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Author   Topic : "-=The Enigma of Women=-"

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2001 1:22 pm     Reply with quote
Ahh, what a good thread this is.. brings back memories... of a whole year ago. Seems like yesterday sometimes. I dated a girl who was a complete opposite to me, we had few common interests, but god damn.. what a personality. I totally fell for her.. eventually we got engaged. Didnt work out tho.. she didnt know if she felt for me anymore.. we had a lot of bad things going on that were emotionally draining. Broke up a year ago yesterday.. woohoo.. some anniversary that was for me, sitting all alone in my room. We nearly got back together again in December, but she left.. moved far far away. She's totally over me, from what she's told me in her writings.. but I'm still not over her. I miss her everytime I can see the stars. There's my sad little love story..

Jucas, your an inspiration. This whole thread has made me smile numerous times. Loki, post part 2, or there's going to be a broken heart Sijun band comming to murder you.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2001 5:10 pm     Reply with quote
Just a little niggle of mine... people saying "Maybe your standards are too high". Does this seem wrong to anyone else? I mean, if you're not aiming for what you want, you're going for second best. Would you actually be happy with second best? "Oh yeah, she's the perfect girl, but I'll aim for that one over there. I have a chance with that one."

Mebbe that could be a new thread altogether...

Continue with the good luck Jucas, and we want part 2 Loki. @:-)
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2001 11:19 pm     Reply with quote
Doh! I just wrote this immensly long message. And then I (for some evil reason) by mistake push ctrl+w (don't ask me why). And the whole explorer window just closes.

I'll retype it and post it tonight.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 2:16 am     Reply with quote
Dr bang I agree with ceenda try not to worry so much. I'm sure the right person for you will come along. I'm 24 and haven’t had a girl friend or fallen in love yet, so there's still hope for you.

[ June 18, 2001: Message edited by: fireheart ]
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 5:19 am     Reply with quote
Jepp Brain, I think that�s just plain wrong and shit. I always hear "You have to start low and work your way up" - What shit, I won�t go for some girl which I don�t find attractive!
And also I think it�s better to go for the girl you REALLY want and if you fail THEN try one step "lower".
But I hate that "lower" and "better", I think thats not fair to the girls, they aren�t objects. I don�t like that "upgrade" attitude.
But who am I, just a guy who watched too many movies.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 6:49 pm     Reply with quote
- Part 2 -

So, here we are, Part 2.

We're in Vienna, Oktober 1993, in a subway wagon.

I stood in front of her and said 'Hi'. She smiled, gave me a hug - we hadn't seen each other for nearly two years. We got out at a station and started talking for a few minutes. I was so excited to see her, because I still hadn't forgotten her one bit. She told me that she was studying graphic design in Vienna and had already been there for nearly a year or so.
She had to move on, so she gave me her phonenumber and told me to call her one of these days.

After a few days I tried calling her, but she had the most unreadable handwriting I ever encountered, so I landed at the branch of a bank instead of her. Oh well I thought.

I was still going out with that other girl I mentioned before, but I was obsessed with my old love. Just couldn't let go. So, slowly, my feelings for the other girl cooled off - a thing I regret to this day, because she was one of the coolest and nicest girls I ever met. But that didn't phase me in the state of mind (crazyness?) I was in.

After a month I suddenly got a call from her - asking why I hadn't called her and if I wanted to meet her. Of course I wanted too. So we met the day after, had a great time and talked a lot.
We met again a few days later, and she took me home to her apartment, to she me how she lived these days. We didn't kiss each other or anything, but when it was time to go, I said I wanted to stay over night, because I didn't want to leave her yet.
Her answer was "But I've got a boyfriend, didn't you realize that?". She hadn't said a word about a boyfriend and if she just wanted to let me feel the situation it wasn't successful.
The was the first dagger in my heart after a long time, but not the last, let me assure you.
I had broken up with the other girl the day after we met again for the first time. I thought "Now I'm ready, grown up, strong enough! Now finally we can be together!".
Yeah right.

What followed was the most dire year of my life so far. And I hope nobody ever, ever again comes close to breaking the record. Since there was so much confusion going on, I'm just gonna pick the highlights and give you an outline.

