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Topic : "faustgfx" |
Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 1:59 am |
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Do you think you actually contribute anything useful to this world?
Do you think you have any sort of meaning?
Are you happy with your life?
I know |
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Maruman member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 2000 Posts: 179 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 2:24 am |
faustgfx is here to lick my buttcrack |
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dr . bang member
Member # Joined: 07 Apr 2000 Posts: 1245 Location: Den Haag, Holland
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 2:35 am |
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Blitz member
Member # Joined: 04 Oct 2000 Posts: 752 Location: Sedro-Woolley, WA
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 2:44 am |
Dosnt look like Happy mans contributed Much eather. 3 posts.
I dont know...there was a Faustgfx bashing post a long time ago...this sounds like one too. Why is it the Faus gets bashed by people who have only contributed like 3 or 4 posts.
I dont get it. And this thread isnt much of a contribution to the forum eather.
If this for some reason ISNT...a Faus Bash Thread..then thats fine.
I like Captin Crunch cerial with Crunched up Toast and gramcrackers....SO THERE.. |
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v1510nAry member
Member # Joined: 31 Dec 2000 Posts: 611 Location: London , England
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 2:46 am |
roflmao Dr.Bang....
Be kind to jussi or evil insects Will Come get you  |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 2:47 am |
My number of posts is meaningless....
You.....are meaningless
I am happy |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 3:38 am |
Happy Man: For being someone "happy", you sure have a rather bad attitude. Leave faustgfx alone... 'tis better that way. |
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Unhappy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 3 Location: Unhappy Land
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 3:41 am |
Fuck you Happy Man
Fuck what your about
Fuck what you say
Fuck what you do
Fuck anything that has to do with you
Fuck your 6th grade education
Fuck your insecure ego
Fuck you and your dog too
Fuck who ever gave birth to you
Fuck the town you live in
Fuck any thought your ignorant mind might have
Fuck everything you've ever done
I can be as unintelligent as you...and as meaningless.....bring it..
p.s. this is not faust.....
I am your worst NIGHTMARE.... |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:01 am |
yeah, happy man surfaced here last time i flamed someone, if i recall right.
oh well.
happy man- i'm here so that you could register multiple accounts to this forum for the sheer sake of making an ass out of yourself and irritating others. |
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MrPumpernickel member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 291 Location: Boden, Sweden
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:31 am |
Whoa...this is a useless post if I ever did see one...
And dammit, don't rack down on faustgfx, he's a decent bloke... |
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exo13 member
Member # Joined: 31 May 2001 Posts: 243
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 7:00 am |
Do you think that creating a new alias just to flame someone is anybetter than flaming someone outright like Faustgfx does?
Starting a thread for the mere purpose of attacking someone... Does this remind you of anyone? ...Where is stneil anyway? Haven't heard from him since before the board's down time. |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 7:02 am |
nah, stneil was nowhere near the forum when happy man appeared for the first time. |
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exo13 member
Member # Joined: 31 May 2001 Posts: 243
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 7:10 am |
Quote: |
nah, stneil was nowhere near the forum when happy man appeared for the first time. |
I know it's not stneil, his spelling is too good. |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 5:59 pm |
Woah now....calm down there.....pathetic.
*sigh* my my my....
This forum really must mean *alot* to people, such as...what as it? "Unhappy Man"?
Well, for people such as Unhappy Man, I give him some credit. hey, at least he's being honest.
The rest of you sit, and wallow in your cloud of illusions, or what I call your "life".
Faust, for example. Makes such "smart" comments yet, what point does he ever really make? Does he ever itirate such a point, other than "You're a loser" or "I'm your worst nightmare"....oh wait, I'm was the other "6 yr old eductation" person.. Unhappy Man.
Oh well, It's hard to tell the difference between you people. You are all the same.
Actually, if there was a perfect country to send all of you, it would be Africa.
You can't really tell them apart either.
