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Topic : "2 Down... 4 To Go... Ack. First 2 Faction Paintings Finished" |
feebsaint member
Member # Joined: 09 Jan 2001 Posts: 353 Location: West Valley City, Utah, USA
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 10:46 pm |
Good grief, I'm so far behind on this assignment... but I'm done with 2 of the 6, anyway.
I'd love to hear from everyone... and I'll keep you updated on the project, as I've a few more to dish out. I'm going to try to get this week off of work, actually, to finish the project... wish me luck, eh?
Here they are... the Chaos Tiefling (of the Xaositects Faction) and the Human Sensate.
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 10:56 pm |
*in awe*
that turned out increadable!!!
damn mike.... sorry im at a loss for words.. its just...
*to the drawing board* |
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Farwalker member
Member # Joined: 20 Feb 2000 Posts: 228 Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 11:05 pm |
Feebsaint, nice work! Please post the other 4 when they are completed!
I hope you get work off! Keep up the high calibur of art work... |
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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 11:25 pm |
I love this piece. The corn rows are the best! he really does look great...you really did a nice job detailing his charm bracelet, mouth, ete's and tatoo's. Everything adds up to give this piece a severly polished look. Good work. |
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Visigothan member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 1999 Posts: 863 Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 11:33 pm |
*jaw drops*
Good fucking god...
I'm so drunk I can't even focus...But shit...these pieces are fucking incredible...Keep up the good work man...
P.S. -- Will you be my mentor? *begs*  |
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topeira member
Member # Joined: 07 Feb 2001 Posts: 553 Location: Holon, Israel
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 11:54 pm |
i've seen the first one before, haven't i? it was finished, wan't it?
the second one is new and awsome! i'd say that u might be a lil egocentric but i wont
only 2 very minor things that bother me and probably only me -
1) the branch she touches with her left hand lacks the dark contour lines that define the image so it looks like the hand is not really holding the branch. like it doesnt have the same amout of contrast. the figure and the tree that is. see what i mean?...
2)her right leg (bent) seems weird and i think it's cuz her right foot looks like her left one cuz it doesnt have that arch in the inside of that foot. like she has platfus or something...
but those are too minor to be petty about.
terrific job. |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 10:39 am |
wow, it looks great mike, can't wait to see more! |
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Binke member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 1999 Posts: 1194 Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 1:37 pm |
Neat. Was this made in Painter? |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 1:40 pm |
Cool... very nice!
fleabrain... |
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nori member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2000 Posts: 500 Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 1:41 pm |
I admit my jaw dropped as well hahaha. Those are fuckin' good. |
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zenonithus member
Member # Joined: 20 Feb 2001 Posts: 142 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 2:55 pm |
What I said in WIP. |
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feebsaint member
Member # Joined: 09 Jan 2001 Posts: 353 Location: West Valley City, Utah, USA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 3:06 pm |
Yeah, most will probably notice that I've posted the chaos tielfling before, but this is a reworked version of him... his arm is now shorther (thanks, joachim), his hand is smaller, and his furry legs are refined w/better colors.
burn0ut: Thanks again, man... I can't wait to see your next piece!
Farwalker: Thanks, I will! I'll post those other four... and rather quickly... the deadline has been reset to Thursday of next week, but I have to turn them in, on a schedule... my first is Due on Wednesday, so I'll have something new, possibly as soon as tonight!
nickmarksdotcom: From the master himself, thanks! I noticed you didn't comment on the female... did you see her? No biggy... I know you're drawn to the darker stuff, and kick major ass at it! I'm especially pumped to have such things said about my painting, from a guy who masters in the same realm.
Visigoth: Hahah! Thanks for the rockin compliment... but once you sober up, you may not want me for your mentor, anymore.
topeira: Hey! Thanks for stopping in, and not uploading a virus for me, as I very much deserve. Thanks for the comments and critiques. I'll have another look at that branch, and see if I can't make it fit better... also, I agree with you about the foot... there's something bothering me about it, and I think you nailed it, when you mentioned the arch. Thanks!
jr: Thanks! More is coming!
Cos: Hey, I appreciate it, man. Glad you stopped in.
Blitz: Thanks, Levi... always great to hear from you... and you never fail to comment... I really appreciate that, bro. I'm also glad that you're getting inspiration from my stuff. I get it from you, too.. and many, many others. Catch you soon!
Binke: Yep! All in painter... not a smudge of it was done outside of painter. People here at work, keep asking me if I sketched on paper, and then scanned it... no... painter kicks so much ass, I can draw ridiculously comfortable with it. My painter drawings look softer than my traditional pencils... and usually have better flow... up with painter!
fleabrain: Yay! Me thanka you.
nori: That's one of those ultimate compliments... when someone says their jaw drops... makes me particularly proud (ack... not a good thing). Thanks to you, too, man. Keep checkin' back.
