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Author   Topic : "Australian Internet Censorship - Chinese Style"
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:28 am     Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:59 am     Reply with quote
Drunken Monkey wrote:

Tzan, big plan is to get one world government controlled by central banks, with digital rfid chips as collars on all the cattle.

I didnt mean what their plan was, I already know that. I was wondering what the plan is to stop them. The people implementing the plan are the leaders. There are too many stupid people that support the same old parties and political criminals. So the only real way to stop them is... what? Voting for some one else doesnt really work.

I dont care what the truth is if there is no reasonable way to fix it. Maybe the truth isnt even really a bad thing.

This country is headed for much bigger financial problem than now. It will take a few more decades though. This is nothing.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:41 am     Reply with quote
There's a danger with this conspiracy thinking if you are getting yourself involved too much, there is never only one side of a coin.
In the end the truth is hard to get to. Two persons can be at the same place but experience two different things.

Some time ago I debated in a conspiracy forum that "NWO" could maybe be a good thing? you never know. They didn't like to discuss it though, Somehow I cannot see any difference from how things are now. Ah shit what the hell am I talking about anyway?

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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:44 pm     Reply with quote
What to do to stop them?

Spread awareness. Show these pricks a large number of people are opposed to them.

Another good thing is to quit being a trendy whores who ridicule and laugh at what official bank/defense contractor media has programmed public to believe is "conspiracy" when these assholes are openly talking about need of wars and terror in their books.

There is such a thing as going off the deep end, and a huge part of it is cointelpro - pollution of valid information. Usually with inane bullshit like UFO and green lizards from space and other such. Oh you didn't know our intel think tanks do this? Its done on purpose to keep people away from ever looking into any of it.

Umbus, yeah NWO is wonderful. Unification of whole world by a stick. Rulership by small elite of banking families. Abolishment of state (and constitution), right to own arms, free speech... A global fascist slavery regime. Do you really wanna give up your personal power and freedom to these people? I mean we got half the government dacing around a tree doing mock sacrifice every year at Bohimian Grove. You gonna point a finger at pleople like me and laugh and then go listen to one of these freak on TV regarding their policies?
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:09 pm     Reply with quote
I'm not pointing finger and laughing my man.
Just debating a little, how do you know that all info you get from the conspiracy is true? You know I have been where you are but you cannot take everything for granted with this, why do you choose to trust some politicians and some others you don't trust? Why only trust the info from different sources of conspiracy?
What kind of freedom do we have now? Are we really giving up anything?

I'm sure you have heard of Georgia Guidestones? I researched a lot of this and came to the conclusion that is fake, Rosencreutz ring a bell?

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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:38 pm     Reply with quote
Umbus, gotcha.

I think none of us will ever get the whole picture. The window we have into the world of ruling elite is through books, transcripts, and speeches of their cronies. You can almost always see and link certain movements and agendas and their materialization later. This makes one better at spotting other agendas that are being implemented right now.

Don't trust anything, not Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, 911 Truthers... They all work with limited information, doing guesswork, armchair investigation. But they raise questions that media seems to aggressively suppress and ignore, that politicians cant answer without evasion. They are ridiculed, insulted... some intimidated into shutting up. Good question is Why?

The uncertainty and fog doesn't mean that this info shouldn't be looked at and investigated.

Yeah i heard of those stones... its some really odd spin-off from what eugenicists talk about. I am not sure what to think of it, i haven't traveled there myself. Maybe some cult, maybe some ritualistic mecca for some odd sect. I mean with these clowns dancing around an owl tree during their break from senate and congress... you'd never know if some stop by to pay their respects to the mighty guide stones or some other inane ritual.

The really sad thing is that we vote people into office that do this stuff. Sounds like i am off my meds? Wish i was.

Here, look at this asshole's reaction when confronted about it.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:36 pm     Reply with quote
Drunken Monkey wrote:
What to do to stop them?

Well... you can start doing that by NOT talking like a conspiracy nut.

And to top that off, by backing up your claims with verifiable evidence. Not the usual "I say it so, so it must so" nonsense.

You haven't supplied an iota of verifiable evidence or proof in your posts that convince the sane thinking person that the whole world is controlled by an entity that is so powerful they can literally watch your every move even when you are in a toilet.

You can change your tone of your writing by not trying to ridicule 'the brainwashed sheeples' and talking down to the 'common people' types.
Remember they have not been exposed to your theories so tone down on the condescending writing style that you are using.

Also I want to opine on a few things.

