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Topic : "Speed Painting Contest, Cash and Prizes, the furom judges" |
ish junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:17 am |
Speed painting Contest. Prizes even Cash.
I did not see any rules against running a contest. I used to be part of this forum a long time ago, maybe 2 years now, but I forgot my user name so had to make a new one. I reformatted forgot to save favorites I totally forgot the address, I knew it started with an S and sounded weird. I joined another forum with this same name Ish, and one day I see this forum linked to, then I was happy because I have been looking for this forum.
Some of the paintings will be used in a personal Documentary which will be talked about on Coast to Coast radio show which has millions of listeners. So you will have a good chance for you name to get known via the Documentary.
1st place choose what prize he wants
2nd place chooses what prize from what is left over.
3rd place choose what prize from what is left over after that.
Prizes to choose from
1. Photoshop CS factory sealed OEM, comes with activation code, This is the full version not a limited or trial version. As bundled software it qualifies for all online updates but does not qualify for technical support registration This is the Windows version only, sorry not for Mac.
2. $50 paid via paypal or money order.
3. two CDs Basic Photoshop teach and Advanced Photoshop teaching, video tutorials
4. Guncom 2 with time crises 3, for PS2 � Used but looks new worked great comes with original box and instructions.
How it works
You the people will do the judging to know it is fair. After I receive all the speed paintings I will post them on a web page and you guys can vote for the winner, you will not be able to vote for your self because you will post here on the forum your choice for best painting.
There are many painting short descriptions to choose from, you can choose to do more than one if you wish. They will be listed by number, once you choose the number painting you wish to paint for the contest, you post it here in the thread. Once a number is taken you cannot choose that one to paint. Once all the numbers are chosen then you can pick one that has already been chosen.
To insure it is a speed painting there will be a time limit set for how long you have to enter the contest. So hurry up and fill up the numbers for the first people to enter do not have to much time to paint.
If your painting is chosen to be in the personal project Documentary, your name will be seen under the painting and your contact info, email, phone number, www, if you wish.
1.To qualify for the prize you must choose a number that has not yet been chosen unless they are all chosen already.
2.The painting must be between 100-300 dpi, minimum of 800x600 pixels or larger.
3. By entering the painting you give rights for it to be used in a personal project documentary about comparative religion and ET.
4. You can do a speed painting or a speed CGI, but no cartoonish stuff, try to keep to the style type on the link provided on this page.
To get an idea of what will be considered a speed painting check out this page from the popular thread
If you wish to post your picture on the thread to you can, no one can vote for them selves anyways so the judging will still be fair.
Let�s get this contest started.
The list of the numbers to choose from are below.
1. Stages of a primitive humans evolving from a common ancestor
2. A primitive human on a planet with two moons. Maybe he is cooking, or hunting, he can be with others like his wife and kids, your choice. their skin color ranges from a light golden color like pale Asians to a darker golden color like Egyptians.
3. The same man contemplating his existence and where he comes from - not sure how you will paint this concept.
4. The same man receiving a soul. No God or gods in the picture. The soul entering his body from the back of his neck, where the base of the skull starts.
5. The same man teaching others about the soul. Maybe he is drawing in the dirt.
6. The funeral of this man, and his loved ones mourning over him.
7. The same man in a spiritual world, he is a soul now. The only thing there besides him is a golden city, I need it to look spiritual, like gold but like crystal. The only beings there are seraphim, they are teaching him. I would rather the seraphim be wingless, no eyes everywhere, they should look human but golden skin, perfect skin, smooth, I do not want their skin to look metal, just have a golden hue to it. They should have a glory on them, like a glowing aura.
8. the same soul reincarnates on the same planet with two moons. Maybe show his soul entering a pregnant woman. The people are more evolved now, some 1000 years have passed. SO they need to be painted wearing well built clothes and so forth. They are using horses, cattle and so forth primitive tools etc, farming and so forth. Try to make the clothes look as if another people on another planet developed their own ideas for nice clothing. Not to look to much like earth clothes.
9. The same people are standing before the the 7th reincarnation of the the same soul I will call Adam from now on. 3000 years have passed sense his first reincarnation. The people have advanced relative to earth time about 1000bce. A group of people are receiving souls, again the souls enter the back of the neck at the base of the skull.
10. the same race has now evolved into a super city, way more advanced than we are right now. The painting should be a landscape of this city, lots of glass buildings, futurist shapes, flying vehicles, flying cars so forth. Lots of roads in the air bridges connecting buildings. A large pyramid made out of a white pinkish pearl looking material with a golden top and golden doorway. This is somewhere in the center of the city. A few elevators leading out into space. I prefer it to be day time.
