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Topic : "You have no talent" |
Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 12:23 pm |
Yes that's right, "you have no talent".
Hearing that from someone, what does it make you feel?
What if it's true...what if you're just in denial of the fact that you don't have talent, and that you just think you're deep and innovative?
Talent...a description that can be judged by anyone with factual reasoning, or is it all opinion?
You have no talent, get over it!
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 1:07 pm |
okie dokie |
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Jezebel member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 1940 Location: Mesquite, TX, US
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 1:10 pm |
You have no balls.
Yes that's right, "you have no balls".
Hearing that from someone, what does it make you feel?
What if it's true...what if you're just in denial of the fact that you don't have balls, and that you just think you're clever and humorous?
Balls... something that a loser hiding behind a stupid name doesn't have, or is that just my opinion?
You have no balls, quit posting here like a retard.
[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Jezebel ] |
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FireFry member
Member # Joined: 18 Jul 2001 Posts: 226 Location: California, USA
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 1:17 pm |
nice reply beth you deserve a cookie
*offers a cookie* |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 1:31 pm |
Yes, very witty response "Beth".
Yet, why would someone be so negatively defensive about such a neutral question?
Perhaps it triggered something in you, personal maybe?
Do you hear that a lot from people? "You have no talent" ?
If so, it's alright...I firmly believe that it's all in someone's perception.
But, if you think you can get a rise out of me.
Try asking around, anyone that trys to debate with me is just treading on thin ice.
I'm giving you the chance to not humiliate yourself, and end your futile attempt right now, or I'll just start some more threads that will be completely justified, yet portray something that you so obviously are.
Defensive  |
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Blitz member
Member # Joined: 04 Oct 2000 Posts: 752 Location: Sedro-Woolley, WA
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 1:50 pm |
Well I can tell you that Beth is far from haveing no talent..VERY far from it.
I know this because Iv goten to know her.
This thread seems to be a little to directed toward another close friend of mine who was recently hurt by such words. Not because they were true. But exacly because the were NOT true. Now its easy to just ignore such remarks. Someone tells you you have no talent just because they dont like you...Its best just to ignore them.
But it can wear on you. It hurts..Its not a good thing to hear.
And this thread dosnt help or prove anything.
Im not gana argue with you Happy. Its pointless for me to. |
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FireFry member
Member # Joined: 18 Jul 2001 Posts: 226 Location: California, USA
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 1:57 pm |
Quote: |
Try asking around, anyone that trys to debate with me is just treading on thin ice. |
Anyone who says that is just asking for attention, or an ass raping. Whatever sports your fancy.
And just to satisfy you on your question no one has ever said to me that I "don't have talent" and even if they did it really wouldn't affect me. It just gets snuffed out like the rest of the trash that comes my way.
I'll also suggest you don't act like your the big man on campus. Some people here don't have tollerance for that and with good reason. |
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Waldo member
Member # Joined: 01 Aug 2000 Posts: 263 Location: Irvine, CA
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 4:44 pm |
Mr. "Happy" is one of those individuals with an evil grin on his face that enjoys poking you in the side with a sharp stick to see what kind of a response he will get. And he gets just what is to be expected. His "happiness" helped contribute to this forum's latest downtime. I encourage any and all to not reply to this or any of his other pokes and kindly go about your business and reply to posts that are far more worthy. Do as I say, not as I do. This will be my last response to a post from "Happy" Man. I'm just sharing some wisdom and hopefully passing it on...
Have a nice evening everyone. |
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Malachi Maloney member
Member # Joined: 16 Oct 2001 Posts: 942 Location: Arizona
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 4:56 pm |
HAHAHA! Jezebel you're way too funny!
I damn near wet myself when I read your post.
Too funny.
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Ahcri member
Member # Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 559 Location: Victoria, B.C.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 5:34 pm |
I'm not as seld-assured as I'd like to be, so if someone says I have no talent, I would probably believe it. I don't know if it's true, but how good I am at art is all in the eyes of beholders since art has so many dimension of meanings. But unfortunately I choose to believe when someone says I suck, and doubt when someone says I'm good. |
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Vesuvius member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2001 Posts: 718 Location: Newton, Ma, USA
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 7:10 pm |
I have no talent?
/me cries... |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 7:24 pm |
Happy Man, you crack me up.
