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Topic : "The RULES of the speedpainting thread" |
william willette member
Member # Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Posts: 119
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 6:10 am |
There is a difference between strait pornography and art.
In the speed painting thread you cant skip over pornographic pictures without seeing them first.
I would just wish people be more curtious and not post such aparent
pornographic pictures in speed painting, thank you.
what got me to post this was visual myriad's green cowgirl picture. _________________ crazy guitar player william |
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Tomasis member
Member # Joined: 19 Apr 2002 Posts: 813 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 6:50 am |
how old are you? |
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elekon junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Oct 2003 Posts: 6
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:44 am |
Its not that bad. at least in my opinion it isnt. |
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fukifino member
Member # Joined: 28 Aug 2003 Posts: 205 Location: OC.CA.US
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:40 am |
I haven't seen anything in the speedpainting thread that I would consider pornographic. Sure, there have been some erotic pieces there, but I personally don't have a problem with it.
*shrug* |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:57 pm |
I certainly wouldn't call your suggestion a rule, and I think it's just plain wrong to assume that the internet is so saccharine that the halcyon days where everyone wore their clothes are still around.
Nevertheless, if your work has nudity in it, it would at least be prudent to post your picture in thumbnail form. This has two-fold benefits:
1. Page-loading times. For those of us who are too poor to afford broadband, thumbnails are a good way to turn a 3 megabyte page into a more palatable 300k.
2. NFSW. It's easy enough to avoid nudity when it's in an individual thread, but in speedpainting, it's stuck in there with hundreds of other pictures. Employers are always nervous about nudity on the internet, even if it's artistic. A thumbnail could alleviate this problem.
Or don't. It's a free .. forum. _________________ QED, sort of. |
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spyroteknik member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2003 Posts: 376 Location: north east uk
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:15 pm |
if you find that image pornographic, have problems  |
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bearsclover member
Member # Joined: 03 May 2002 Posts: 274
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 5:40 pm |
A certain amount of nudity comes with the territory when you are dealing with art. There is a difference between nudity and pornography, however, and I guess that's where people's opinions will differ.
I am a pretty prudish person (okay, not that prudish, but I tend to be on the petite delicate flower side) and yet I forget that some people don't know how to deal with artistic nudity at all. Any nudes, at all, are offensive to them.
This, to me, is a shortsighted attitude to take when you are dealing with artists and the art world. Most traditional art education has included Life Drawing, and has done so for years and years. (Think of all those old paintings in art museums which have nude paintings!) Even prudish or puritanical artists took Life Drawing classes. It is necessary to have that foundational skill as an artist.
I know one lady who is a very accomplished artist, but she dropped out of her Life Drawing classes for what I would consider excessively "puritanical" reasons. Her artwork suffers as a result. Her paintings are great, except when she tries to draw figures. They look pretty bad.
When you have a group of artists who all have plenty of experience with Life Drawing, their attitudes about artistic nudity are going to be different as a result. They forget that the rest of the world "out there" might be shocked by the nudity. And that's perfectly fine to forget�after all, this is an art message board and we are all artists here. If this place isn't a "safe" place to post artistic nudity, I don't know what place would be safe.
With that said, Impaler brings up an important point: when posting nudes in a thread that have a lot of other content, best to use thumbnails. You never know who might be viewing the thread while at work. _________________ Madness takes its toll - please have exact change. |
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DJorgensen member
Member # Joined: 26 Jun 2003 Posts: 147 Location: Edmonton, Canada
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 6:14 pm |
I agree 100% with bearsclover.
Artistic nudity just comes with the territory. In order for an artist to properly understand anatomy they must study the anatomy itself. If you're just dealing with loosely clothed figures, you will never understand the underlining shapes and curves of the human figure, and the result will ultimately suffer.
As far as posting tumnails for these images, I'll admit it would decrease loading times, as well as make it less shocking to those who walk by my laptop at school, but I don't believe that it is really necessary.
Art is art. Whether or not the subject has clothes on or not does not change the fact (and beside those of you who work are browsing the forums at work arn't really working that hard are you?... ... actually I really wish I could do that form where I work :p) _________________
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Drunken Monkey member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2000 Posts: 1016 Location: mothership
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:55 pm |
Ok gendarme willette, no more porn we promise. _________________ "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity" - Sigmund Freud |
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kimchi member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2003 Posts: 140 Location: Canada!
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:41 pm |
I have an idea, how about you don't look at the fucking thread if it hurts your little eyes as opposed to telling everyone what they should or should not post. Step into the real world. |
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spooge demon member
Member # Joined: 15 Nov 1999 Posts: 1475 Location: Haiku, HI, USA
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:19 am |
william willette wrote: |
There is a difference between strait pornography and art.
and what is the difference? |
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william willette member
Member # Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Posts: 119
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:19 am |
Im not totaly agenst nudity for art, as i said there is a difference.
I think that thumnail size posting of such a type of *art* is a great idea.
For _-spyroteknik-_:
Pornagraphy is specified to cause sexual arousal, (the pic didn't do that to me) but still, there are ppl in the world who are under age and that happen to walk by the computer screen...