Lets just put it plain and simple, for all of those out there that like to reply to my post, with assanine remarks such as "Fuck you"....oh wait, thats all you said...nevermind.
My point is this: I am happier than you, therefore I am better than you.
Be happy like me, and your dreams will come true!
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Ken McCracken member
Member # Joined: 03 Jun 2001 Posts: 89 Location: Westmont, Illinois
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:29 pm |
Happy Man, what is your purpose in being here? Do you just have a thing against Faust, and you think this is a clever way to go about it? Are you some frustrated wannabe artist? Your whole schtick on happiness is pretty transparent, it is obvious that is not the real reason you are here. So, what is it? Why are YOU here? |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:39 pm |
Answers come to those who wait for one to speak, without interrupting to speak their own mind.
Read my other post on some other threads, you will see my "shtick"
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raupe junior member
Member # Joined: 04 Feb 2001 Posts: 47 Location: Germany
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:46 pm |
Oh no. I thought this forum were safe of trolls....
faustgfx just is a person who tells his opinion freely. He may not always use the nicest language. Maybe you like it, maybe not. If you don't, you're free to ignore him and the rest of us. But that's no reason to start a flame war around here.
Would a moderator please close this thread now?
[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: raupe ] |
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Ken McCracken member
Member # Joined: 03 Jun 2001 Posts: 89 Location: Westmont, Illinois
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:56 pm |
Like I said, I read your schtick about happiness, and it is pretty thin.
I recommend that you read some deep stuff, like Nietzsche perhaps. That might open your eyes a bit. |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 8:08 pm |
i'd recommend to instead pull your head out of your ass, happy man, for it's starting to sink in too deep there. |
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ex member
Member # Joined: 23 Mar 2000 Posts: 887 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 8:30 pm |
Jussi, why are you wasting your time? |
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Poprocksz member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2001 Posts: 497 Location: Transylvania
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 8:57 pm |
Oh...i forgot you were better than us.....
You come into our forum...
You dis my friend....
You say we're all unhappy....
you insult all of us...
you say a racist comment about africans...
and you say your better than us....
Well, leave then......
Is this your dream come true?
harassing us?
If so...who's the pathetic one?
this is not faust..
I'm your worst nightmare.....
ignore this moron... |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:26 pm |
Please, smile for me
You use the point that I am on this forum, apparently "aggrivating" you people, as the basis of your argument? Very very narrow of you, considering you're the one responding to my "racist" remarks.
And also, I'd like to give a thumbs up to those people who respond to me, thinking they are deep? Or possibly intelligent?
You challenge me, by asking me to go read a Nietzsche book, and yet you are the one that is too blind to see any point that I have made? Very pathetic.
Our good friend Nietzsche was probably one of the most self centered individuals around judging by his numerous books all based on the fact that he has something against pretty much everyone, while my point has always been to be happy and be a hedonist. Now, please don't tell me that it's too far-fetched to think that a self-centered individual would not *praise* the fact of living hedonisticly and selfishly, let alone practice it.
Please...what *are* you contributing? I ask my question again.
Because, I make a respond to it, answering none of my questions...and responding to none of my points.
Though, the great part of you doing this is that you are simply brightening my point to the clear-sighted individual. (Which from what I've seen, is 1/100 in this community)
Are you happy yet?
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:33 pm |
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Poprocksz member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2001 Posts: 497 Location: Transylvania
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:46 pm |
It is because of this....
You are like a guy...
who shows up at a party uninvited....
try's to get all the attention...
makes a complete ass of himself....
and thinks he's so deep and so smart....
spouting shit like" What is the Meaning of life"
and " What are we contibuting to the world"
while not having a single answer himself....
Why don't you answer you're own questions?
Why are you HERE?
What are YOU contibuting?
I am really happy....
I have no complaints...
But I don't go around
telling people they are less than me
beacause of that...
Would you go up to a homeless person
and say" You need to be happy and all your
dreams will come true"....