11. Many space ships leaving the two mooned planet. Thing mother ships, spear shaped.
12. Mother ships in the sky and saucer type ships coming out of the mother ships entering the atmosphere of another planet.
13. One of the planets occupied alter their DNA through genetics so they can live longer and be smarter, retain information better, and access parts of the brain they otherwise we do not know how to use. The painting should be of these beings. their skin color is pale, some have a blue tint, some golden, some grayish. They are short 3 to 5 feet tall. They have large heads. Think fire in the sky, they do not have large black eyes. Rather they have lotus eyes like the statues of Akhenaten. They dress is very futuristic looking close.
14. One of these beings starts an empire (I will call him Satan). He is not sitting on a throne rather he is levitating in the lotus position. Before him are an army of lizard men, think Ufology reptilians. They are practically worshipping him like the soldiers did Hitler. He is talking to them with his thoughts. The reptilians dress in a black suit, with 3 vents by their ribs which kind of looks like gills, but it is part of the suit,
15. A stellar war in space, triangle ships against saucer ships. The saucer ships have orbs next to them which shoot a laser. These orbs are not part of the saucer ship but fly next to them.
16. A war on the grays planet between the reptilians and grays, and humanoids.
17. Satan transforming his physical body into an energy soul.
18. Satan standing before the Soul Adam with a host of other souls listening to them
19. 1/3 of the souls being trust out of the city with Satan.
20. the first soul Adam is reincarnated in a humanoid body on a futuristic planet.
21. the first soul is in the kingdom wearing his crown with a host of souls around him.
22. a battle between the good souls and against Satan and his evil souls. Again they should look human but have a glow to them. In this battle making Satan take the form of a large red dragon.
23. The red dragon and his souls falling to earth.
24. Annunaki race, large humanoids some white pale yellowish skin and some with dark skin like African looking skin. Ethiopians, Nubians so forth. They present them selves on earth before the super soul the leader asking him a question.
25. The first soul is creating man from the atoms in the ground. Would be cool if this man the upper part of his body is complete while the lower part is still being formed. His skin 26. should be white and ruddy like the Irish, with red hair like them as well. Adam should be built well but not a huge body. A nice slender muscular build.
27. from the DNA of this man he also makes his wife, beautiful the same color. They should look very much like modern humans. Again white ruddy skin with reddish hair. Eve should look very nice, small waist, nice hips and breast, good hour glass figure.
28. Marduk an annunaki race, large humanoids kills his mother taimat. They are a barbaric race. But have ships able to travel to earth.
29. While Adam and eve are in the garden, the Annunaki visit the primitive humanoids outside the garden and alter then with their own DNA.
30. Nahusha the race of devas, golden skin like Asians, lotus eyes like the status of Akhenaten, short about 4-5 feet tall. Nahusha is being over thrown by indra agi and others of the same deva race. They are grabbing him to put him inside of a spaceship.
31. Nahusha talking to eve in the garden. Again nahusha is golden in skin color like Asians, eyes like the status of Akhenaten lotus pedal shaped.
32. Adam and eve being forced out of the garden and nahusha being transformed into a large serpent, like an anaconda.
33. Annunaki (large barbaric intelligent beings) grab the decendents of Adam and eve (white ruddy reddish hair). They rape them, but keep it T rated.
34. flood comes, Noah adamite race, white ruddy skin reddish hair, is building an ark
35. Gilgamesh is building a square boat - he is 2 thirds annunaki and 1st adamite race.
36. Some annunaki forcing humans to worship them displaying their powerful technology as magic to them.
37. Space ships hovering in the air over modern earth, pick a good city like Washington DC or something.
38. Very humanoid aliens coming out of the ships, about 5 feet tall, nice ranges of golden skin from pale Asian to darker Egyptian, a bronze color. The leader has bronze skin. Much of the press is around with their video cameras.
39. The leader of this alien race is giving a speech in a similar setting as a President might give a speech.
CHARACTER paintings -
40 Indra - 5 feet tall, pale golden skin, nice brown golden long hair. Wears nice jewels and futurist clothing unique, lotus pedal eyes like the statue of Akhenaten. Indra holds a metal golden weapon in his hand like a staff with electricity coming out the top.