The feeling i get from that pic was that it was to be a representation of the intent of sexual pleasure. Being that it was created to be a stimulation of the mind for sexual pleasure then anything of that sort i consider pornography.
Thumbnails i think would be a good solution.
They still are works of art, and this is a public site. You can ignor it, find a way around it, or do a small tiny itty-bitty compramise. If youve gotta post it, do thumb nail, or don't post at all. _________________ crazy guitar player william |
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StylesDavis member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 2002 Posts: 259 Location: New-Welver City, Germany
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:36 am |
yeah, whats the difference between a pure photographic pornpicture and a painted pornpicture interpreted in an artistic way? don't both of them let you think things like "mmh, boobies..." or "oh, boobies- i think this offends me and my attitudes towards nudity".
i think the reactions are similar, because nobody just sees the art in a picture that contains nudity. the art can weaken the viewer's, well, "feelings" towards nudity, but can not completely turn them off if it is not a picasso that you lookin at (serpieri! )... my 2 cents. perhaps i'm a messed up pig, but i could guarantee that many, many people think (or feel) the same about it. _________________ known as "ChrisNix" elsewhere. |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:04 am |
So, guys... I'm really curious about what you think of the artwork in the Sistine Chapel? _________________
tumblr blog
digtal art |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:04 am |
i think it was dirty!
and filthy!
and smut ridden!
i'm glad they cleanned all that crap!
and now we can see the really cool bright colors.  _________________  |
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Rubber Duck junior member
Member # Joined: 05 Feb 2003 Posts: 30
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:30 am |
I have never heard of young people who died of sexual arousal..
I have heard of young people killing each other with knives
and guns though. |
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spyroteknik member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2003 Posts: 376 Location: north east uk
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 9:29 am |
i find it difficult to believe that even a 20yr prisoner rotting away in a cell can find that image arousing in any way ........ it's a bright green cartoon which is very slightly bordering on erotic, very slightly, you see worse turning on the tv or reading the average newspaper, this is an art site, art is littered with nudity, artists paint nudes
i didn't need the dictionary reference for the word pornography |
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Tinusch member
Member # Joined: 25 Dec 1999 Posts: 2757 Location: Rhode Island, USA
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 10:26 am |
This forum has always been open to artwork of all kinds, including nudity. If you're too young to see things like that, maybe you're too young for the forums. When a thread contains nudity, it's almost always titled with a warning or a nudity tag, so that if you don't want to see nudity you can easily skip over it. Well you know the speedpainting thread contains nudity, so skip over it. This forum has never been tailored to kids, if you don't see nudity you'll see profanity. It's just the way things work around here.
And regarding employers seeing you viewing those images... "Oh well, as long as he isn't looking at pictures containing nudity, I don't care that I'm paying this guy to surf the net. Carry on." |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 2:28 pm |
dude, some village is missing one of you right now. ---edit--- my response to the guy who posted that picture that was deleted. _________________ 
Last edited by jr on Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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StylesDavis member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 2002 Posts: 259 Location: New-Welver City, Germany
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:13 pm |
LOL drunken monkey! god must have had a f*ckin good day when he formed that ass... _________________ known as "ChrisNix" elsewhere. |
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:57 pm |
the one day someone's lookin over my shoulder..... fffffffkin a. |
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luggage junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Oct 2001 Posts: 23 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:48 am |
So it basicly has nothing to do with nudity or what body parts are shown at all - it's all about the intent of the picture.
Good to know. Now you can post anything you like as long as it's not done for the "primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." |
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Probustion member
Member # Joined: 20 Aug 2002 Posts: 174 Location: NL
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:00 am |
lol, easy now!
i can somewhat understand william's concern, but its difficult if not impossible to come to an agreement what's sexually arousing/offending. remember the discussion about what is art? the same applies here, i guess.
apart from that: it's not like you can't look away or skip over it if you don't like what you see..
and also, what the others said. _________________ talent is overrated. |
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neff member
Member # Joined: 11 May 2002 Posts: 1444 Location: Germany
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:12 am |
Mmh, i think there have to be much more pics like visual myriad's green cowgirl picture. I like that kind of porn  _________________ *
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Drew member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2002 Posts: 495 Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:53 pm |
Luckily, according to the dictionary definition linked above it's only porn if it's intended that way. I suggest if naked people bother then you pretend that the artist didn't intend to get you turned on. It's much easier to change the way you think that to change the way everyone else thinks. |
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visual myriad member
Member # Joined: 28 Mar 2001 Posts: 150 Location: Sydney, Australia
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Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:24 pm |
You need to give her a lasso, though--you know, like Nancy from Sin City. Oh, yeah. Hawt! _________________ Dignity isn't important. It's everything. - art |
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CwStone member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2003 Posts: 489 Location: New York, USA
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 9:47 pm |
u guys, i vouch that inorder to make this forum a 'safer' place for young adults, we should add this GIF to the title of any thread containing nudity.
what d'ya say to that, wlliam walet? if u see that emoticon, then just say no. _________________ -Chase |
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Duracel member
Member # Joined: 08 Mar 2001 Posts: 910 Location: Germany - near Minster
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:15 am |
Yes!  _________________ Lars G�tze Gallery
Detailling a speedpainting is nothing but speedpainting in detail. |
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