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Author   Topic : "Stupid People?"

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 8:22 pm     Reply with quote
Okay it has come to my attention the human race is getting stupider! It may just be my area of the globe, but have any of you read warning lables? (take a few minutes and read them) Okay these are placed on the product because some one has done it. That alone is room for concern. Let's take supositories (sp?, and if you don't know what they are you don't want to) for instance. They come in a hard metal foil casing and the warning on it is "remove before insertion" I'm sorry if you need a warning lable for that you deserve the pain you'll get!

Now I don't know about other contries, but USA drivers CANNOT drive (once again that might just be here). The other day I passes a blonde (no offence to blondes) in a red sports car, on a cell phone driving the wrong way on a one way street. For some reason her being the only one going that way, cars heading at her, and hoking horns and flashing lights didn't seem to point out to her she was going the wrong way!

Another one I heard was when I was talking to one of my friends the other day about someone [a girl] I once knew. (This might sound like a Urban Ledgan, but is NOT) She worked at a fastfood restraunt [2nd day of being hired by said company] and got a little "fresh" with some frozen sausage links in the freezer. She was taken to the hospital because it froze "to her"... (I'd love to see the warning lable on sausages now)

Okay so does anyone see where I'm coming from here? Are we getting stupider as a race or what?

I know you all have to have a story or two about stupid people tell us...

And some great advice "don't wiz on the electric fence!" - Ren & Stempi
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 9:16 pm     Reply with quote
thats the most wonderful story of sausage i ever heard... god i love sausage
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J Bradford

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 10:21 pm     Reply with quote
I don't know really. I used to ask myself the same question. How can a huge number of people be oblivious to so many things. But I have come to terms with reality. Your going to have your morons, half-morons, normal people, smart ones, and genius. It's just the way the world works, I guess how things are balanced. Everyone can't be the same or close.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 10:22 pm     Reply with quote
I agree, because I'm getting stupier just like everyone else.

I met a girl from work and I really like her. Once I talked to her for a while and she said "do you want my email address?". I said "I already know". She didn't know how I knew, so I ended up looking like a stalker. And two weeks later I phoned her, she was also shocked how I also knew her phone number. I should have told her that I got her email address from some mailing list, I got her phone number from my co-worker, and I got her IP address from my website's visitor tracking program (But I'd rather not tell her I know that!)
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 10:30 pm     Reply with quote
everybody is stupid in their own right......

i know all of you can think of a least FIVE
dumb-ass things you've done......easy
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 10:44 pm     Reply with quote
One day I was at a baseball game at the new ballpark in Arlington (when it was new) and once the game ended we hung around a bit to let the crowd clear. While we were there we noticed some commotion behind us on the upper level, medic guys and stuff. Later we discovered that a woman was sitting on the rail (about 2.5 inches thick) on the upper level so she could get her picture taken. Well, her dumbass fell over the rail and onto the stadium seats below. I think perhaps she broke a few bones. Afterwards she sued the ballpark for not having signs on the rail stating the risk of falling if you sit on them. Umm... yeah. Now the ballpark has signs all over the place saying, "Caution: Please do not sit or lean on railing."

Indeed, people are not only getting more stupid but more greedy as well. Folks will sue for anything these days.

Another story I heard recently (which I'm not sure is true but I saw it in a couple of different places, one of them a news site) was about a woman who was driving down the road when she hit a guy on a snowmobile. The accident was her fault and the man was killed almost instantly. A couple of weeks later the man's widow discovered she is being sued by the driver because she suffered traumatic emotional damage from watching the man die in front of her.

[ July 15, 2001: Message edited by: Jezebel ]

[ July 15, 2001: Message edited by: Jezebel ]
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 10:54 pm     Reply with quote
Try working with the public. 'nuff said.

My view of humanity;

75% are just ignorant.
23% are too stupid to be ignorant
2% walk around going "Jesus, is everyone really this stupid and ignorant?"

Best part is when you tell someone about your grand theory and they ask, "Well which percentage do I fall in?"

And you say, "Oh the two percent, definatly." While shaking your head, and rolling your eyes.

---And Ahcri, uh technically I would call that stalking as

[ July 15, 2001: Message edited by: Cooter ]
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Joined: 09 Jan 2001
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Location: West Valley City, Utah, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 12:50 am     Reply with quote
On the balcony of work here, on the 4th floor, I have a perfect view of 5th South. 5th is one of the widest city streets, a one-way sporting 5 lanes. 5th goes to the interstate, 6th S comes from it. Anyway, Jabberwocky, if you think Americans drive badly (and we do), then the State of Utah is the worst of them all. Every time I go out on the balcony, I witness at least 5 or 6 violations, and I'm out there several times a day (certain habit).

This is going to illustrate a classic example of how lame Utah is, for traffic. You go a few miles over the speed limit here, or don't have on your seatbelt, you'll get pulled over and given a ticket, but all of the major f-ups, police turn a blind eye to.

3 days ago, I was on the balcony, and I saw 2 police cars heading West on 5th (the correct way). They were almost to the intersection, when someone in a truck made a right onto the major one-way street, driving East. They drove the entire block the wrong way -very dangerous. I looked over at the police thinking, "here comes the blue light special." Well, I must've forgotten I was in Utah. The police sat at the light until it turned green, and casually just kept driving West.