41. Nahusha - 4 feet tall, dark golden skin, nice black hair, lotus pedal eyes.
42. Marduk - 9 feet tall, light skinned buff.
43. Red spiritual dragon
44. First soul, spiritual
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Sumaleth Administrator
Member # Joined: 30 Oct 1999 Posts: 2898 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:55 am |
Could it be? No surely not... but it is! It's stneil777!
aka decipleneil777
aka darkangel777
aka kaz777
aka imager777
The guy who's bizarre posting habits almost tore the Sijun forums apart back in 2001.
You're back with username #13, and why not start the ball rolling with a bizarre competition for post number 1. Haven't gained any appreciation for forum etiquette in the downtime I see.
Two disclaimers:
1/ This competition has absolutely nothing to do with the Sijun forums.
2/ Enterers of competition be warned.
Ahh, it's just like the good old days. _________________ Art Links Archive -- Artists and Tutorials |
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:16 am |
Hahaha, is it really him?
The pseudospiritual bunk certainly fits the pattern. _________________ brian.prince|light.comp.paint |
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Petri.J member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 2003 Posts: 437 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:08 am |
No wonder this competition seemed so wierd, when I saw this in the gallery section.
He has no name, no homepage, no sponsors, no previous posts/replys, nothing.
Gladly admin was on his toes, and saw right though him  |
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ish junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:53 am |
aka decipleneil777
aka darkangel777
aka kaz777
aka imager777
None of those people are me.
I am stneil777 but those other names i have no clue who they are. So not sure what you are talking about wierd post, There is nothing wierd about my post.
I have prizes to give out for this contest, if you guys/gals are not interested in in the contest and winning a prize, hey cool by me, I figured you paint speed paintings for fun, why not for a cash prize.
So if you are interested int he prizes I am offering get the contest moving.'''
BTW The guy who's bizarre posting habits almost tore the Sijun forums apart back in 2001.
could you give an example of my bizarre post under stneil777?
Not sure why anyone should be warned about entering a contest.
If I did not plan on giving out the prizes I would of just said winnder gets $500 or something crazy like that. The prizes i mentioned I own, and I am ready to send the prizes to the contest winners. I was just going to pay one of you good speed artist to do the paintings but there are too many for one artist to paint. |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:12 pm |
I'm curious ish...??? Are you expecting all of those pictures, 1-44, to be painted for you or your "contest?" _________________ HonePie.com
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digtal art |
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ish junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:22 pm |
Yes I do, I am willing to Pay one artist to do them all if he/she thinks they can do that many i will give them all the prizes listed, and i will sign a contract so they know they will get paid. |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:31 pm |
Well... by my current rates, 44 pictures would cost you many thousands of dollars. Certainly the trinkets you are offering as prizes or payment would not come close to covering even a down payment.
It is an interesting scheme, but does seem to be a bit of a scam... a way to get artwork on the cheap... _________________ HonePie.com
tumblr blog
digtal art |
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:30 pm |
Don't bother, Phil. This guy is historically a little scrambled in the gourd. _________________ brian.prince|light.comp.paint |
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Mikko K member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2003 Posts: 639
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:34 pm |
I did a quick search just out of curiosity.. a popular guy it seems.
This thread sounded interesting, but perhaps a little too naive to be taken seriously. |
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neff member
Member # Joined: 11 May 2002 Posts: 1444 Location: Germany
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:56 am |
wtf? 44 Paintings for nothing like that odd prizes
yeah! i'll stop all my other projects to join this amazing contest!!!!1 _________________ *
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Ranath member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2004 Posts: 611 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:09 am |
your prizes won't cover the costs of electricity used to making 44 paintings.. |
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kimchi member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2003 Posts: 140 Location: Canada!
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:16 am |
I don't know what you guys are talking about. These are great prizes!
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work at my job as a slave labourer. For every 14 hours I work, they throw me a cracker. |
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neff member
Member # Joined: 11 May 2002 Posts: 1444 Location: Germany
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:21 am |
you lucky bastard, a whole cracker... damn. _________________ *
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ish junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:23 am |
How many of you join these no prize contest on this very forum?
How many of you did speed paintings for the NO prize NO money, no nothing in return except a critique?
The speed painting thread - speedpainting IV
So I was checking that thread out, thought wow these guys are doing great speed paintings for NOTHING, just for the fun it, just to post on a thread. So i thought hey maybe they would not mind doing some speed paintings for prizes. Do you see the logic? |
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kimchi member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2003 Posts: 140 Location: Canada!
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:57 am |
No. Clearly, we don't see the logic.
You have a very specific list of speed paintings you want done. What would you say if we decided what the topics of the speed paintings should be? If your sole purpose here is to give away prizes, then this shouldn't be a problem.