I hope not. You need to realize that being HAPPY..
is like 1/4 of the pie son.......
go ahead and be happy....
just don't tell people they aren't...
you don't know me...
you don't know any of us.....
therefore...don'y presume
oh yeah(to be as useless as you)
fuck you |
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Radiater member
Member # Joined: 09 Mar 2001 Posts: 331 Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:48 pm |
Damn, I found myself mentally defending faust when I read this post. Bah.
It occurs to me that: at least faust doesn't pretend to be anyone but himself. Your profile, however, suggests you are hiding your identity. What are you afraid of? Perhaps your name should be Gutless Man. |
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Seph|roth member
Member # Joined: 07 Sep 2000 Posts: 261 Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 11:02 pm |
Well, now I know why I haven't been visiting the forums that often as of late..
I find it sad that we have members constantly trying to bash others...honestly, its pathetic.
Happy Man, you seem to be quite the intelligent type judging by your remarks and retorts, but like you said yourself, what are you trying to accomplish ? Sure, you manage to stir up some trouble in here..
Its not that hard if you think about it.
If you have some trouble with faust, adress this problem to him personally, we dont need another useless thread.
Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against you, frankly, I dont care who you are but its funny to see that someone who acts all smart can behave in such a weak and childish manner.
Personally, you were asking about Faust's usefulness to this forum..Well, im sure plenty of people think that he is an invaluable asset to this board as others might think the contrary..
In my opinion, he's a talented artist who's very straight forward, good for him, let him be.
Anyways, I dont even know why I decided to post, I must be really tired..
[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: Seph|roth ] |
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Happy Man junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2001 Posts: 41 Location: A Happy Place
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 11:04 pm |
Well, "Poprockz" or whatever your name is...
To answer my question? I'm "here" because I started the post.
My view on "why are you here" very narrow, because its based on this POST.
Not this life..
Not this forum...
I may have said some other things that obviously indicated that, but I never once said what I meant by "here".
As I've been stating again and again, people like you keep responding to my post without answering a SINGLE question, or responding to a SINGLE point I've made.
Therefore, you are useless..and contributing nothing.
I, however, am simply moderating my original post to see if anyone will actually respond to anything I wrote, and make a good point.
A few people have, and I've actually gone out of my way to PM some people to make my points even more clear.
You are a fool, if you think that you are proving me wrong my asking me to question myself with my own questions?
Because you are opening the door for me, and just *letting* me prove my point SO clear, that even a blind man will see.
Oh yes, go ahead and make some more useless remarks and idiotic comments about how I am saying "here" represents this post, and how I'm such a loser and am apparently trying to be so "deep"....but I've never considered the subject of being happy, to be anything deep at all.
If it were so deep, I don't understand why a smiley face is one of the most widely used stickers to put on a person's homework at school, like yours for instance.
It's a simple subject matter, with a simple conclusion.
You are only causing strife when there is no need for it.
Soooo...."poprockz" was it? Why are you here? What exactly are you contributing?
And please...if it's not obvious enough, that's a rhetorical question, and you don't need to answer it.
Just go about your little party-going life and don't feel the need to respond to my post, if you contribute nothing but petty conclusions and sad interpretations of who I am, and why I'm here.
Smile |
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S4Sb member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2001 Posts: 803 Location: near Hamburg (Germany) | Registered: Mar 2000
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 1:27 am |
ahahahahah... Ich lach Euch aus |
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-LiQuiDcRoW- member
Member # Joined: 16 Nov 2000 Posts: 61 Location: Canoga Park, Ca
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 1:36 am |
hehe , what a thread~ :B
[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: -LiQuiDcRoW- ] |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 1:46 am |
HappyMan... You're a troll, and you're posting with the sole purpose of starting flame wars. I do imagine you're most likely another member of this forum out to have some fun.
I'm asking you to stop this. If you don't, I'll have to go around closing your threads to make you behave - there's no NEED to start picking on the people here. If that makes /you/ happy, I do indeed feel sorry for you. |
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