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Topic : "Ugly girls" |
Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 5:27 pm |
I was at the video store the other day, and I was looking at this girl across the counter from me. She was about my age, 18. But I noticed she was really ugly. So I kept looking at her to decipher what that thing on her neck was that was supposed to be a face.
After several minutes of me looking at her, she looked back. We made eye contact. She smiled.
I almost had a heart attack I swear. I got that feeling like someone was piercing me chest with needles. Needless to say, I turned away fast.
I mean...after all, what the hell was she thinking?
Not to be rude, but I know beauty is skin deep and that, but man...does it ever help to have a nice face. |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 5:42 pm |
I know!! It's not like people are born with these things and have no choice how attractive they are! Sheesh! Time to get with it, people. You're making the beautifuls feel bad!!
Goddamn lazy, ugly people. They act like they can't do anything about it. They don't even make the effort to hide their low self-esteem AND their hideous faces from us better-looking citizens.
They should all go live underground, or something. Until they figure out how to change their face to better suit OUR needs, they should just be kept separate. We can stick them with all the AIDs victims and Retards! Who needs ugly people? They're God's mistake! |
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 5:56 pm |
Yikes impaler, I think that's going a little bit too far my friend. Nevertheless, in such an oversexed world as ours, beatty does count! That's the point I guess i'm trying to make.
Like damn we should never hide ugly people. And my bro is mentally handicapped so hey, I'm not down with sticking him in a cave.
But all i'm saying, if a gay guy for example came onto you, wouldn't you be freaked? Some wouldn't, others would. That's the way it works.
When that ugly girl smiled at me, I seriosly felt a scared feeling in my chest, like if she were to approach me. Like, just a natural action induced by years of condition from magazines, games and whatnot.
I guess that's the way it is. But I use the blatant term UGLY people, to make a point  |
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J Bradford member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 1048 Location: Austin, TX
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:03 pm |
The word ugly landed itselt a new mascot when this was posted.
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:08 pm |
hahaah is that you bradford? What an ugly bastard. |
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J Bradford member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 1048 Location: Austin, TX
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:14 pm |
Excellent example, Bradford! That guy couldn't even get a BLIND girl.
But I can't believe you forgot this one:
God. I would hate to see that guy in person.
[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: Impaler ] |
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J Bradford member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 1048 Location: Austin, TX
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:17 pm |
No, I didn't forget, but I wanted to leave you with a little of what small reputation you have left. Now of course, we could post some of those endless faustgfx pictures, then you would really be out of the water. |
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:26 pm |
wipe that jizz off your mouth
hahah |
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roundeye member
Member # Joined: 21 Mar 2001 Posts: 1059 Location: toronto
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:35 pm |
[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: roundeye ] |
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PandaX52 member
Member # Joined: 10 Feb 2001 Posts: 603 Location: WA, USA
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 6:42 pm |
shut up already!
(EDIT)[/biting sarcasm]
I had to adjust my emote-i-con because it was too damn ugly to exist[/bitingsarcasm]
[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: PandaX52 ] |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2001 7:03 pm |
hey bradford.. the female side of this population like my looks.
i really can't be insulted with someone like bradford saying bad things about my face. |
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J Bradford member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 1048 Location: Austin, TX
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:02 am |
just a joke, nothing more. im not the kind who try to make less of a person. |
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Cooter member
Member # Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 101 Location: Seattle, WA USofA
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:08 am |
 | Faust the chix do think yer hot don't they.
What is up with that? Sign of the apocolypse?
Everyone needs to remember that ugly, as well as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I mean my brother is dating this HIDEOUS chick, who I think is a lesbian in a rottweilers body. Short little squat pug nosed hose bee-yatch...
And no she don't like me much |
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Vgta member
Member # Joined: 21 May 2001 Posts: 447 Location: Arlington, Texas
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 5:27 am |
you got it all wrong beauty is in the eyes of the BEER holder....  |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 5:34 am |
it helps to never go out. and have a dislike for pornography. |
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Mime member
Member # Joined: 02 Oct 2000 Posts: 224 Location: France
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 6:17 am |
wouldnt you die of boredom whithout pornography when you never go out ?
:] |
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wayfinder member
Member # Joined: 03 Jan 2001 Posts: 486 Location: Berlin, Germany
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 6:26 am |
here's a pic of an ugly girl:
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n8 member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 791 Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 7:27 am |
dood..that aint no chik...its a guy you stupid person!!..hahahha  |
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S4Sb member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2001 Posts: 803 Location: near Hamburg (Germany) | Registered: Mar 2000
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 7:42 am |
That's Lunatique Did I win? |
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Jezebel member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 1940 Location: Mesquite, TX, US
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 7:50 am |
Haha... that's terrible S4Sb, be nice  |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 7:51 am |
sar'casm, n [L. sarcasmos; Gr. sarkasmos, a bitter laugh, from sarkazein, to tear flesh like dogs, to speak bitterly, from sarx, sarkos, flesh.]
- a taunting, sneering, cutting, or caustic remark; a gibe or jeer, generally ironical.
John Ro-mer'o, n [L. Romerismos; dim. of romerismosae latornicus, meaning "one of falsely inflated egos, of or pertaining to Gr. Daikatanus, meaning "out of a job"]
- a holder of silky, delicious hair, responsible for games that are infamous; commonly associated with Doom, Quake, Daikatana, Deus Ex, and Anachronox; Currently out of a job, rarely seen with his Ferrari anymore.