Alright, I'll make sure to post more, as they come. I will probably be using 'works in progress' a lot this next couple of weeks... probably something every day. The painting of the Sensate chick, really proved to me how valuable these forums are for input.. more than I really thought possible. |
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feebsaint member
Member # Joined: 09 Jan 2001 Posts: 353 Location: West Valley City, Utah, USA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 3:08 pm |
zenonithus: Looks like you posted while I was posting my comments. Thanks for the bump! *goes to check out what he said in WIP* |
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bOx rOcket member
Member # Joined: 22 Jun 2001 Posts: 51 Location: Salt Lake City
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 3:28 pm |
Mike, hey dude. Adam Tolman here. I just got in here a couple days ago and stumbled onto this stuff today. Looking good. How's Avalanche? Talk to you later. |
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u2art member
Member # Joined: 17 Nov 2000 Posts: 133 Location: FL, USA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 3:51 pm |
Feeb...damn dude...I may have won the speed contest, but you kick my as in quality...shit...Im gonna shoot myself now..well after i respond.
DAMN NICE! Me likes, the style is very cool, soft...yet not...kinda like a zen thing...great atmosphere and space. The focus is amazing....do you use photoreference??? That is my only problem...I hardly ever use reference...maybe I should start. Youare the ART WHORE!!! You should charge people to look! you bet your ass that after being in Dragon you are gonna get calls matey. Hell I'll call ya if you want! Color is nice...pure and clear...clean...ya know? That stuff she is eating is so damn sexy.....damn....subliminal shit man...you are torturing all the men on the forum...or maybe just me cause I am lonely. Maybe I should draw a girlfriend..better yet, can I date your pic? hehe. Anyway...damn nice man, damn damn damn. Thats all i can say, i cant even joke now....damn.
Are these of your own devise?? or did they give you a story ??? damn dude, I lieks...i am stealing them for me desktop...at least till i shoot myself in the face....ok, see ya....damn
what is the time oneach of these?? and medium...PhotoShop?? and size?? Your amazing drawing and traditionl skills show through like mad!!! That is why your digital art kicks most other dig-arts ass! You have a great knowledge of the art man....
this is me kissin your ass <:*
I wont even crit this...just say damn. "damn"
arts art
*BLAM! |
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gLitterbug member
Member # Joined: 13 Feb 2001 Posts: 1340 Location: Austria
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 4:31 pm |
I know the sensate is done and you won�t be able to change much, cause of your deadline, but I thought I post this anyway. Hope you don�t mind!
Both pics are absolutely stunning in quality I think! |
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jOnnywedge junior member
Member # Joined: 19 Jun 2001 Posts: 19 Location: san francisco
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 5:27 pm |
duh...you are awesome....duh..........i think these are yr best pieces........duh....duh...........and the sticky shit in her mouth should be white.....huh..huh.....huh..................
i don't know what possessed me just then...good shit though...props. i really dude, some of yr best work.
word up! |
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feebsaint member
Member # Joined: 09 Jan 2001 Posts: 353 Location: West Valley City, Utah, USA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 7:17 pm |
Well, despite the major crunch I'm in, some of these comments/critiques, were just too good for me to pass up. Here she is again, with some adjustments... see if you can spot 'em.
[edit]Thanks to fleabrain, I've got the right pic here... doh! I left out '4a' on the link. *feels like a friggin' goon.* Thanks flea![/edit]
I played down the little sack thing, the flowers, changed the color of the sappy stuff, gave her upper foot a better foothold, and changed the size of that foot - I gave the shadow on the tree (from her hand) a bit more dark, and I colored the little dangling thing from the stick, stemming out of her hair.
Cruiserhead: Adam! Hey! Man, was I surprised that you weren't here, when I started! Avalanche is doing great... they've got me doing some cool stuff, and I guess I'll be helping out in JuJu design soon... I'll also be painting designs for snowboard levels, and they have me doing other stuff... How's Microsoft? I'm sure you're pulling in major dollars now, eh? Good for you, man... Congrats!
u2art: Hahah!! Damn, damn, damn, dude.. you truly crack me up. Lessee if I can remember enough of your questions to get the bulk answered on the first try... Nope, no photo reference for these... That's something I'm pretty happy about... normally my colored stuff BITES when I don't use reference. I think I'm getting over that... but only if I use the fantasy lighting... you can pretty much get away with whatever, in non-reality based works. This is my own creation... it's not a story. I am supposed to illustrate one member of a particular 'faction.' The sensate, for example, is my rendition of an example of a sensate. I get to choose which race, and depict, in my own way, how a member of a faction is captured in a classic moment. Sensates live for touch/taste/smell/sight... etc... they believe we are all here to experience life to it's fullest. Sensates have a very difficult time resisting the temptation of trying new things -and will travel great distances, and undergo relative risk, in order to try them. Here, I've epitomized that, by putting a woman where she's clearly had to climb to taste a gooey plant discharge.
