jul 2009 Posts: 237
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:50 am |
City Of Ember
I reallly liked city of ember, made for kids I assume? but it had that fantasy feeling to it and then there was this generator that seemed to be malfunction, the talk about this generator made the whole mysterious.
Can recommend it, that is if you have the same taste as me lol.
District 9 sucked!! too bad but I think Peter Jackson started to suck already at King Kong... King Kong was un-even as hell
Remember you cannot save bad manuscript with FX, seems to be that kind of thinking with new movies. I wonder why?
Anyone of you that saw "Frightenings", one of Peter Jacksons from 96 or something, there you had very cool script with good fx.
The reaper in that movie really looks good to this day. |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:32 pm |
fruity_loops wrote: |
Anyone of you seen the spanish movie [REC] already?
I really enjoyed that one! Some scenes were quite scary, especially with the cloverfield-like ego perspective  |
I watched the American remake Quarantine and it was really good. I have REC now too and I'll watch it to compare the two.
Returner wrote: |
Watched Woody Allen's Annie Hall. I've somehow managed to miss out on the beauty of his earlier movies until last night and WOW. Guess they just called for a bit maturity with all those neuroses and anxietys jokes . The dialogue is just "smack" cara mia. Now I'm gonna have to get me a vintage looking Woody Allen poster....and a trip to New York. Now there is a risk I'm gonna overdose on Allen movies.
I just finally watched it recently too. The problem is, I had seen quite a bit of Woody Allen films in the past, so watching Annie Hall is kind of like "Oh, so that's where he established his creative voice", but it didn't blow me away or anything, because I'd seen all those qualities in various forms in his other films. If I had watched the film as my first Woody Allen film, I might feel differently. But I have to say though, as much as I'm entertained by his films, I could never love them. I find that when he's not acting in them, they're much better. I just don't enjoy seeing a scrawny little guy who's insecure and nervous all the time, yet self-righteous and snotty--it's actually kind of annoying. If anything, I actually enjoyed his serious thrillers more than his comedies.
Joe84 wrote: |
i watched 'Thirst' by Park Chanwook, director of 'Old Boy' and thought it was pretty good. Its probably the first asian vampire movie ive ever seen done, but more importantly i thought it was done well as it seemed to break and follow vampire conventions where you would least suspect them. |
I watched this based on other people recommendations. I was told this film is really good, especially if I loved Let the Right One In. I don't know what other people are smoking, but this film was a big disappointment. It lacked a focused intent and meandered aimlessly, with a plot structure that felt random and arbitrary. The tone was also schizophrenic, going from wacky comedy to macabre drama. I don't mind mixing genres or have a wide range of tones in a film, but it has to work and it has to still feel cohesive, and Thirst did not feel cohesive. This film is nowhere near as good as Let the Right One In.
Godzilla Was Matthew wrote: |
District 9 sucked!! too bad but I think Peter Jackson started to suck already at King Kong... King Kong was un-even as hell
Remember you cannot save bad manuscript with FX, seems to be that kind of thinking with new movies. I wonder why?
I was disappointed too, after all the hype and also rave reviews by some of the people whose taste I usually agree with. The political statement was so heavy-handed, and the blend of tongue-in-cheek humor with serious drama felt wrong--it didn't work for me. It was very obviously a very simple idea for a short film stretched to feature length.
Really good films I've seen lately:
Clean, Shaven - A very poignant and moving film, without ever being sentimental or contrived. It�s an unflinching look at a schizophrenic man trying to find his daughter, and what happens when he finds her. Elena couldn�t watch the film with me because the Chinese subtitles were horribly wrong (sometimes I would translate an entire film for her, dialog by dialog as we watch, but not on that day), so I watched it by myself. I later described the story to her and just listening to me describing the ending brought tears to her eyes.
This is England - It�s rare to see feature films that feel this genuine and sincere. It feels almost a little like if Larry Clark had directed American History X, but with England as the backdrop and with an English cast. Young Thomas Turgoose was very good as the main character, and I hope we�ll see him grow into a formidable actor.
Melody � I had heard about this film before but never seen it, and I�m glad I finally found it as a Japanese import DVD. Although the film is dated (from 1971), the subject matter really works for that time period. The same film probably couldn�t be made today, as the world has become so much more complicated and jaded. I think it�s hard for anyone to watch it and not be taken back to the time when we first had our puppy love at age ten. I distinctly remember in my late teens, I had already begun to lament the loss of innocence and I longed for the purity and the uncomplicated way I used to feel about love.