The conspiracy theories has been a rehash of the same old fear mongering paranoia for centuries now. Rememner the new millenium year 2000 nonsense? "Rought times ahead!" "Catacalysmic disasters awaits us!" "Ecomonic meltdown!" "The aliens are going to invade planet Earth!"

These conspiracy theories and their nutcakes speakers are just there the same way that politicians are up there. To spread lies, deceit and fear so the rest of the sheeple has something to cling to for their insecurities.

You are the other side of the same coin, Drunken Monkey, the same kind of sheeple that you hate and despise. Because you blindly believe without question and follow your emotions instead of using logical and analytical thinking.

I've listened and analyzed to the both sides of the coins for decades and NEITHER has the definite answers to the world problems. Both sides are doing the same thing : to further theoir own agendas by using fear of the unknown. So don't act as if you know the absoulte truth by exaggerating the truth and playing with people's fears without any evidence. You

And take a little bit of chill pill, now will ya. You are starting to sound like this guy here:

Do some digital art, or something else that you can benefit by honing your skills. Don't waste too much of your time thinking about the NWO. It's a total waste of time.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:17 pm     Reply with quote
First of all yes i have posted proof. Watch the videos.

Second, i never said anyone can watch you in your toilet.

Yeah and you can change your tone from a giggling idiot to someone who uses the same habits you advocate to articulate your points.

The conspiracy theories has been a rehash of the same old fear mongering paranoia for centuries now. Rememner the new millenium year 2000 nonsense? "Rought times ahead!" "Catacalysmic disasters awaits us!" "Economic meltdown!" "The aliens are going to invade planet Earth!"

More lizard alien Cointelpro bullshit, followed by economic crysis that we are just starting to enter and "conspiracy nuts" have been right about all along. As they were with Bush'es agenda. So yeah what your point again? We arent in rough times right now? Half the banks in the country went bankrupt, took the bail out money and gave it to their executives as bonuses? People losing homes. Fabricated war. Millions of illegals crossing the border every day... yeah its all peachy.

You are the other side of the same coin, Drunken Monkey, the same kind of steeple that you hate and despise. Because you blindly believe without question and follow your emotions instead of using logical and analytical thinking.

Watch the fucking videos smart ass. Read the articles i linked to.

I've listened and analyzed to the both sides of the coins for decades and NEITHER has the definite answers to the world problems. Both sides are doing the same thing : to further theoir own agendas by using fear of the unknown. So don't act as if you know the absoulte truth by exaggerating the truth and playing with people's fears without any evidence. You

You've analyzed nothing. And you resigned into comfort of your own ignorance. Go rationalize bohemian grove. Tell me how thats ok? Tell me how we shouldn't freak out about these freaks running our country?

I never acted as though i know the truth. I speak my point, and when met with ridicule i will respond like an asshole or ignore people like you. Which is what you have done so far. And thats what i view you as... another snickering giggling mainstream clown. Someone who promotes mental laziness as "cool".

Do some digital art, or something else that you can benefit by honing your skills. Don't waste too much of your time thinking about the NWO. It's a total waste of time.

I do. You've no clue wtf you are talking about here. I've done more art last month than 95% of individual people in this place. Those who need to know know.

And Alex Jones is just one of many many hubs for this. Yeah he blew his gasket years ago, but is right about a lot of things.

To others reading this:
To point out about this clown, he addressed no point in my numerous posts above simply used general statements to dismiss it.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:29 pm     Reply with quote
More for you to rationalize... no conspiracies here.
Biden is a prophet eh?
2:35 same thing

Why isnt there an investigation about this? Why are we so numb?
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:14 pm     Reply with quote
Drunken Monkey wrote:
To others reading this:
To point out about this clown, he addressed no point in my numerous posts above simply used general statements to dismiss it.

The problem, for you, is that he doesn't actually need to address your points. You undermine your own words by being that crazy guy on the street corner wearing the placard that says "the end is nigh". And the very fact that you can't see that you're that guy guarantees that no one is going to waste their time trying to understand your points.

And it has nothing to do with whether you're wrong or right.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:25 pm     Reply with quote
Problem is Suma that to people like you everyone who doesnt adhere to a "norm" is a crazy guy with a placard. You listen to your mainstream sources of information and consider everything else below your elite level of intelligence.

You remind me of a friend i have who recently had a kid. I told him during his wifes pregnancy that they should really look into whats gonna be in the vaccines they give that kid when he is born. In particular mercury is known to cause permanent autism in new borns and toddlers and its now being touted as good for new borns.

He though it was a conspiracy theory and laughed at me. His kid is autistic. You don't have to do anything, but it doesn't hurt to look into it.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:41 pm     Reply with quote
Drunken Monkey wrote:
Problem is Suma that to people like you everyone who doesnt adhere to a "norm" is a crazy guy with a placard.

