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Topic : "Nudes-------Figure drawings" |
silber member
Member # Joined: 15 Jul 2000 Posts: 642 Location: Berlin
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 6:42 am |
here are some figure drawings
-do anyone know an artist who did
one-stroke-drawings?(=one-line-drawings) I'm trying that by myself for some time now and I would like to know if there are some professionals who do /did this.-I don't know any
Crits and comments are more than welcome
-most of the papers were too big for the scanner so I had too scan them sepperatetly and put them together in PS again
5min each
I'm new to charcoal so don't hit me
10min for all
many more
some more
[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: silber ]
[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: silber ] |
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silber member
Member # Joined: 15 Jul 2000 Posts: 642 Location: Berlin
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 9:33 am |
damn I just realised that the pictures didn't load-I fixed it now- |
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EBE member
Member # Joined: 11 Jan 2001 Posts: 173 Location: Delmenhorst, Germany
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:08 am |
...simply great. I really like your line art! |
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Tron member
Member # Joined: 15 Dec 2000 Posts: 118
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:15 am |
great one-line-art!
reminds me of picassos acts. -> look there for some stuff, and tell me when you found something. i�ll watch out , too. |
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Sabot11 aka JRuas junior member
Member # Joined: 28 Jul 2001 Posts: 35 Location: Brazil
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 10:55 am |
pencil drawings are the best |
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 12:01 pm |
i like the first, and very last one  |
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seburo_007 junior member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2001 Posts: 8 Location: calif
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 12:22 pm |
nice drawings. wish i could do people too.
i believe bill siekwiecz (i dont think i spelled it right) has some cool drawings that look like continous line. i think he has a website. there also is a cool book that collects his sketches. |
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Collosimo member
Member # Joined: 30 Dec 2000 Posts: 551 Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2001 11:40 pm |
You know it is really hard to comment on 5 minute drawings. Could you make it any harder?
I will comment on the first drawing.
You are doing some things right and some things wrong. It is good that you are variating the tone, strength and thickness of your lines. This is very very important for succesfull figure drawing. So much is expressed by quality of line.
I also think your proportions are quite good. You draughtmanship is quite excellent considering you only had 5 minutes a pop.
From what I can tell, you seem to have gone over your original outlines with a much more confident and clean stroke. This is great. Although wouldn't it be nice if one day we could do it right the first time! practice practice...
I think you need to consider your method of shading. At the moment it is looking a bit too much like a technical excercise. Your shading lines are monotonous and 'flat' because they all head in the same direction. They should be following the contour and direction of the form. You have to be more sensitive to the form. Every pencil mark counts, when sketching for 5 minute figure drawing.
Perhaps the time restrictions are hindering any serious considerations. Keep it in mind though! Otherwise you may find that habits formed during short excercises will hinder any development for more ambitious projects. |
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cybertoker2001 member
Member # Joined: 13 Jun 2001 Posts: 276 Location: Arizona
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 12:10 am |
You know I'm here. Because it's got nude in the title. And that's all I'm about is nudity and porn. Porn, porn,PORN!
Look at me I'm Mr. Porn-Man.........
.......I'm the king of por...n..huh?.....w..ww.what?.......not.... am I?........why is.....
..everybody looking
...........STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!!!!.........
All bullsh*t aside. These pictures look very nice to me, especialy in such a short amount of time.
1-Thanx for not showing me a clearer view of his genitals.
2-Too fuzzy can't make it out well. Is he in the doggy style position? j/k
3-I like the time you spent on the jeans, good work on that. I think you could've spent more time defining the head though.
4-She's old, but no matter how old ya get your breats won't get square. Ya know? Make those more round next time. As far as the abstract goes, I'm not really into abstract art as it is and I tend to only like abstract pieces that have a lot of bright color. But that's beside the point because you were using pencils.
Good work my man.
How is that loomis book anyway?
Take it easy,
CT2001 |
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silber member
Member # Joined: 15 Jul 2000 Posts: 642 Location: Berlin
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 4:05 am |
EBE: thanks
Tron: I searched the web for some picasso-nudes but couldn't find any -I would love to see any
Joao Ruas : thanks
seburo 007 : could you check right spelling please couldn't find anything with that one-it would be really great if you could do so
burn0ut: thanks
Collosimo: thanks for taking time to crit
all your points are valid and I will keep in mind
cybertoker2001: hehe I knew that I will catch one with this little nasty word
1-np don't wanna make people cry
2-kinda of you seeing her 50%fontviewed/50%siteviewd with her but twisted
,...kinda hard to explain..sorry
3-I make the head ''undefinded'' for purpose-just wanted test how it works
4-hehe I tried to go from edgy�to round but failed a bit-in fact me like only the abstract one(one-line-drawing)
comments are still welcome
if you know anything about one-line-drawings please post
-silber |
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Fred Flick Stone member
Member # Joined: 12 Apr 2000 Posts: 745 Location: San Diego, Ca, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 4:41 pm |
silber-hello. Ireally like some of the styles you have attempted here. Do you go to life drawing classes often? And here is the biggy, have you had an instructor point you in any directions at all regarding the figure?
When drawing for speed, the most important things to think about, and not in any particular order, are, form, contour, motion, gravity, light and dark, or shapes.
These things are critical to depict in order to make a figure pose read correctly. Right now these figures all work well, but the one thing lacking in them the most is the solidity of the forms within the forms. THe one that I think works most successfully is the 15 minute drawing. The molding of form in that image is so beautiful. I really see a ver weighted figure lying on a stage. Very successful.
I also enjoy the graphic figure you depicted at the very bottom. THe one that looks sorta american indian in concept. The concept you are introducing is quite successful, and it has a very charming appeal, the type that could be commercially appealing. What ever that means...
As for the one line figures, Tallouse Latrec spelled wrong, did many, as well as Degas. They both have very successful figure drawings in a very minimalized sort of way.
But as my advice to you, try these on your own time, and when you are in front of the model, think form, form form, and copy exactly what you see. The reason for this is that you are trying to train your eye to see things correctly. If you deviate from this too much in practice, you are actually teaching yourself bad habits. Bad habits that will bite you in the butt later on when you are thoughtfully attepting to change the way you work, or change style, etc.
Be honest with your studies, and the rest will fall into place, that is where you want to go with your work. You have enough skills, they do all the work for you, and the rest of the time can be spent exploring new paths to the same kind of hopeful interperetive beauty.
my spelling muy malo...
Hope that helps a bit...  |
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Fred Flick Stone member
Member # Joined: 12 Apr 2000 Posts: 745 Location: San Diego, Ca, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 4:46 pm |
Here are a few that I did a few months ago. I have changed a bit since then, but you can see where molding comes into play. I am not so much concerned with what goes on in the forms as opposed to what goes on in the lights and darks. I am trying for the illusion of 3 dimensions. These are all in charcoal, from life, within an hour and a half each. the quick sketches were 3 minute poses...
I am trying new things now as well, getting sloppier, on purpose, to help find a way to find line. Just thought I would add these to reenforce what I was saying earlier...
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cybertoker2001 member
Member # Joined: 13 Jun 2001 Posts: 276 Location: Arizona
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2001 6:31 pm |
Nice stuff Flick Stone.
Really nice.
Take it easy,
CT2001 |
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