Ground Hog Day � I�ve seen the ending to this film on TV many years ago, but never saw the whole thing. Now that I have, I wish I had much sooner. I was thoroughly entertained while the spiritual aspect of the film really struck home. It made me think about what I would�ve done in the shoes of the main character, and what my actions would say about me as a human being.
The Hurt Locker - I really liked this film, and I have always liked Kathryn Bigelow�s direction. Part of me will always be fascinated by the fact that her sensibilities are very masculine and can direct action and intensity better than most male directors, but I try not to think along those lines about her because I think that�s selling her short. In some ways, The Hurt Locker was a bit like Jarhead�an unconventional war film. In some ways I think these modern unconventional war films are the way filmmakers will go for a while, as the old conventional approach to war films would feel very dated and out of place today, especially when the recent wars are nothing like the previous wars. The trend appears to be rubbing off on films being made about past wars too, sort of mirroring how the Jason Bourne series have modernized and changed the action genre, these modern war films have changed the way war films are made.[/b] |
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med member
Member # Joined: 22 Dec 2006 Posts: 230 Location: LA
Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:14 pm |
In 3D. Go watch it, now. |
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Synnical member
Member # Joined: 28 May 2005 Posts: 177 Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:43 am |
Or better yet, watch it on IMAX 3D. 'Eye-gasmic' is how I'd describe the experience.
Haven't stopped drawing since seeing it on opening day. God bless you, James Cameron.  |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 2:07 pm |
The 3d made the experience something special. It's a Bloody landmark for 3d, it really is. It took about 15 minutes before the 3d sank in and you could relax again.
I only wished it had more slowmo scenes, like transformers.
Maybe they can put a slowmo option in the extras on the blueray disc, heh.
There will be a shift in the industry with this new 3d technique. Many of you artists on this forum who are in the movie/gaming industry must be psyched about this.
A market where artists who can sucessfully utilize this new technique will be high commodity. Storytelling can be more visually oriented than before. |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:42 pm |
I wonder if 3D will really take foothold without the consumer side of it for home theater. I have a feeling it will remain a novelty until home theaters can replicate the experience.
I'm in China right now so no Avatar for me. I refuse to watch movies in the theater while in China--it's a miserable experience. |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:38 am |
Quote: |
I wonder if 3D will really take foothold without the consumer side of it for home theater. I have a feeling it will remain a novelty until home theaters can replicate the experience. |
I'm telling you that after seing Avatar there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that 3d is coming bigtime and fast. Maybe in as short as 5 years time until it's in the home theater for a reasonable price. It was crazy how immersive the experience was.
What are you doing in China btw? |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:28 pm |
Returner wrote: |
Quote: |
I wonder if 3D will really take foothold without the consumer side of it for home theater. I have a feeling it will remain a novelty until home theaters can replicate the experience. |
I'm telling you that after seing Avatar there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that 3d is coming bigtime and fast. Maybe in as short as 5 years time until it's in the home theater for a reasonable price. It was crazy how immersive the experience was.
What are you doing in China btw? |
I watched Avatar in 3D, and while it was pretty cool, I don't think it really adds all that much to the experience (I feel the same way about surround sound).
Elena and I had moved again to China in 2008 to be closer to our business investments. As much as we love living in California (and the States in general), our investments is our financial security, and not being here while it is expanding was freaking us out a bit (especially since you can't really trust anyone in China and have to watch your stuff like a hawk).
It was also a chance for me to really retire from the rat race (9 to 5 office job) and focus on my personal works. I always felt that my destiny is not to be some employee in some company, no matter how high the position (prior to moving, I was a studio art director in a game company). My goal was always to establish my own I.P. somehow and do my own thing, or at least freelance in something I love the most (music or writing/directing). I'm working towards that while we live in China and try to expand our investments. In the future we'd like to return to the States (or at least another developed and civilized country). |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:39 am |
Prince of persia
Forget Jake Gyllenhaal this movie belongs to Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina. Gyllenhaal didn't impress. Boring performance, he took no risk. Maybe because he has no depth as an actor or that he didn't wanna screw it up. The movie went up and down . Great and ok. Better than robin hood and much better than Iron man 2. The director who did Prince of persia said he did two original cuts and was asked to "Bruckheim it!" by Jerry Bruckheimer. More action and matine type adventure. |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:11 am |
May this forum rip. As many of the cultural elite I've come to appreciate the works of Jackie Chan. His earlier work and the shanghai movies and of course rush hour. Not that I'd pay to se him in a drama. |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:08 am |
Anybody seen the A-team yet? I have to beat the drums for Prince of persia again. Great matine like ala Indiana Jones adventure. Jake Gyllenhaal had less charisma than the snakes he gutted in the movie though. Not wooden just bland, tasteless and forgetable. No leadership quality. Unlike actors like Harrison Ford and Russel Crowe who can give inspiring speaches in their sleep. He's good in other roles though.