We basically couldn't stay away from each other, but she didn't want to let go of her boyfriend. I should've been smart at that point in time and ran away as far as I could, but it was already in it head over heels.

I immeadetly turned insecure, because at first she told me she couldn't be with me, but then also didn't want to let me go, since she said she never wanted to lose me. I didn't know what to do. Things like "I need to change, so she likes me!" came into my mind - do not ever do this.

Also, what was especially grueling, was the fact that I didn't know if she was still seeing her boyfriend or not.

At new years I was sick in bed with 40 degrees celsius. I was pretty knocked out. She stayed with me and told me that she cared about me, which she really did, but at 10 o' clock she jumped up and said she had to catch a train back to out hometown, where she'd spend new years with her boyfriend. Bang.
I had my personal fireworks from the fever.

Looking back now, I think I was too pushy maybe, but on the other hand, she should've just given me the boot. But then she really cared for me and didn't want me to disappear again either. Because our feelings dated so far back.
Pretty fucked up situation. I really couldn't help myself either, because I was just totally in love with her.

So some time after Christmas she broke up with the guy and things only got worse. I had to join the Austrian army in Vienna. She went on a trip with her class, to Hong Kong and Japan and I found out later, was having 'fun' with a guy. I should have noticed when she showed me photographs and conveniently left some out.

By then it was April/May and I wasn't myself anymore. I didn't know what to do - I just wanted to be with her, but it wore me out. I didn't eat anymore, smoked more cigarettes than ever. We fell from one dramatic incident into another.
One time she behaved weirdly again and I asked her what it was, but she just started crying, hyperventilating, saying that she missed her old boyfriend so much. Another dagger. To have someone you love nearly choking and pushing you away, because they cry over someone else really kicks one's butt.
I have to add here that she always talked pretty bad about this guy, that he treated her like shit, that he left her alone when she was passing out drunk, etc. So I thought I was much better for her. That's why this thread and the talk about girls loving bad boys caught my attention.

Let the girls run after the bad boys if they want and have to is all I can say now. When they come back crying about how badly they've been treated, give them a handkerchief and run away screaming.

During those times she also showed me photographs with her and her (ex- or whatever-)boyfriend, and said "Isn't he cute?". Yeah. Or told me stories about other lover's she had, explicit details that I didn't want to know about at all. Those stories made me feel even worse, because I thought by then that I was totally inadequate for her. Which I was , but from a different point of view.

Slowly I was nearing the end. I wished I could go away, to a foreign country, so I could just heal up and forget about her. The only problem was, that I had to finish my time in the army. I couldn't go anywhere.

August 1994 - she said that she'd be in our hometown - I said great, I'd be there too. She said that she'd be visiting someone else there and that she didn't have any time.
By then I knew she was going to see her ex-boyfriend or who or whatever he was. I called her on it, wished her a nice summer and took off.

That was it. For a few months.

I made it through the rest of time in the army - god, how dull. But I kinda recovered and felt better. During that time I also sent my portfolio to Digital Domain.

December 1994 - I was invited to a Christmas party of the company I used to work for before I had to go to the army. I walk in the room - many people standing around, chatting and drinking and of course at the end of the room, her.
She was helping out preparing the party because her school class had visited that company to do a project and since she knew the guys through me, they made friends and asked her to help out.

Of course we talked and once again, no escape - the same magnetism that had us chained together through all the years, by then it had been eight, did it's job.

But I was still way too destroyed and she just didn't have her life under control either. She had broken up with that bastard and as far as I know hadn't seen him again.

After a week trouble started setting in again. We argued, I felt insecure as usual and tried to tip toe through the situations, but I just had no energy left. At the same time my parents got divorced. I told her that I just couldn't deal - especially with my family basically breaking up. So I left ... yes, again.

I had gotten an answer back from Digital Domain, they invited me to come over and be an intern. Got the ticket, said good bye to everyone and flew to America not to return.

When I was sitting in the plane, taking off, I thought "Faster, faster, you piece of metal, get me the fuck outta here."