Not only are the drivers idiots here, but those who are
supposed to enforce traffic laws are even BIGGER morons. *sigh* I've lived a half of my life in Idaho, and half in Utah. I don't claim to drive like either of them. I pass in the passing lane, I drive the speed limit, I drive in the exit lane, only to exit, etc, etc. Utah drivers pass on the right (or whatever lane they choose), drive slow in the passing lane, making it impossible to pass... and they merge like absolute pea-brains. If you're on a four-lane interstate, and one lane is closed, the merge will have you backed up for miles... in all 3 remaining lanes. Yes, it's that horrible... IDIOTS.

Still, the biggest moron I've ever seen in a car, was my roommate from London. He couldn't park for shit, couldn't back out of the garage if there was a car less than 20 feet behind him, and didn't even know how to put air in his tires.

-I mean... how amazingly stupid can you really be in this world, and get by? I'm more and more surprised everyday, that this world doesn't collapse in on itself.

Oh, man... one more story on stupid (sorry for the length, but this is a great one). Talk about gullability. I went on a doulbe-date. I knew only my date. The date consisted of Me, her, her roommate, and some guy I had never met. The girls were making us dinner at their apartment, while this guy and I sat and talked in the living room. My date came in just after I had mentioned to this guy that I had a pet iguana.

He asked me how big it was. I said, oh, about 3 feet from nose to tail. He then guessed it was about 3 years old. I said, "Yep... it's still pretty young, it still hasn't learned how to talk yet."

He didn't miss a beat. "Oh, yeah?" He said? Then my date perked up and said, "What?! Iguana's can't talk... can they?" We both looked at her like she was an idiot, and both said, "of course they can!"

"Really?" she went on, "you're kidding me, right?" We both assured her that iguanas talk. Taking this rare opportunity, I went on.

"Yep. Like a Parrot, iguanas have voice boxes like ours. They live to be about 70 years old, and learn to talk at about the same rate as us... or parrots." This convinced her. Neither this guy or I were cracking any smiles, and the information seemed logical to her.

Well, her roommate came in, and my date said, "Did you know that iguanas can talk?" Her roommate then said, "Noooo... ...They can? Really?" -I was blown away by this showcase of outright stupidity. We continued on with this talk for a few minutes, giving names of famous iguanas, voice training 'facts,' etc. The guy finally cracked up when I said, "Yeah, my iguana, at the age of three, is only old enough to chirp and whistle."

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT CRAP??!!?? Man... what a world we live in. Needless to say, we were less than impressed by these women, even though the food was great, and they were both knock-outs.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 12:52 am     Reply with quote
^That post of mine up there is long, but if you read any of it, make sure to read from the paragraph that begins: Oh, man...

---You'll love it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 12:53 am     Reply with quote
for product labels:
i think it could be because of the huge amount of law suits against companies [mostly USA ]

if you buy a cat it has to have a sticker on it [don�t burn/swallow/hit/smoke/kiss/smash on wall/don�t love[physically]/...]

,because of the people who put it in the microwave and sue the pet shop...

besides i think people are getting more stupid every day [and i don�t exclude myself...]
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 1:01 am     Reply with quote
I was in class. Listening. Noone is writing anything, except for some chick sitting next to me.

Me: What are you writing?
Chick: Oh, just a mental note.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 1:26 am     Reply with quote
[Okay it has come to my attention the human race is getting stupider!]

This is just coming to your attention? Hmmmmm...

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 5:54 am     Reply with quote it true that you have only cars with automatic gearshift over there?

American stupidity is almost a running gag in my country. Just like: "Yeah, maybe in America you could've done that." Is it true that there was this woman who tried to dry her dog in the microwave and sued the company who produced it? Or that guy who drank coffe that was too hot. And there was no warning on it. So he sued Mc Donalds. You can't sue Malboro in germany just because you've got cancer. And you probably won't get a penny from them. It just wouldn't be possible in germany. The lawyers would laugh at you.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 6:27 am     Reply with quote
I think the problem isn't that people are getting stupider, just the stupid people are surviving more. Modern society protects stupid people. The main concept of natural selection evolution is survival of the smartest, but with todays society you no-longer need brains to get by. If you can sue a person's family because of the trama YOU suffered when you ran down and killed that person, then were actully rewarding stupidity.

How do we raise the general intelligence of the human race? Remove the warning labels!

Remove all the stuff that protects stupid people. Airbags? You don't need airbags, weld a six inch metal spike to the middle of the steering wheel, lets see how many people are willing to drive badly now.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 6:47 am     Reply with quote
Venger - Good points. Society does protect stupid people and it drives me crazy. Another example of this is when a guy rapes/mutilates 8-10 women and then pleads insanity and doesn't have to go to prison. They say, "Aww... he's sick... poor guy... he didn't know what he was doing. Let's help him." I know he's sick, but I don't care. That's no reason to protect him if you ask me. The guys a nutcase and needs to be locked away for good.

