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Author   Topic : "Need C&C on website"
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 8:40 am     Reply with quote

The site is:
50% xhtml
10% PHP (mostly used for popups and flash displaying)
10% Mysql (for the board which is in heavy WIP)
25% CSS
5% JavaScript (used only for minor functions)

Any comments or thoughts would be greatly helpfull. Thxs Smile
"From Dreams To Reality"

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 6:08 am     Reply with quote
hmm the flash part kinda collides with the black surrounding, which looks kinda cheap, and you might consider using a different font, times new roman just seems so standard.
The flash part looks ok though
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 8:32 am     Reply with quote
New background......
New Font Selections........
Ill get those fixed asap, probebly in a few days time.

Any other C&C anyone?
"From Dreams To Reality"

2.4 AthlonXP, 1.5gig DRR2700, Radeon9800 pro, two 80gig 7200rpm, WinXP, 3DSMAX6, PS-CS
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 5:39 pm     Reply with quote
Updated the fonts, and I am testing some background options. Let me know what you think, and if there is anything I can do better. Thnxs
"From Dreams To Reality"

2.4 AthlonXP, 1.5gig DRR2700, Radeon9800 pro, two 80gig 7200rpm, WinXP, 3DSMAX6, PS-CS
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:28 am     Reply with quote
Well. To start, in the flash navigation, I would put the email link horizontally even with the rest of the navigation, and on the text navigation, I would get rid of the highlight. If you want the text to stand out, just change the color of the text itself, the hightlight is just distracting. Also, I would make sure that the navigation in the flash mirrors the navigtion of the HTML text (they should be the same). Next, in the content area there is the blur of what used to be the planet, on two of the pages, you have valuable text that occures in the orange-ish background color, and the black text is hard to see. I would either try to change the color of the font or bring down the background to something with far less opacity so the black will stand out on a more "white" background. Another part you may consider revising is in the "about me" area...In the second column, underneth your "letters of recomendation," there is a huge unused portion. Perhaps if you evened out the columns there would be a better "feel." As a design choice that I would change, under your Gallery, I would make the page two columns, each column containing a pic, title, and short discriptinon of the image (such as the program used, or insperation, or whatever). Well, I was going to look back at the page, and suddenly the flash is nolonger showing up, perhaps you are working on it currently Very Happy . Well, those are my ideas, use them if you will...I think they could help.

Ah, the flash is appearing now, and I see that there is a "message board." Neat. Again, I bring up that you should make the text navigation like the flash, and viseversa. So, make sure you add "Message Board" in your flash part. As for the message board, you really should change the colors. I would suggest you use the colors that apear in your "flower" background (the orange-ish/browns and greens), and play with them to maximise the "readability" of the content. Oh, I almost forgot...One thing that I would keep in mind: Many users, suprisingly alot of business users (the ones who would consider you for a job) don't really know alot when it comes to computers, and end up viewing everything at 800x600. I would test out your page for visual appeal after you type the following into your address bar when viewing your page: "javascript:resizeTo(800,600)" -- this will adjust the window to 800,600 and let you see what others may see. Im not saying that one should always design for such a small screen, but it should be kept in mind. I would, though, like for you to respond to my post, I would like to know what you find helpful, and what you think is BS. C&C on my C&C. Anyway, I don't mean to keep going on and on, or sound like I KNOW what you should do. I'm just suggesting. PS: sorry for all and any spelling errors, spelling is nor my forte.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 10:47 am     Reply with quote
please rethink the color scheme, you have so many different colors that the page is hard on the eyes.

The flash on the main page is pointless. It doesn't add anything to the page.

Why do you have two sets of navigation buttons? Get rid of one of them.
With that said the flash navigation looks really cheap, kinda pixely which isn't so good in flash(most of the time).
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:22 am     Reply with quote
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments!

I am currently at my college and have to upload content if I want to try them. So today will be kinda crazy as content changes by the minute. The board was actually a different project I was working on and decided to add it to the site. I have every intention on changing the entire board later to match the color schemes of the site. You talk about the "highlight" you mean the text navigation? If so, I tryed different options, and the text links never looked quite right. Any suggestions would be wellcome.
One of my top priorities is adding a double rowed gallery, but the CSS layout is being a b!tch about it.... I will have it done soon enough though.

1) The color scheme is heavily WIP, but I can change it all with simple editing to the CSS sheet. I will be doing that probebly tonight or at least sometime this week.
2) The flash animation on the main page is pointless and will be jacked once I find something better to replace it with that has value.

To both of you:
I am going to elimate the text navigation on the top, and I will place it into the alternate flash content. Also, I will add the other links to the flash navigation itself.

My questions:
What kind of recommendation would you make for font types/colors and color schemes.
Even though the board look -really- bad, I would be interesting on C&C in the functionality of it. It was entirely handcoded in PHP using notepad and took about three hours. Its simple only because it is ment to be (and its one of my first experiments in the PHP world).

Any more comments are welcome!!
"From Dreams To Reality"

2.4 AthlonXP, 1.5gig DRR2700, Radeon9800 pro, two 80gig 7200rpm, WinXP, 3DSMAX6, PS-CS
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:29 pm     Reply with quote
Fixed the cropping of the left bar, and the gallery is now in rows.

Next on the list:
Color scheme
Flash/Text navigation functionality and layout (As I said, I will probebly insert the text links behind the flash nav so people will access it when flash is not available to them.)

Long future goals:
1) Posting available on image popups.
2) Board redone to be less ugly and to match site colors.
3) Admin login so I can automatically add new images without having to editing the code over and over again.

Ideas on the color scheme or anything else is welcome.
"From Dreams To Reality"

2.4 AthlonXP, 1.5gig DRR2700, Radeon9800 pro, two 80gig 7200rpm, WinXP, 3DSMAX6, PS-CS
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