However, I think it's pretty clear that you're trying to offer jackshit prizes to artists in an attempt to get us to do your work for you. Work that would normally result in thousands of dollars in commission.
Last edited by kimchi on Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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kimchi member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2003 Posts: 140 Location: Canada!
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:59 am |
Furthermore, go the fuck away. Again. |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:13 am |
Anyone actually read all 44 painting descriptions?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha _________________ QED, sort of. |
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:22 am |
"They rape them, but keep it T rated." _________________ brian.prince|light.comp.paint |
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Naeem member
Member # Joined: 13 Oct 2004 Posts: 1222 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:16 pm |
CHARACTER paintings -
40 Indra - 5 feet tall, pale golden skin, nice brown golden long hair. Wears nice jewels and futurist clothing unique, lotus pedal eyes like the statue of Akhenaten. Indra holds a metal golden weapon in his hand like a staff with electricity coming out the top.
41. Nahusha - 4 feet tall, dark golden skin, nice black hair, lotus pedal eyes.
42. Marduk - 9 feet tall, light skinned buff.
43. Red spiritual dragon
44. First soul, spiritual "
If the guys' got names and how he wants them painted... well, i think there's a scheme going on. _________________ http://www.annisnaeem.blogspot.com/ |
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ish junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:53 am |
Well... by my current rates, 44 pictures would cost you many thousands of dollars. Certainly the trinkets you are offering as prizes or payment would not come close to covering even a down payment. quote --
If you would charge $1000's just to do some 40 minute speed paintings you are a big rip off.
Someone else said it is a scam. I was very strait forward with my intentions. I said clearly that I will be using the images for a personal DVD documentary. It is taking a unique approach at comparative religion stuff Zecharia Stitchen and Joseph Campbell has over looked.
The DVD will be advertised on coast to coast with millions of listeners all interested in the subject matter. In turn this means if your art is on the DVD, so is your name and contact information, that means lots of potential to get your name known and jobs.
But hey if people do not want that kind of exposer, I guess I cannot relate.
Each artist would only be painting one painting, 40 minutes out of your life, with the possibility of many jobs coming out of it in the future from the exposer you will get for your name and art being on this documentary.
I will sooner or later get all the pictures done using Maya and PS, but I was hopping to get it done faster.
Thanks everyone that at least read the contest, but it seems the artist here are to high and mighty to spend 40 minutes to get their name on what will be a very popular documentary.
In the Future look for the DVD Man Facd Gods if you are interested in the past according to comparative religion and what the ancient text for tell of our present and our future. |
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ceenda member
Member # Joined: 27 Jun 2000 Posts: 2030
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:17 am |
ish wrote: |
I will sooner or later get all the pictures done using Maya and PS, but I was hopping to get it done faster.
And that, ultimately, is really the only quote we need.
ish wrote: |
In the Future look for the DVD Man Facd Gods if you are interested in the past according to comparative religion and what the ancient text for tell of our present and our future. |
Come back David Icke... all is forgiven... |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
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kimchi member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2003 Posts: 140 Location: Canada!
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:40 am |
I thought it'd be fun to take a trip down memory lane. Here are just a few of the many wonderful quotes Neil has provided us with over the years. As you can see, he is a man of logic, with unparalleled talent, and a close kinship to God. I love you Neil.
Oh, and Satan raped your mother. You're Satan's child.
agian you guys do not understand the difference between trace bitmap and putting the photo on another layer. sigh, O well. At least you think you understand things.
Hey like in my other thread, i stated all those that think they are so much smarter than me. Come to yahoo chat we will have a voice debate. Evil-lution VS creation. IN front of an intire croud i will smash you down and make you look stupid. When ever you are ready just let me know. O unless you are worried about looking stupid.
Hey wait i forgot to say i bet most of you flamers are Evil-lutionist. We can debate creation VS evil-lution if you think you are SOOO much smarter than me, lol. Just le me know in here i will set up a time and date.
nick, i hope you know God pays do what every man gives.
Keep your sarcastice comments up, you think you are so funny. In your mind there is a whole new universe, i think you are happy there too. When it crumbles let me know, ok.
OK, first things first for all those who do not believe i did this or other art do not post ok. PLEASE motirators can you do something about these children i am sick of you closing down my treads because of them. I thought this was supposed to be a happy place, if you do not have something nice to say then don't say it. Well that said here it is. |
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gLitterbug member
Member # Joined: 13 Feb 2001 Posts: 1340 Location: Austria
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:46 pm |
stneil777 is back with a vengeance? Now thats unexpected.