[this is basically the end of part two, but I want to elaborate a bit more]

The whole thing that far had left it's marks on my heart. One of the things that didn't work out with us also, was in the bedroom. She basically pushed me away, anytime I came close to her.
So, after that time for I'd say three years, I got panic attacks when I was just laying next to a girl. My heart would beat like it wanted to jump out of my chest, I started to sweat and would hold my breath. Needless to say I couldn't sleep. Usually I'd get up in the middle of the night and read, smoke cigarettes or whatever until that person was gone.

The mistake I made was to first of all, to get into it at all.
I also tried to change myself, which ended up picking myself apart into a pile of rubble. Selfesteem flushed down the toilet.

Right before I left to America, my roommate and best friend told me that they had made out at a party in the summer, when I & her went through all the crap. Oh well, I wasn't mad at him, because I still love this guy to this day like a brother. And I just wanted to get away from it all anyway.

Coming to America was good for me. I recovered.

Until Part 3 ...

Thanks for reading - gimme your reflections if there are any ...


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 7:19 pm     Reply with quote
Wow, very emotionally invoking story, Loki. I hope you realize, you yourself have made the same mistake she did with her ex-boyfriend. She may not of abused persay, however she struck pain in your heart many times. Yet you kept returning to her, and I'm more than betting that whenever you saw her, it was like all that bad shit from before just up and left until reality sank back in. You probably kept thinking, "This time it'll be alright.. we've both grown up a bit, we've learned from our mistakes, we should be perfect for each other now!" but everytime the same shit would hit the fan.

People can love each other very much, but still be the worst thing possible for each other. Never blame yourself or regret what you went through though, as it only teaches you what to avoid and to be stronger.

It's been my experience that the most enduring and most powerful love you'll ever have for a person is accompanied by some of the most pain you've ever recieved from a person. You give a person another chance, and its like your heart grows with every chance, but so does your pain. It gets harder and harder to get over that person.

I'm still very attached to my ex-fiance, even though it seems as though she doesnt give a flying fuck about me anymore.. she was troublesome, much like the girl you described, but I made promises to myself I'd never let her down, and always love her. It's as if I made those promises so deep, they truly do endure, even when I know she wont let me fulfill them for her anymore. It's been a year, and I've realized there's more out there than her, and I want to move on. She'll always be in my memory as a person I could do nothing but love, even with the damage she caused me to do to myself.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 7:39 pm     Reply with quote
Just be hard is that....

There are a billion fuckin Women out there and you shouldn't care about one rejection...
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2001 8:17 pm     Reply with quote
Poprock: well, seems you've got it all figured out, huh? I don't think you're getting the point ...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 12:31 am     Reply with quote
So is it truely better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all? I have often wondered this since I have never been in love.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 6:25 am     Reply with quote
We are all just suckers for pain.
I believe that we much rather feel something that feel nothing at all. I hope you understand this.
Loki, I can REALLY relate to that story; and as for part 3...chances are you and I are in a similar place.
Being in love is quite strange BlackPool. It's both envigorating but it can bring you so much hurt that it is almost unbearable. Just when you think you have recovered and that nothing can hurt you someone comes along to destroy the wall you've built around your feelings.
Hopefuly that someone will stay with you and complete you; Loki I think that you'll agree with me that this has not been so in A LONG LONG TIME; and the one you thought might help you ended up thrusting that sword back in you.
Now don't everyone be too paranoid, this is life and no one ever said that it was going to be easy.
Lets just hope Jucas has better luck than most of us. Here's to you buddy!!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 3:23 pm     Reply with quote
Loki- Boy, do I understand your pain. I've been through the emotional torment of believing that I wasn't "good enough" for the person I love, because I could see visibly that they still carried a torch for an ex.

In one case, a french GF of mine actually cheated on me with someone who was just a friend she used to be "fuck-buddy" with. I was devastated because I didn't see it coming. She told me constantly how much she loved me and cared for me, and the way she looked at me, it was impossible to not believe her(she had the most sincere, loving, emotional eyes).