You're quite the shizo-bum. |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 7:30 pm |
Jezebel you da Woman! I would say you hit him below the belt with that one, but apparently he has nothing there to hit...
Anyways I thought we might have lost Happy Man, but I guess when they cleaned up the trash when cleaning the forum up they missed a few pieces.
Anyways Happy MAn I don't think you ahve any right to be posting anything on the topic of Talent... you have not posted any art on this ART forum all you've done is been a pain in our butt (not a talent to be too proud of)... |
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Lukiaz member
Member # Joined: 02 Aug 2001 Posts: 242 Location: New Zealand
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 7:54 pm |
*carefull analysis*
From What I've seen of Mr Happy...or read, he doesn't seem to be directly stirring turds but wording things so they cannot be used against him when being argued at(speech good is mine).
I think Mr Happy knows full well that although he's not visibly starting an arguement.(written in a neutral stance kind of way) he knows people will *react* in certain ways. He likes to set things up so as to get a reaction(see here I am writing).
See all he wrote was questions....he feels he hasn't really given ground for justified retaliation. Written this way on purpose....perhaps smart, perhaps.
But Mr Happy you *know* people will get peeved.
So the question is...
Do you do this to piss people off or is all, act before you think..."Oh in hignsite I shouldn't have written that"
Personally some of your stuff amuses me as does 666[flat](others are intent on hating him.....sometimes I feel like telling all the goodie tooshoes to get a sense of fucking humour). Don't let it get to you and it doesn't get to you, is my attitude.(depending on how I'm feeling)
Mind you for the good of everyone and in everyones best interests(the forums!!!!)....topics that arn't necassary and could possible cause strife should not be posted. although I find 666[flat]'s stuff funny he does more bad then good. This *is* the way it is, like or not. Its really not very hard.
But(theres *always* buts) touchy subjects are good...sometimes, discussion is good for human evolution. Its just that alot of people don't discuss....they curse at one another.
So did you know you'd get pissed off customers??
Did you not??
If you did, then why??
If you didn't will you continue to post this sort of stuff??
Do you care about the general *happyness* of all us forum goers??
I'm quite intrigued. Please tell me so I can sleep, Happy man!!
Ramble ramble  |
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Poprocksz member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2001 Posts: 497 Location: Transylvania
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 8:51 pm |
I wan't the minute of my life back where
I read what you had to say. |
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Poxin member
Member # Joined: 10 Sep 2000 Posts: 122 Location: Chilliwack, B.C. Canada
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 9:29 pm |
bah bah black sheep have you any wool?
[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Poxin ] |
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Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 10:13 pm |
Hm...not sure if this is actually directed at me or not. A couple of people have suggested it is...which is why I'm answering a post I wouldn't otherwise have read with any interest.
Personally, I really don't care if people think I have no talent. Hell, even my own mother thinks it.
What I DO object to is the people who write to me and say that I have no...moral character. No integrity. That I "suck as a person". That I am "tasteless" and "sick". I don't expect everyone to love my art, or even like it. But I'd appreciate it if people would keep the hate mail TO the art, and not speculate as to just how depraved I am as a person. I'm really quite nice, once you get to know me.
Anyway, what I wrote yesterday was written in great anger. I included the negative comments on my art just out of general annoyance at the sheer volume of hate-mail I happened to get all on one day. What really got me that honked, however, was the temerity some people had, in presuming to criticize my character, in all their ignorance.
I've got over it now. Let them hate me. No skin off my schnozz. |
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Pat member
Member # Joined: 06 Feb 2001 Posts: 947 Location: San Antonio
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 11:24 pm |
I say "feh" to talent. Talent is what you're born with. What I want is skill --and the only way to get that is to earn it.
The art field is rife with talented people who never get off their asses and do anything.
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Pat ] |
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Poxin member
Member # Joined: 10 Sep 2000 Posts: 122 Location: Chilliwack, B.C. Canada
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:08 am |
Pat I couldnt agree with you more! |
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Svanur member
Member # Joined: 14 Aug 2000 Posts: 541 Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:40 am |
fleh fleh fleh fleh fleh fleh fleh fleh, I am having so much fun fleh fleh fleh fleh fleh.