An untrue generalization.

Drunken Monkey wrote:
You listen to your mainstream sources of information

Use of a pejorative, and a baseless assumption.

Drunken Monkey wrote:
and consider everything else below your elite level of intelligence.

Use of a pejorative, and a baseless assumption.

Drunken Monkey wrote:
You remind me of a friend i have who recently had a kid.

Use of an anecdote when attempting to prove a point.

Drunken Monkey wrote:
In particular mercury is known to cause permanent autism in new borns and toddlers and its now being touted as good for new borns.

A false statement of fact.

Drunken Monkey wrote:
His kid is autistic.

A false (implied) cause-and-effect.


I'm not talking about your theories or information sources or any sort of content, I'm just letting you know that your method of delivery is faulty. Getting louder and waving your arms in even wider arcs is taking you in the wrong direction.

That said, I look forward to your next rant! Smile
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:02 am     Reply with quote
Good, because i was getting bored again.

An untrue generalization.

A false statement of fact.

Use of a pejorative, and a baseless assumption.

I learn from the best.

Use of an anecdote when attempting to prove a point.

Sharing a story not an anecdote. Looky here...

I'm not talking about your theories or information sources or any sort of content, I'm just letting you know that your method of delivery is faulty. Getting louder and waving your arms in even wider arcs is taking you in the wrong direction.

Fellow slave, this kind of passive wimpy submissive castrated "intellectualism" is what prevents most people from ever questioning their despotic fucking masters. Its sitting there worrying about being politically correct and accepted by the trendy asshole next to you, making sure that every other word in everything you say has been backed up by a peer-reviewed study. The whole fucking point is to boldly leap with intuition, not poke into the darkness with a scientific crutch of cowardice gagged by fear of some chicken neck wimp questioning the obvious. It is a fucking duck for Christs sake! Use the crutches to get on your feet, and then walk. Look at the actions of your leaders instead of maneuvering in the sea of lies. The true intent is in the broad gesture, in the fruit of it not in the obsessive craft of details around the turd. Notice the results, its always the same. And they always stink. The constraints have been set up to arrest the kind of dialogue that would otherwise enable you to fly.

This is what i feel like when i talk to some people:

M: Hey there is a trap ahead
Y: Are you sure there is a trap ahead? Where do you get your information?
M: I am fucking looking at it!
Y: Well thats one point of view, maybe its not a trap but something else. How can you be sure.
M: Dude, you should at least wear steel toe boots, you might lose your fingers.
Y: You are one of the conspiracy theorists aren't you? Hey look everyone, a conspiracy freak!


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:27 am     Reply with quote
haha you guys are funny
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:35 am     Reply with quote
...making sure that every other word in everything you say has been backed up by a peer-reviewed study. The whole fucking point is to boldly leap with intuition...

In the immortal words of Adam Savage, "well there's ya problem!". Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:36 am     Reply with quote
I think thats my favorite quote.

Drunken Monkey wrote:
Go rationalize bohemian grove.

Well The Rotary Club, MooseLodge, etc... are clubs that ordinary people and small business owners join. They join for many reasons and one of them is business contacts. I know 2 guys, one in each club. They have funny rituals, handshakes etc... They help the community, themselves and make friends.

I dont think a rich famous person is going to join a club like that. They want to belong to the most exclusive club possible. Donald Trump isnt going to show up at a Moose Lodge.

The Bohemian Grove was started in the 1800s and has lots of silly rules and rituals. Older and therefore more traditional/conservative people like that old stuff. If its a tradition its got to be maintained. So all that goofy stuff is still in there.

Does this make the members sinister? I dont think so. Does the existance of these rituals prove NWO, no, it proves nothing.

When a president takes the Israeli and Palistinian leaders to Camp David is that a sinister NWO meeting? Or trying to resolve a problem. If the meeting was at BG would it be more, or less legit?

If people meet at BG and make friends and discuss work, so what, they could have done that anywhere or over the phone. Doing it at BG is just a nicer venue, a little vacation and work.

Is it extreemly weird? yes. But there is no proof here of a sinister plan. Because there is no proof of what people were taking about. If people were talking about how to solve the palistinian problem, would the solution be invalid because of where they were?

I think all politicians are liars and I have never voted in my life. An election is really just a way of deciding who the best liar is. You just have to learn how to roll with the punches. Sometimes you get a good one sometimes bad. I have no problem letting other people decide, usually based on hair style or a coin flip. Obama hasnt done enough to prove either way.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:39 pm     Reply with quote
When a president takes the Israeli and Palistinian leaders to Camp David is that a sinister NWO meeting? Or trying to resolve a problem. If the meeting was at BG would it be more, or less legit?