It feels good to have transformed this thread to a monologue.  |
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Sampster member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2005 Posts: 182
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:41 am |
I'll see PoP eventually, played the original Mechner stuff on an ancient mac and loved it.
Right now though, I'm all about Kick-Ass, which I expected to suck. But my friends got me to go to it and I couldn't believe how much I liked it. True, some of it was maybe disturbing, but for the most part I thought it was an incredibly mature take on the desires behind summer popcorn flick.
I think Wanted and The Matrix were kind of emblematic of some desire for wish-fulfillment in our society, where I guy in a cubicle job feels insignificant, and claims meaning and significance in his life by becoming a balls to the wall hero killer.
In this case, a young teenager wants to do the same thing, but kind of realizes he can't. I think what makes the movie so cool is he gets to a point where he realizes that he insignificant in the sense that he's "powerless" against the major forces of the world, but the protagonist still welcomes responsibility to make a difference in his world.
That, and the girl is just adorable. It's also frightening, and will doubtless spawn lots of ethical debates about movie-making and movie-watching, but I guess someone was going to do it eventually. |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:11 am |
i heard hollywood is casting jake gyllenhaal to play malcolm x in a new movie!
not new at all, but i just rented a bunch of albert maysles documentaries. really unbelievable work.
this one stuck out in my mind the most _________________  |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:54 am |
Gotta see Kick ass Sampster heard it has a great soundtrack to.
Is he playing malcolm x killer or malcolm x himself jr ?? Did Will Smith say no and they had to go with Gyllenhaal or what?
I like Will Smith but like I did with Schwarzenegger I watch him for his humour and charm and not for the gut wrenchingly bad acting.
And like schwarzenegger did he's doing way to much serious stuff nowdays and to little easygoing adventure stuff. He's closer to a razzie than an oscar. |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:35 am |
Watch the trailer for the new Predators movie. Looks promising and moody as hell.. A totally fresh new take on the milked out franchise.
Adrien Brody (!) and Laurence Fishburne in an action movie is cool. And the guy directing, Nimrod Antal has a good track record. And it's produced by Robert Rodriguez.
This time around lethal killers/criminals/mercenaries from around the world has been taken and placed on alien planet where their badassness will be tested when they will face the predators(and some other stuff). Check out the trailer! Hopefully it's a solid movie and not a big setpiece like AVP was. I wan't
some great scifi after AVATAR goddamnit!
and some new stills from the movie, and some info. |
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Returner member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2000 Posts: 350 Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:18 am |
A-team was an ok movie. better than Iron man and robin hood but that doesn't say much. It had it's moments quite funny to. Anybody seen predators yet? |
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med member
Member # Joined: 22 Dec 2006 Posts: 230 Location: LA
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:28 pm |
Hm I might consider A-team.
If you're into fun Feature Animation films, Despicable Me was phenomenal in my eyes. "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!" >:[]
Inception looks hot. |
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Max Ostap member
Member # Joined: 25 Apr 2007 Posts: 70 Location: LA
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:16 pm |
How is Predators? I am huge fan of first 2.
What about Inception? |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:16 pm |
the first two?
danny glover is to predator movies as an accordian is to war. _________________  |
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:39 pm |
Teaser trailer of the adaptation we're doing of Eric Powell's comic "The Goon". A longer trailer will be out Friday.
Quote: |
It's been a long couple of years now since we first heard that Eric Powell's great monster/mobster comic THE GOON was becoming a feature film, courtesy of producer David Fincher (FIGHT CLUB, etc.) and FX company Blur Studios. So it's nice to see the project is still slowly coming to computer-rendered life.
MTV got a quick peek at some of the footage from the movie, which features Paul Giamatti voicing Goon's sidekick Frankie. More footage will be unveiled at the Friday panel at Comic Con -- where Giamatti and Fincher will be in attendance with Powell -- after which the full clip(s) will be online for those would can't make it to San Diego. For now, groove to the undead slapstick and mayhem below!
The Dark Horse comic revolves around a creature-punching mob enforcer and his mouthy buddy, and their misadventures in a bizarre monster-filled town. |
_________________ brian.prince|light.comp.paint |
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
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Sumaleth Administrator
Member # Joined: 30 Oct 1999 Posts: 2898 Location: Australia
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:02 pm |
We are still trying to get funding but from what I understand there will be a lot of meetings with distributors going on this week so ... *fingers crossed* _________________ brian.prince|light.comp.paint |
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