Another case. An ex GF who dumped me would keep calling me and cry about how her present boyfriend is mistreating her, and say things like, "Only you truely understand me. You are the one person who truely loves me...blah blah." Well, I was so heartbroken by her and angered at the same time. I was thinking, "I treated you with nothing but kindness and love, and you treated me like shit. Now, another guy treats you like shit, and you are head over heels?!?" She's also called me while I was in another country trying to start my music career, and she'd torment me with things like, "Please come home. I miss you so much, and I don't want to be alone anymore. I'll marry you if you come back. If you don't come back now, it'll be too late. You'll just have to visit my grave later." Can you belive that shit? Threatening suicide is just cruel.

Of course, when I got back, she acted as if she never made those calls, and everything is peachy with her and her BF.

Well, I definitely learned from all the lessons from the past:

1)Respect yourself, and love yourself. If a girl can't do the same, then she is NOT worth it.

2)Confused women are far more dangerous than evil women. At least with evil women, you can just ignore her and say, "She's a complete bitch, and I want nothing to do with her." But, with a confused woman, you feel sorry for her, and you wish she'd see the light and make up her mind, so you wait and wait and give yourself false hope.

3)Confused women usually don't learn their lesson and become wiser till waaay after they've put YOU through emotinal torment. It takes many more years of abuse from other men for them to finally learn.

4)If a woman makes you feel that you are not good enough, or is not sensitive to your feelings, leave. Do not look back. It's not worth it. Telling you details of her past intimate moments with ex-boyfriends is in VERY bad taste, and shows complete lack of respect and sensitivity.

Man, I better stop, or I'll be writing all day.

[ June 19, 2001: Message edited by: Lunatique ]
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 5:01 pm     Reply with quote
[some explicit language]

Lunatique: wow ... what was that cold/hot love you / love you not girl going through? That's brutal.

Oh, comments about ex-lovers. What ranking of 1-10 would you give:"Oh, that one guy, he had a cock like a horse - I was bleeding afterwards".

That's one out of the collection. That one hurt a lot - but not of (penis-)envy, but more along the lines "Oh, great, and you don't allow me to even touch you ..."

btw - we're absolutely NOT bashing women here, if anyone thought it's go in that direction. Nor do we hate women.

Also - all of the stuff that I'm talking about happened in my teens or early twenties - I hope I've learned meanwhile.

Would be also interesting to hear what the other side thinks about stories like that - girls, speak up!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 7:37 pm     Reply with quote
Geez Loki what a wild ride. I don't think many people have the emotional stability to make it through something like that alive. My only problem as far as girls is the fact that I never get out that much. I've had people tell me that I'm a nice guy, good personality and what not, next thing I know people are trying to rip me away from my safe haven/computer and hang w/them. The problem is I'm not really a social person, I can handle being around people if required (school) other than that I have no desire to interact. Now a good friend of mine (girl) just emailed from college saying that she's coming down this weekend and wants to go out and do something.. but I don't have a car, live 20miles away from the city and I don't want to burn any bridges by just turning her down. Ok I'm whining for no reason, and there's lots of people out there who have it worse. Sometimes I just have to rant.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 8:33 pm     Reply with quote
Hey geordan!

I don't know how old you are. If you're 16 it's ok to hang out at home IMHO - I moved out when I was 18 and that's when things started getting 'social'. I had the same problem too - I lived in a little village with no car and all that stuff. Really sucks.

But if somebody invites you, why don't you go? You never know what will happen. Don't retreat like that.

When you're saying that you're not social, could it be that you're maybe a little bit scared or afraid of things going wrong, etc.? That's at least how it was in my case.
Go out if you have the slightest desire to do so. It'll be fun. If there's no desire though, then stay at home.

it's like: Stay at home for the right reasons!

all the best
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leat hacksaw

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 11:46 pm     Reply with quote
involving story, loki

this seems as good a place as any to write
about something that happened recently.

im in love with this girl, and she's two
years older than i am. weve been friends
for a while now, but i was constantly debating with myself over whether she was
just friendly or she actually was interested
in me.

I tortured myself for a year or more, and i never summoned up the courage to tell her.
That was until she got engaged.

about half a year later they break up, and its like a lifeline had been thrown down to
a drowning person (me). we start to spend a
lot of time together, and the same feelings
came back of 'does she, or doesnt she'.

I finally drummed up the courage to tell her
that i loved her, and i did.