I don't really agree about the airbag comment though... accidents aren't only cause by bad drivers (although a lot of them are). Not that it would actually be done, I know you were just making a point, heheh ^_^
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 8:00 am     Reply with quote
S4SB-- The lady microwaving her dog is an urban legend.

The guy drinking coffee was really a 72 year-old woman spilling coffee, and it gave her third degree burns because it really was too hot. It happened in my hometown, in fact.

People sue tobacco companies BECAUSE big tobacco was actually putting in more nicotine than was naturally in the plant. If you make something extra addictive, your clients get hooked on the product, if they like it or not. This is an illegal business practice, and people can sue them just for that. But then if that product starts giving all of them cancer, then you can ESPECIALLY sue them. It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference what warning labels they put on the package, if they're putting liquid addiction in there in the first place.

And people aren't getting dumber, I'm getting smarter.

Plus, there are more lawyers nowadays.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 8:18 am     Reply with quote
Originally posted by Jabberwocky:
Okay it has come to my attention the human race is getting stupider!

how Ironic
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 1:15 pm     Reply with quote
I'm nice

[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: Jezebel ]
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 1:57 pm     Reply with quote
I think I'm on to an Idea that will totally erradicate every single stupid person who has access to electricity. All we need to do is remove the caution stickers off from every little electric appliance you can think of. Anyone who's dumb enough to use a hair drier while taking a bath or shower deserves to die.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 3:16 pm     Reply with quote
Yo Jabberwocky,

dunno if people are getting stupider, though
there are certainly more stupid people around
maybe it's all a 'law thing'. change the law
so it's impossible to swear off your own
maturity like that woman sitting on the
rail or that woman driving the car that killed
the snowmobile dude.
oh yeah, forgot that stupid people are what
the ruling people want, more than anything else =(
btw, can someone clue me in on why US
would need to throw away billions of dollars
on a project that has no reason at all?
are a few people gonna steal more money from
the population and get away with it?
now, put those money into the schools instead
and be sure to teach the kids that there is
more to the world than tv and fat food.

[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: starfish ]

[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: starfish ]
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 3:34 pm     Reply with quote
Okay people I get where you are going with my opening Line... I was just trying to open the paragraph! Actually I've known people are stupid, but now they are breeding with inconsiderate a$$holes! My friend wrote a paper on how we should be worried about the human race because of these warning labels and I had just forund the copy she had my proofread.

Okay my mother (I love her dearly) was sitting facing this big picture window at her work when I came in after a jog on a July afternoon. I walked around her desk so that she had to move to face her back to the window to talk to me. I looked out the window and said' "Hey it's snowing!"

Okay middle of summer and she was just looking out the window... she turns to look back out the window and said, "Really?"

Okay want to talk about a place of bad driving I live in DUI capital of the world. A friend of mine went to France last summer and saw a guy wearing a shirt that said DUI Capital of the World and under it My home town. Oh and on the DUI thing a cop was arrested the other day for DUI and wreaking into a car after leaving his house and not even driving half a block!

And give me a few and I'll try and remember my most stupidest moment... I'll post it later!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 3:37 pm     Reply with quote
There's a story about some American tourists at Edinburgh castle. One of them went up to a guard and asked:-

"Excuse me, what time does the One-o-clock gun go off?"
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 4:18 pm     Reply with quote
Oh yeah, I have always known the world is full of stupid people but just to really blow my mind my friend's sister had come homw and she even said that about 90% of the world is stupid. Then I started to think about it and observe people, shocking how true she was.
A thought of mine is that you may think the stupid people are breeding so much, well also take into the fact that there is the AIDS virus+horny stupid people that actually do have unsafe sex. If you look at it, the smart, or as the stupid people dub them *geeks, freaks, nerds, etc* they are actually the ones surviving, hence survival of the smartest. While all the idiots are out having sex and pleasure like that they get AIDS. AIDS is uncurable at this point and for some odd reason, they dont use common sense and have unsafe sex and catch AIDS or some other STD and get screwed over or have a baby and ruin there life. Of course you have to take in to account love and lust and peer pressure and all, but if you actually take that big of a chance, you really are stupid or lack very much common sense.
I could also sound like a poor sob that has no life just saying all this, but hey let those stupid people live there lives, after all who are we to judge the life of someoen else when we all make mistakes.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 5:43 pm     Reply with quote
A thought of mine is that you may think the stupid people are breeding so much, well also take into the fact that there is the AIDS virus+horny stupid people that actually do have unsafe sex. If you look at it, the smart, or as the stupid people dub them *geeks, freaks, nerds, etc* they are actually the ones surviving, hence survival of the smartest. While all the idiots are out having sex and pleasure like that they get AIDS. AIDS is uncurable at this point and for some odd reason, they dont use common sense and have unsafe sex and catch AIDS or some other STD and get screwed over or have a baby and ruin there life. Of course you have to take in to account love and lust and peer pressure and all, but if you actually take that big of a chance, you really are stupid or lack very much common sense.

Dude, I feel the same way about backyard wrestling! Those morons are killing themselves off! But at least 80% of them have injured themselves in ways which prohibit their ability to breed.
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