Do they dance around trees in KKK outfits burning their consciousness before they make political decisions that affect us all? Do you see a difference between that and a business meeting in an oval office or camp david?

Suma, its more your problem to be honest. Tzan here illustrates how this approach fails entirely as he takes the fact that we don't know what happens there outside of them doing mock sacrifice (a practice that has long been abandoned by the civilized people they represent) and therefore the whole thing must be dismissed because its inconclusive.

Learned helplessness.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:22 pm     Reply with quote
People in church ritually eat the body and blood of christ every week.
Congress starts with a priest reading words out of a bible.

I think those are pretty weird, but its accepted by just about everyone as being normal.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:30 pm     Reply with quote
What about worshipping an ancient roman torture device? that's what the cross really is...
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:57 pm     Reply with quote
I am not a Christian so i don't know what the eating flesh of Christ part is, i saw it on christian Sunday morning cartoons on post soviet Russian TV... that was the last time i saw it. I guess its symbolic of partaking of the spirit of christ/god? And they werent eating real flesh, but bread and wine, fed by Christ himself. Maybe i am wrong...

And the cross, correct me if i am wrong is not worship of the device itself, but of the sacrifice Christ supposedly made to save mankind.

How are these two things even remotely comparable to burning your own consciousness in sacrifice to death god when you occupy political posts that require you to have that quality in far more developed state than at a normal day to day job?
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:26 pm     Reply with quote
Drunken Monkey wrote:
I am not a Christian so i don't know what the eating flesh of Christ part is, i saw it on christian Sunday morning cartoons on post soviet Russian TV... that was the last time i saw it. I guess its symbolic of partaking of the spirit of christ/god? And they werent eating real flesh, but bread and wine, fed by Christ himself. Maybe i am wrong...

And the cross, correct me if i am wrong is not worship of the device itself, but of the sacrifice Christ supposedly made to save mankind.

You are correct on both.
This country is already run by a religious cult, christianity. You cant be considered a serious candidate unless you share the same beliefs as they do.

I was raised catholic and know many nice religious people so dont say I'm anti religious, people can do what they want.


How are these two things even remotely comparable to burning your own consciousness in sacrifice to death god when you occupy political posts that require you to have that quality in far more developed state than at a normal day to day job?

I think that ritual was more to blow off steam and get to some serious relaxing.

"The Cremation of Care ceremony was devised in 1893 by a member named Joseph D. Redding, a lawyer from New York.[9] It was originally scheduled to follow the serious "High Jinks" dramatic performance (later known as the Grove Play) on the first weekend of the summer encampment, and served as a catharsis for pent-up high spirits."

"In 1913, the ceremony was separated from the Grove Play and moved to the first night to become "an exorcising of the Demon to ensure the success of the ensuing two weeks". The Grove Play was moved to the last weekend of the encampment.[10]"

People in government posts right now believe some wacky stuff, so this isnt all that different.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:43 pm     Reply with quote

I think that ritual was more to blow off steam and get to some serious relaxing.

Tzan, i got a problem with that statement on two levels. First, why not blow off steam playing golf? Hiking? Cricket? Tennis? Riding your tax-payer funded segways? If you are really into some bat shit extreme nonsense why not skydive?

What the fuck kind of "blowing off steam" is done by mock sacrificing your own consciousness?

Second part is i am seriously bewildered on how any of this is in any way acceptable? Personally the first thing i would ask any government official if i was member of free press would be... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? WHY IS IT SECRET?

I cant dismiss it as... well you know its weird but so is a lot of stuff, i am gonna go back to my comfort zone now.


I mean this is burning man level of freaky dicky... even more so because its all secret and the only attendees are people with power in politics, press, and business. And these guys are re-elected into office with no questions asked.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:14 pm     Reply with quote
You have a problem with that statement but its pretty much exactly in the wiki quote.
"and served as a catharsis for pent-up high spirits"

Look up the word: catharsis. (Not saying you dont already know)

I agree its crazy.

Back in the day they had bonfires for all sorts of reasons, not so much anymore. So they made this exclusive club that had a bonefire to kick things off and to make it all mysterious, like the Moose Lodge etc... they said dude its all < insert stupid idea here, like a sacrifice to an idol>, because thats what secret societies do, or at least thats what everyone thinks. That guy just made it up on the spot, there was no real thought put into it.

When you want members and also nonmembers to have a sense of belonging and awe, you do something bat shit insane and call it a secret. I'm not saying its right but thats what clubs do, especially back then.