I get a letter back with the subject header
'what are you trying to acheive' and the letter started like this:
'OK so you were being honest. However, this is the last thing i need right now, after my break-up with dan [her ex-fiancee] and all my dreams had been shattered.
thanks for nothing.'

that really hurt, but whats more she hasnt spoken to me since and i feel like i have just destroyed our friendship. Thats probably the real killer for me.

anyway, i just had to get it off my chest.

Thanks for listening.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 3:10 am     Reply with quote
leat hacksaw: That’s a lesson I learnt the hard way too (lost a two year friendship because of it)

Be very careful in a situation like this because whatever happens things will never be the same again if you cross that line.

I'm sorry to hear how it worked out for you and hope there is a chance that you can salvage your friendship.
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leat hacksaw

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 5:58 am     Reply with quote
i hope so too, fireheart.

it aint cool, this. It would be all right
if i knew that she didnt want to speak to/see me, but i dont. And i dont
know just how to approach this situation.
Ive sent a couple of more light-hearted emails to her, but im not getting anything back

double faces.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 6:05 am     Reply with quote
hacksaw, how long did you wait before writing her the email? I mean from the time she broke up to the time you sent it?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 1:18 pm     Reply with quote
hacksaw: time to pull the black-yellow taped ejector-grips. If she reacts that way when you're telling her you love her, then I don't want to know what happens when you're just saying 'Hello!'.

Jokes aside - stay away from her. Maybe things work out much later, but summon all your strength and get the hell away from her.

Not answering lighthearted emails is a sure sign that she is not in the right state of mind to deal with you right now. If you keep going after her you'll catch a bloody nose or even a shattered heart. Those paragraphs I wrote up there contain enough examples of how not to do it. Don't make the same mistake.

And if she just broke up with that other guy the last thing she probably wants is a relationship. Forget her. If she has the same feelings for you, she'll come after you once she 'healed'. But don't hold your breath for that one - it could be years.

Go out, have fun and try to get her out of your head.

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leat hacksaw

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 6:27 am     Reply with quote
*pulls eject*

you are right, loki. Time to get over it.

yeah, im not sure when it was she broke up with her boyfriend. I kinda had an inkling that it was all over, like by the way her
parents were talking and stuff, but i only
found out afterwards.

i.e. the hard way.

anyway, 'nuff said.

*goes and frolics in sun*
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 8:06 am     Reply with quote
Hey dude - have a GREAT summer! I know you will!

All the best,

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Location: through the door, take a left, down the stairs, and youll find me.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 6:06 pm     Reply with quote
wow. yep thats all i could say after reading all of that.

anyhoo. heres my story..( not a depressing one...and no heart breaks...but its my story.) i went to summer school last year because i needed one last english credit to get out of highschool. during that class i met an amazing gal. at first i was just looks. and then whenever we had to get into groups i had the chance to work with her a few times. so i got to talk to her a bit then.
she was always late to class and in SM if your late 4 times your out. though she managed pass the class with a 75 or so.. i always thought that it would go absolutely nowhere because she would be kicked out within the first week..
each day during class we had an hours worth of disscussions and during that time i would just look at her. i couldnt resist...i was sitting 2 seats away.
the day before the class ended she stayed in after class to talk to the teacher....i was packing up and i had to think up of something to stay after class and get together with that gal.
both that gal and i are polish, and the teacher know this from the beginning of the year because she asked from where we were.
anyway funny thing was that the teacher tried to set us both up...told us to get some coffee...and some rest from the shit that the teacher put us through ( the teacher told us that she wouldnt give a credit away without a fight). man..that was probably the coolest teacher i ever had.
we went outide and it didnt look to the gal like she thought about it at all. came to the bus stop and we talked for a bit.( in the back of my mind i was thinking up of some reasons to be with her for as long as i possibly could. anyway i asked where she was going and she said that she was off to the bookstore to get some books for the rest of the summer....and for some reading material during work.( she doesnt seem to like the peeps at her job too much).
ofcourse the store she wanted to go to was on the way to my best friends house. so i used him as an excuse..and told her that i was going to his house it was on the way. we got on the bus and talked for a but...though not too much cuz the bus was litteraly stuffed..there was a few good flics playing in the theatre and i talked to her about movies....and asked her if she wanted to see something. she said sure...but not a long movie because she had work in like 5 hours or so. ( with transportation, books, home dressup, etc..that wasnt too much time) anyway. we decided not to see the movie because every movie was playing and the next movie didnt start until 30 min from the time we were there. ( this ended up being a good thing). we went to the book store to get some books and started in a conversation...and boy was it a conversation!. we talked about some booke weve read. out beliefs....about experiences, friends...past..etc..but never mentioned music.( i think thats a good thing too. because i believe that by asking about music too early your trying real hard to know that person..while not having too much in common)
we had talked for a few good hours just kept on going...wether we were at the book store, or the mall right beside it.