gLitterbug: Awesome crit!! I couldn't resist modfying the piece to your suggestions... they made so much sense! Fantabulous post, man... one of the truly helpful ones. I can't thank you enough! What do you think of my modification? Much better? I think so! Thanks, again!
jOnnywedge: I am seriously honored, man... duh... um... an...and I think your once-a-week sketchbook entries are ... um ... downright friggin' fantastic. My friends from work, and I, go drawing once a week. The weekly drawings are what keep me from staggering in growth. When I looked at your sketchbook, I felt ashamed at how truly unimaginative I had been in mine. My friend, Alan's site, is made up, mostly, of those once-a-week drawings. My subjects are going to be so much more, thanks to your inspiration... and I mean that in the biggest way known to mankind, or it's creator(s).
[edit]Poor wording[/edit]
[ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: feebsaint ]
[ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: feebsaint ] |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 7:28 pm |
The 2nd picture, just above, and the first near the top are exactly the same... You must have overwritten the old file with the new file??? At any rate... not a pixels difference between them
fleabrain... |
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feebsaint member
Member # Joined: 09 Jan 2001 Posts: 353 Location: West Valley City, Utah, USA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 7:42 pm |
Thanks, fleabrain! I fixed it! (I doubt I would have noticed, had you not brought it up). *offers fleabrain some popcorn* |
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Shade01 junior member
Member # Joined: 12 Jun 2001 Posts: 16 Location: san francisco, ca
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 8:12 pm |
Well, first off... absolutely awesome work. You should be very proud of you talent, I certainly admire your style. I've already hired a voodoo queen to make a doll of you that will give me your artistic talent as long as I hold it in my possesion
The Chaos Tiefling is a great piece of work and an excellent contrast to the other pic. I especially like the detail in the upper body of piece. However, it makes me want to see more detail in the lower half of the body, which tapers off into darkness. The lighting seems to be coming from the right so I would expect to see more highlights on the legs, there are almost none. The whip could use a little more solidity. I can see the brush strokes you used to make the whip, and they have varying degress of opacity and roughness, which makes that part look unfinished. That arm towards the right is wierd to me. I know it's not human so I can't say much from an anatomical perspective, but to the average person who is used to looking at human anatomy, at first glance that arm is going to look strange, because it seems longer than the arm holding the whip, and the elbow looks like it is bent backwards(ouch!), or you could forshorten the forearm a bit more.
The human sensate is certainly a calming picture. However, I'm not sure what type of feeling I'm supposed to be getting out of this picture. I read your discription of what a sensate is, and I guess the gesture is what gets me. The first time I saw the picture without reading the discription, I was so caught with the fact that she had her fingers in her mouth(which is very prominent), and her sort of 'come hither' look that I didn't even see the sticky stuff on the tree was what she was eating at first(which is very monochromatic towards the color of the tree, it almost blends in). I completely missed the point of the picture initially, and I'm probably not alone. I would play up the sticky stuff a bit more, maybe try out a complementary or tertiary color from the color of the tree. I would put more of the sticky stuff on her hand in the foreground too. Also, you said she had to climb to get there. I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Without any sort of reference of height, I thought she simply hopped up on rock and starting licking away. Here, a background, maybe just a silhouette(sp?) of a forest, mountains or cliffs with a low horizon line would do much to add to the feeling of hieght.
Well, regardless of my critique(the longest yet) You have excellent,excellent stuff and even if you didn't change a thing, I would still consider these pieces worthy of purchase.
BTW, I use painter a lot as well, what types of brushes did you use to color with? I'd love to see a tutorial on your coloring process.
DOH! during the time I was writing, looking at the pics, writing, looking at the pics... You swapped pictures on me! Sneaky... the sticky stuff looks better to me now, almost like honey!
[ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: Shade01 ] |
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Cos member
Member # Joined: 05 Mar 2000 Posts: 1332 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 11:09 pm |
excellent stuff mike =)) |
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Blitz member
Member # Joined: 04 Oct 2000 Posts: 752 Location: Sedro-Woolley, WA
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 11:26 pm |
*Falls out of chair*
Thats friken rad. It just makes me want to draw. Your such and inspiering artist. You draw, you make everyone else want to draw. Ill keep practicing and hopfully some day Ill reach a leavel of That Skill. WOW, I love the goopy stuff she is tasting..Looks good.
Your pall
The man with the goofy clown face.
or you can call me Levi. =P |
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gLitterbug member
Member # Joined: 13 Feb 2001 Posts: 1340 Location: Austria
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 3:42 am |
I think your modifications are great, not too overdone, just right!
The flowers and the pouch no longer catch too much attention and the sticky stuff looks much more yummy! :P
I always thought I�m not qualified to crit, especially not someone of your calibre, but it seems as some points are helpful also if they come from a not so experienced artist.
Man I�m happy!  |
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