You give something an undeserved air of importance when you create a ritual around it and tell everyone to keep it secret. It makes the members feel important, part of something bigger than themselves, even thought they might not be, in a real tangible way, its just a feeling they have, a good feeling.

Thats how all groups work also why I dont join groups. "we are special because we know something they dont" then the people on the outside start to wonder what those people are doing, whispering over there. The reality is frequently less interesting than the speculation.

They do it now because its a tradition for 100 years.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:57 pm     Reply with quote

Or maybe its not harmless. Maybe the people doing this ritual really do believe this shit. Maybe that mentality translates into their political moves and alliances. Your guess is as good as mine on that one particular topic.

But, that one topic coupled with obscessional geometry and symbology strung along their architecture, seals, even found in our currency... their political moves, corporate alliances, foreign intelligence alliances, weird off time hobbies, point to a different picture.

This is what i am talking about, you stop at one little detail because "there might be alternative explanation" when this giant puzzle is screaming you in the face. Crippled by scientific method when a leap of faith is required so to say. Faith in intuition more so than its religious connotation.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:30 pm     Reply with quote
Re intuition:

The problem with intuition is that it just as easily gives you the wrong answer as the right one. You might as well toss a coin.

The very reason that the "scientific method" was developed was to stop scientists fooling themselves. People doing science are just regular people, and they have intuition just like everyone else, intuition in a scientist can be just as wrong, and an intuited answer in a scientist can be just as impossible to unseat as it is in any person. The scientific method, with it's "double-blink tests" and "peer reviewed" submission systems, and so on, is designed to take human intuition out of the process.

Intuition gives different results in different people. Intuition tells ~2 billion people that Christianity is the true religion, ~1.5 billion people that Islam is the true religion, and ~1 billion people that Hinduism is the true religion. Since they are mutually exclusive, we know that the majority of those ~4.5 billion people must be wrong.

Intuited belief is nearly impossible to reverse, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Think of all the people who stick steadfast to the belief that the earth is less than 10,000 years old.

Science isn't some global conspiracy propagated by The Man, it's the minimum steps necessary needed to stop that old part of the human brain getting in the way of finding the actual, non-emotional truth.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:37 pm     Reply with quote
I'm more worried about the stuff I already know they do believe in. During a republican debate more than half of the guys raised their hand to say that evolution is wrong. People are very happy to vote for a guy who thinks evolution is wrong. Thats the way things are here, crazy. So a different version of crazy, burninating stuff in front of an idol doesnt surprise me.

Not knowing if they really believe the BG stuff is the point. Just because we dont know doesnt make them guilty. If they dont want to talk about it doesnt make them guilty. Secrecy is part of the game, it makes them feel special, regardless of what they are really doing.

You asked in a previous post:
"Go rationalize bohemian grove."
So thats what I worked on, I cant work on everything Smile
I have to get my regular work done and make the money.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:50 pm     Reply with quote
No i gotcha, just continuing the discussion, dont mean to side track it. I think secrecy should not be part of the game when it comes to polytics... which is why i am so fucking outraged over all of it. One or two oddball politicians is one thing, but when close to entire republican senate has at one time attended an occultic bonfire its a different story.

I can understand some secrecey when it comes to national security, but when it permiates every pore of the rotten carcas of what once was America I AM GONNA GET CRAZY.

Appreciate your thoughts though. Yeah both camps are full of easily manipulated plebes. They march behind whatever banner is trendy today regardless of the long term consequences or lessons of history.

Vietnam FAILED
Afganistan (USSR) Failed
Iraq V1 Failed
Afganistan V2 Failed
Iraq V2 Failed
But Iran is gonna be ok!

Defense contractors and banks behind them get rich.

Such is life on the dirt planet.

This is a casual chat, full of chills and thrills, don't let it interfere with your work. I am not.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:13 am     Reply with quote
Regarding Science, I cannot really trust it anymore cause when they discover a new way or a new approach the old one wasn't correct. To me that's the same as a lie. When I discovered that the Hubble telescope was making a composite of pictures I started to think, what is it we are really looking at? Like a painted picture snapped together with a lot of info that has the meaning that the person putting it together made of it?

There's more that I question but if you add to it here it's gonna take forever to write it down.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:35 am     Reply with quote
Yeah, science is great where exact properties can be worked with directly. What exact properties are you going to find when you are working with a human variable? With a secreteve, conniving, lying, selfish even sociopathic human variable?

Anyways, Drunken monkey gotta go now, he will be waiting in the walls between the threads.

later \o
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud
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