during this time though i was trying to figure out if she was more than just looks.
she didnt seem to talk much during class.. her presentations werent all that great...and she was always late..
but her papers were outstanding.
reason for the lates was that she had a full time job at the same time that she had this course...that was also why she didnt talk much...because she had taken a few naps during the class.

anyway. since this was the time to get to know her i didnt want to get too close to her yet. ( ive learned from experience that its better to get to know someone first ( even a little) and they go for em..but not too early.) reason why i mentioned this is because she told me that she thought i was real cool and shed like it if i worked with her. ( this could have been bad news because i was out to get to know her and hopefully i would make a catch...but it seemed that she thought it was all a friendly thing....and thats all it would ever be.)..we all know that once your a girls friend...thats ALL youll ever be.) we went over to starbucks..which was a part of that bookstore.( man they seem to be everywhere) we talked some more, went back to the store to look for more books and we started to talk like mad...we sat down in the store.( on the floor.) and started to kinda get closer, and closer..and my heart was going insane...i stopped hearing her voice and thought to myself that this girl was the most wonderful, beautiful, great attitude...ah man it was awesome. anyway i felt like i had to grab and kiss her right there (the distance wasnt too far off ) BUT, some old lady was trying to pass , walked in between us, and broke our conversation. right before she had to go to work she gave me a tape of a movie that she was going to use clips out of for a presentation. she took a bus and left. i went over to my friends house and told him everything....and then i went home. nevre watched the movie ( cuz my vcr was broken...doh )..

that was day 1.

the last day of summer school came and she didnt show up. we got our report cards...every one left and i stayed behind....told the teacher that i was waiting for the girl...that i needed to give her back a tape and that we were going to get together again today.
she just smiled and asked me to help her put the stuff in her car ( we put up a note on teh door saying to wait )..we came back and still i decided to waait in class....and nothing.
went to the front hall and waited about 30-40 minutes and then she showed up with her mom. i gave her the film. gave her a strange look as in dissapointement and her mom laughed...and said that shes usually this late for everything ) ( the gal said sorry and we went on to get her card..( i also found out that she talked a bit about me to her mom that that was atleast good news. )
her mom gave us a ride to the movies but once again the movies started kinda late.we went through the mall ( by the way..she was trying to find a particullar book for a few weeks at different stores but it was always sold out...and she didnt care for ordering) anwyay..i found a store in the mall and POOF. the book was there. she got the book and we went on. looking for a clothing store, for some clothes for the summer. so she told me what she was looking for but had a hard time. anyway i finally spotted it. ( playing with lego and trying ti find little tiny pieces in huge boxes made my eye rather keen when i was younger ) i suggested some things for her and told her id like to see her in that : ) ( the sexiest things i could find ) she got what she came for and we went on.( man the clothing she got was amazing though..and id love to see her with that on.:-)
anyhoo. we had another one of those LONG deep conversations that day and then it was once again time for her to go to work ( by the way..the reason why she had this time was because the last 2 school days were very short ) at the bus terminal she asked to take a look through my art books ( i NEVER leave home without these puppies) while she was looking through them i grabbed a pen and asked her for her number...she gave me 2 of them...and i gave her mine.