Come on people, don't answer this guy, you are just wasting time and server room. I cann suggest a dozen more interesting posts in the Finished and WIP section. |
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Exo 13 junior member
Member # Joined: 06 Sep 2001 Posts: 5 Location: Maine
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 8:58 am |
Happyman: I don't give a damn about what you say about me after I write this, since I hardly ever come here anyway, but seeing that your still posting at a digital art forum just after a few months of idiotic threads, just proves that it's all getting out of hand. behind your idiotic avatar you are the most pathetic human being I've ever encountered on the net and encase you didn't know, that's a long list of depraved, lifeless perverts. You are a waste of perfectly good carbon and electronic nerve conduction.
... I be doing you an injustice by not telling you. Maybe on some distant day, you may be able to salvage at least a portion of your pathetic life. Good luck to you when that day comes and you finally mature enough to realize how pointless this all is. I at first I thought it was joke but now I honestly feel sorry for you.
Don't bother responding to me, it all comes out as a mindless, incoherent slur of distorted and poorly thought-out phrases that, despite you your intentions, do not defend you but instead serve only to prove my point to a further extent. By all means though, go ahead and prove me right.
Everyone else: Don't encourage him. This is your board and if you don't want him around any more, than it's simple really; ignore him.
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Exo 13 ] |
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J Bradford member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 1048 Location: Austin, TX
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 9:39 am |
Chill out people, take a look at the post by Lukiaz. The hate responses is what turns threads like these into something bad. |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 9:45 am |
Quote from Exo 13: "I honestly feel sorry for you"
Quote from Exo 13: "than it's simple really; ignore him"
Do not feel sorry for me Exo 13, for I am not the one who is an obvious hypocrite
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Happy Man ] |
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Exo 13 junior member
Member # Joined: 06 Sep 2001 Posts: 5 Location: Maine
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:02 pm |
Yeah! that makes a WHOLE lot of sense! Ladies and gentlemen, I refer to you to what I said earlier about this loser only proving my point.
You seriously don't get it do you? Say whatever the hell you want to me, at least I have an entire, other life that isn't perceived solely through a CRT. I guess I can always count on you to always be here though, can't I.
I'm sorry, I meant to ignore you but your response was just plain funny (stupid really... but I found it pretty amusing). Ok, I'm ignoring you starting... now.
have nice life... if that's at all possible for someone like you. If you respond, and I don't, go ahead and think you've won if that makes you happy. I seriously don't give a damn, but it?s obviously so important to you, than by all means, I'll say it right now! HAPPY MAN IS SOOOO RIGHT, THE REST OF YOU COULD LEARN A WHOLE LOT FROM HIM! NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY TALENT AT ALL, ESPECIALLY COMPARED TO HIM!!!!!
P.S. Oh, and good luck to you when you finally decide to quit this and actually try to develop a marketable skill. Remember, even male phone-sex operators can do their part in helping the US economy!
P.P.S. Seriously, Mods, don't let me stand in your way when you want to lock this thread. "Happy Man"CLEARLY won this round! And Bradford, you intentions are admirable, but "Happpy man" is what makes threads like these bad ones.
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Exo 13 ] |
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J Bradford member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 1048 Location: Austin, TX
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:46 pm |
If Happy Man posts something that you find to be wrong, why are you going to reply? You know as you are typing in the response you *want* him to say something back, but at the same time you are asking him to stop?
Maybe I am missing something, but there has only been like 1 post here that is something that Happy Man has no intention of fighting back at, because it made a broad point.
Bah, why do I bother trying to make reason out of this. Keep doing what you want. |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 2:13 pm |
Sad.... |
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Poprocksz member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2001 Posts: 497 Location: Transylvania
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 2:22 pm |
yes....this is very sad
come on get [email protected]
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Poprocksz ] |
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travis travis member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2001 Posts: 437 Location: CT, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 7:24 pm |
"You have no talent."
A minute ago I tipped myself over in this big ass armchair I'm sitting in.
by accident.
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: travis travis ] |
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dr . bang member
Member # Joined: 07 Apr 2000 Posts: 1245 Location: Den Haag, Holland
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 10:21 pm |
os my mom siad i have a tealent at typing |
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klaivu member
Member # Joined: 29 Jan 2000 Posts: 551 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 11:30 pm |
Someone saying i have no talent would have quite an impact on me, since i'm very critical about my work and not so sure about my skills. |
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