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Author   Topic : "BELLY DANCER! WOO HOO!"
Liser Studios

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 6:20 pm     Reply with quote
i don't plan on fixing any mistakes, unless you see a huge one, but you can still C&C so i can see the mistakes and fix them next time around... but it's not a big deal cuz it's just going to be behind a menu on my site, so you won't really pay much attention to it. Instead of worrying about it I'm just going to go work on the splash page

i want it (splash page) to seem really... what's the word... serene?
i was thinking of maybe a Siren playing her harp or whatever while sitting on a rock, and a waterfall directly behind her
a guy and a girl (or maybe just one person) in the ocean (only knee deep of water) by one of those big rocks that the waves crash into and cause those big splashes with all that mist... i was thinking he could be standing in the mist... that could look cool

btw, a little vent from me:
we have a yearly thing where we do a "who's who" of the seniors, like "best couple" "most artistic" "best eyes" "most musical" ...etc.
this other kid is asking everyone to vote for him for most artistic, and he's popular with a lot of the girls... and here's what he draws
i'm probably just biased, but i personally think he sucks and is nowhere near me, and i think there's quite a few other people better than him, yet he's going to win it. that makes me so friggin mad. dangit.

end of vent
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:34 pm     Reply with quote
it is clear that this other artist must be destroyed. but besides that, and more on the topic of your drawing, i think the girl and her clothy things are looking stiff. to partly cure this, you should have used cleaner lines for her contour (one foul swipe!). line alone can say a lot in terms of motion. things seem to be dangling and flowing every which way and whether the way in which their flowing makes sense or not, is beyond me. her hair is especially awkward, i think, like she had just jumped and thrust her head to the side. her arms seem a tad muscular, too. i hope i helped.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 12:32 am     Reply with quote
it's highschool, ignore it, the memories will last about a month into college...
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Robert Ashley

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 8:02 am     Reply with quote
Shahar2k is completely correct with his statement. once you are in college, you will completely forget highschool. I am just a couple of years away from my 10 year reunion and I dont remember very much of anything or anyone. (maybe I am blocking out bad memories?? Although they all coulnt have been bad could they?? Oh well)

Forget about it. Let it roll off your back like water off a duck.

Anyway, about your picture...its nice, there are somethings that need change but overall the proportions are pretty close. I hope you are going to college for art when you get out of school.
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Liser Studios

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 3:06 pm     Reply with quote
yeah, i know what you guys mean...

I just hate working my @$$ off at everything i do and getting no recognition for it. i'm not just talking about art. i work my butt off at weight lifting and (i'm a benchwarming 19th string football player) and i out-squatted the "superstar jock, all conference team" player by 30 pounds (i did 345 and he did 315) but yet the coach refused to put up my record and put his as #1. Why? I dunno, probably because he wants Dusty to seem like the best.
(end senseless jock talk)
no, i'm not exaggerating this next thing, this seriously is true:
in art class no one can go behind Mr. Kamer's desk. Which obviously makes sense, he doesn't want people snooping around his stuff or anything. Well, just yesterday, he (Calvin) comes into 8th period and is talking to Kamer, sits down behind the desk, and while they're talking to eachother, Calvin starts looking through the grade books. Technically Kamer could get fired for that, since there's a new law around here that says you can't let students see eachothers grades. You might think "he could just be looking for his grade," but he doesn't take any art classes; he just comes down during his study hall.
In fact, another teacher takes that rule so seriously that he has everyone fold their papers in half so you can only see your name and then passes it around that way.

sorry about all of that... i know it sounds like "immature" high school stuff, but it really ticks me off. I mean, he lets the kid sit behind his desk and read through... .... nevermind... ... lol

...I had a terrible childhood (abuse from my brother, call the cops, parents tell them they'll handle it, happens again, call the cops, parents will handle it,...etc.), best friend of 10 years stopped talking to me because he wanted to start doing drugs and I "wasn't cool" (but hey, now he's dropped out of school twice, eventually got kicked out of school and then his house, so that shows where drugs gets you), and I have only one friend now (my girlfriend)... I think of it as I'm taking all the bad crap now and I'll have something great later on in life.

I do plan on going to college for art; but I don't know where to go. My GPA is terrible.... I have a 1.9 accumulative GPA, but at least this year and last year I've been getting 2.5's and even had a 3.2 once. So, I have to find a school that cares more about your portfolio than your grades; or go to community college first.
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Jacks True Self
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 9:00 pm     Reply with quote

There is a lot of favoritism out there, your coach might like the other guy because unlike you he reminds him of himself at your age or it could just be jealousy. Either way you would be happier lifting for yourself and not the coach or the HS record, all of that recognition is gonna be forgotten as soon as you leave after your senior year.

Btw there are great non-accredited Art Schools if you look around. They wont care about your GPA and wont suck the life out of you with high tuition. Go check out and subscribe to their free quarterly brochure, you�ll see what I mean.
I'm sure there has to be something similar in Florida. It could be worth to move even.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 9:57 pm     Reply with quote
Hey Liser:
Don't worry about high school. I played Lacrosse in High School. Varsity. I was 5 foot 7. The rest of the people were at least 30 pounds heavier. My coached liked me, knew that I knew the game like the back of my hand and that I could take the hits. The only reason he didn't put me in was liability. He was afraid that I would get checked out there and get seriously injured. For the longest time it pissed me off, but now it seems trivial. There are more important things in life, but the most important thing is to enjoy it as it is happening. If the pendulam doesn't swing your way now, you can be damn sure it will later.
About the pic:
I generally like it. It is a good pose with a lot of motion. The pose itself reminds me of some of the impressionists who painted people in motion; people in poses that couldn't be held for more than a fraction of a second.
The waist is too angular, I would smooth it out while still keeping the torsion.
Either her hands seem too small or her arms seem a bit large. The hands do not seem to be in proportion with the rest of the body, but that may just be the angles.
Also, the muscle line on her left arm (rightmost arm) is too dark, it will look better if it is lightened.
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