2 days later she phoned me but i wasnt home. so i called her back the next day and we talked for a while but then she had to go. for a week straight i was trying to get in contact with her cuz i wanted to see her again....but no avail..i talked once to her and asked her to call me next time. never did.
i got irritated and didnt phone for a few months...( i just worked on my 3dreel and 2d work at home..and was rather focused.). in december i decided to phone her to wish her a merry one answered to i left a message. it irritated me even more that she didnt call back.

a few months later. ( think it was 2 months ago or so ) i got in contact with her via icq. i didnt tell her that it was me at first..but i didnt tell her any lies either...just told her some recent events.
when i finally caved in and told her it was me she responded with a surprise. ( she was in invisible mode.( that im guessing is a good thing because she could have just ignored me)...we talked and caught up on things. she is still working hard..and going to school she only comes online like every 2 weeks?!. anyway..i haent seen her on for a while again..
i made a bookmark for her last year that i meant to give to her//but hever had the chance....and i still have it...waiting .( actually im using it right now while reading LOTR
our interests are in the same area....shes the first gal that knew of some of the things i got to play with while doing interning before summer school...shes active..likes to travel when she gets the chance..but yet i cant get her to take a day off to meet. ( though she did say ( again) that it would be cool if i could work at her place....but i have a contract job...and something else im doing at the time that need my attention.) grabbing that job isnt a good idea.

anyway...thats whats happening on this side of the tracks....and im still waiting..working...and trying to hook up with her.

[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: ambient-whisper ]
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 11:30 pm     Reply with quote

They have a forum too.

[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: klaivu ]
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2001 12:36 pm     Reply with quote
Man, Ambient awesome story I had something like that happen to me but it ended up shitty, however it seems that you my man have the upper hand. I agree with Loki, you took some time to get to know her, she seems to be (and pardon the expression) Your perfect drug. So go ahead and tell her that you'd like to pursue a more intimate relation. Old fashion letters are awesome and you can send her that bookmark you made.
You do have to remember that she seems to be very independent and doesn't have much time, but if you think she is worth waiting for ( and I think you do) then GO FOR IT, NOW...stop reading this and talk to her.
Do not let something great slip by your fingers because of uncertainty.
Do us all proud....
On a side note, anyone heard from Jucas?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2001 1:54 pm     Reply with quote

[ June 22, 2001: Message edited by: ceenda ]
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2001 3:58 pm     Reply with quote
Hmm. Nothing like that ever happens to me.
Boring life. I'm in germany, can't speak any germany, only english and my native, should be hard enough to get in any kind of contact with anybody of the opposite sex.
Shite. Those damn stories makes me feel soooooooooooooo depressed.
Yeah ok i'm drunk. Every single time when I go to someplace drink and whatnot I see flocks of girls which assumingly speak english perfectly. God damn.
I need to buy myself a new me.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2001 4:13 pm     Reply with quote
hey ive been reading this for a while. held off on saying anything, but Loki. great advice man. this is a good thread.

and i too have girl problems hehe.. well nothing that bad (not yet) ive met this one girl who seems really nice. gone out for coffee and to a few movies with her. just have a problem talking to her about more indepth stuff. some people i can just talk to. then sometimes there are people i cant. maybe im just a little nervous or maybe its her. she is a little quiet/shy sometimes. so that probably doesnt help, but i can be like that too. maybe we just need to get more comfortable talking with eachother, but how do you get to that point? just takes time perhaps... meh. who knows. ive never done the dating stuff or had a gf (and im 20) so yeah. its proving to be a bit challenge hehe
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2001 5:05 pm     Reply with quote
thx guy! I'm enjoying this thread very much too!

Anyway - I think your problem is easy to solve (I giglle as I write this): get drunk together! Take her out for a casual drink. It'll be much easier for both of you.

If she doesn't drink of course, that's a problem. Suggesting to get her stoned then instead is of course ridiculous, haha - kidding!

Maybe this advice is stupid, but it's worked for me before. And when I say go out for a drink I don'tmean getting her totally sloshed so she can barely walk. Just one or two glasses of nice wine or beer whatever. I'd stay away from hard liquor, because things get out of hand too quickly ... it's kinda romatic helping a girl puke, but there are nicer things

well, I'm off ... have a nice weekend guys!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2001 5:21 pm     Reply with quote
Dang Loki!! where's part 3? what happened? I wanna happy ending...

Im way too addicted to this thread.

what happened with Jucas?
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