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Jezebel member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 1940 Location: Mesquite, TX, US
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 8:03 am |
(pulled off of hehe)
It's Long, Glossy, and Smells Fruity
I saw John Romero (formerly of id software, now Big Cheese at Ion Storm) in person recently and he has THE MOST glorious hair I have ever seen on a man!! Now, I'm a woman, I have long hair, but it is *nowhere* near as glossy and healthy looking as his! I feel like I should turn in my female species membership card for this, or something. Anyway, I beseech you: Can you worm any hair care tips out of John Romero? I would KILL for hair like that!!
Hey, thanks for the compliment, it's not everyday that I get asked about my shiny hair secrets! Okay, I've never told anyone my entire hair routine before, but if you follow my advice, you too can have glorious hair -- just like me! (j/k)
Here are the steps, in order:
(1) Shampoo hair (I use Finesse, sometimes Pantene) and make sure it lathers up good before rinsing.
(2) Rinse shampoo out of hair.
(3) Condition hair (use conditioner that's the same brand as the shampoo) and make sure you apply the conditioner at the ends first so they get the most amount of conditioner because with long hair, usually the ends are the most neglected.
(4) Wait 3 minutes. I usually brush my teeth during this period.
(5) Completely rinse out all conditioner
(6) When you get out of the shower, towel-dry your hair as much as possible
(7) The next step is optional, but I sometime put a hair straightener in because my hair is naturally wavy. I use Get It Straight (Sebastian). Just a small amount that you apply to your waviest sections (I usually apply it near the ends).
(8) These last three steps are the most important ones in the whole routine and are what make all the difference: Blow-dry your hair until it's completely dry. Don't half-dry your hair, you gotta go all the way. I always flip my hair over in front of my face and look at the floor while using a brush and hair dryer to slowly dry all my hair. Brushing downward while drying will help straighten your hair and completely drying it will make sure it doesn't kink up or curl up.
(9) When you're done drying, put your hair back in a ponytail holder for at least 5 minutes. This allows all the hot air trapped in your hair to get out so your hair isn't too puffy.
(10) After 5 minutes or more you will still have a bunch of frizzy hair strands sticking up thanks to the magnetic field that was emanating from the hair dryer. At this final step, I take my hair out of the ponytail holder, apply one drop of Laminates Drops (Sebastian) to one palm, rub the Laminates in a circular motion between my hands so they are both covered in it, then start applying it to the back of my head with both hands first because a lot of it will come off at first application and you don't want a bunch on the top of your head because it will look wet or greasy. Rub it into your ends, then finally get back to the top of your head and rub it in and make sure you get the frizzy strands so they will lie down. Keep rubbing it into your hair until your hands have no
more Laminates on them. Wash your hands, brush your hair and you're done!
Here's a link to Sebastian Hair Products: |
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 8:37 am |
wow......that's quite the hair routine. Some people care waaay too much about hair. I know this one guy, shit, all he ever did was ask if his hair was looking good.
He would go into the details about how he carefully manufactured each spike to the tinniest detail to get it to look good.
some people care just way too much. |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 12:20 pm |
quote: Originally posted by S4Sb:
That's Lunatique Did I win?
WTF?! Puh-leeeeese. He's way prettier than me. Don't insult John like that. It's bad enough he was humiliated by Daikatana. . .. |
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Lemur-X member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 252 Location: Anchorage AK USA
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 12:32 pm |
Without ugly girls, where would ugly people come from?
In all honesty, without 'ugliness' how would you be able to appreciate 'beauty'?
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Perplexer member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2001 Posts: 55
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:14 pm |
Geez lemur... I have been thinking about what you said for quiet a while and I can't make up my mind whether you are right or not- at all.
Since, as was already said here, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I am not sure whether it is true that uglyness is simply the lack of beauty as it is e.g. with darkness and light or cold and heat. There is no formula for beauty.
Or is there? There are scientists that believe that (facial) beauty is based on symmetry and shapes. The higher the symmetry of a face the more beautiful the mass of people perceives it. Average faces, digitally constructed out of hundreds of photographs, usually came across as extremely beautiful. The more faces contributed to the 'average' face, the better it was percieved.
Then again, when I start being a little less logical about beauty, I come to think: if I was trapped on an island only with women that I think are beautiful, would I ever get tired of them? Or think less of their beauty? Or completely change my mind and go for the fat and ugly kind as soon as I was 'resqued'?
hmmm... tell you what, if anyone ever puts me on such an island, chip in some bimbos- just to make sure. |
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Dryfire member
Member # Joined: 21 May 2000 Posts: 945 Location: Long Island, NY
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:36 pm |
yeah thats something i always wondered.. why are there ugly people on earth.. it doesn't make sense.. so i figured.. theres ugly guys & girls so i think ugly was made for ugly hehe good plan right?!
yeah.. reiteratring again.. i have many painful stories.. willing to share
...i'm afraid to go out
[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: Dryfire ] |
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:38 pm |
shit maybe that's bastardly lukias. I mean, be thankful to those who make others look good?
Shit, that's kinda using poeple as an end..or is it means.....i fucking forget. |
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Superbug member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2000 Posts: 544 Location: Canada
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 2:03 pm |
My friend came up with a theory once. He said, there are no such people as ugly people. You know why??
Because they all died out.
He believes that all the ugly people couldn't reporduce cuz they were too "fucking ugly..." as he put it, " get laid." So since there are no ugly genes (for lack of better terms), all that is left are the beautiful people.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... |
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