He�s actually offering prizes though, I mean thats more than most guys ever did when they came and asked for someone painting stuff.
I�m glad though that eyewoo is such a calm individual, because if others would�ve been called ripoffs for charging non-slave rates, someone�s teeth would probably have a hot date with a baseball bat now.
Guess he should take another class on how to be a successfull UE. |
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lysander member
Member # Joined: 25 May 2005 Posts: 131 Location: the spoon factory
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:31 pm |
wow, this forum does seem to attract its fair share of crackpots  _________________ Earth under attack by paper mache aliens; world leaders plead - 'Save us! Doctor Who!' |
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Godwin member
Member # Joined: 24 Apr 2002 Posts: 701 Location: Singapore
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:31 am |
Can anyone even take those "topics" seriously? I mean...
Quote: |
13. One of the planets occupied alter their DNA through genetics so they can live longer and be smarter, retain information better, and access parts of the brain they otherwise we do not know how to use. The painting should be of these beings. their skin color is pale, some have a blue tint, some golden, some grayish. They are short 3 to 5 feet tall. They have large heads. Think fire in the sky, they do not have large black eyes. Rather they have lotus eyes like the statues of Akhenaten. They dress is very futuristic looking close. |
W. T. F.
eyewoo's link explains it all
Anyways let's try to put things in perspective, assuming this wasn't a scam... Why would anyone who can create a piece of work fit to be on a SUPERCOOL documentary need Photoshop CS and a tutorial set? So is he expecting low grade work? How are speed paintings to be judged anyway? Are speeds stuff that's fit for a documentary-level presentation? How can it be called a contest if... there's no contest since each theme is only restricted to one entry? Doesn't that mean there'll be 44 winners? Wow 44 sets of PS CS? But wait how can you choose 3 winners then? what happens to the 41 other paintings? Will he just use those 3 in the "documentary"? Hey crap all this sounds like the "contest" has nothing to do with what he wants!
I suppose you simply cannot assume the impossible, so cut out the bullshit mister and stop pretending like we are stupid by pulling the "oh I can do it myself anyway" childish shit.
Anyone who thinks this isn't a scam would be an idiot. If you're offended by that, then there's no question that you're definitely an idiot. _________________ Derelict Studios|Godwin's Space |
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ish junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:46 am |
I�m glad though that eyewoo is such a calm individual, because if others would�ve been called ripoffs for charging non-slave rates, someone�s teeth would probably have a hot date with a baseball bat now. ----
Wierd you want to bash peoples teeth out because they think you might be a rip off?
I think the person who posted above me did not understand the rules. There would only be one contest, with 3 winners. Each person entering would choose a different painting from the list, the top three that you choose wins.
As per speed paintings not being documentary worthy, i disagree. I love the style of speed paintings, they have a quality to them that just cannot be captured any other way. It appears to me the artist puts his emotion in a speed painting, trying to capture the mood, setting, shapes, etc with as few strokes as possible. Do to this fact you can see the artist in the speed painting, you can see the strokes he made. However with a finished painting, realism that is, can be difficult to even see it is art.
There are lots of painters that prefer the loose style, their finished works, atually look like speed paintings.
BTW - i found a pretty good speed painter to help out for $10 a painting.
Also i believe in a form of evolution now, after i got better at reading the Hebrew, i found that Genesis forces evolution, so I was humble and accepted what it said.
David Icke might have some strange ideas but he is clearly a sane inndividual. Sanity is not based on ones religious views or ideas, unless he thinks he is God or something, they are usually meglomaniacs.
I think it is cool $10 a painting plus they get their name on the DVD and in the credits.
If there are any other younger artist with talent and you want to get your name known and make a few extra bucks for video games, let me know. |
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lysander member
Member # Joined: 25 May 2005 Posts: 131 Location: the spoon factory
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:09 am |
ish, could you do a picture for me?
ill pay you in cookies, on an hour by hour basis.
the subject is:
an alien, who travels from star to star collecting space moss samples, finds himself in trouble in the middle of an asteroid field. Also, the space ship has the words "space moss: the reckoning - coming to a cinema near you soon" printed on the side.
in addition, the alien MUST look like george clooney, or youre not getting your cookies. _________________ Earth under attack by paper mache aliens; world leaders plead - 'Save us! Doctor Who!' |
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balistic member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 2599 Location: Reno, NV, USA
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:33 pm |
ish wrote: |
BTW - i found a pretty good speed painter to help out for $10 a painting.
He's as big a chump as you are. |
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