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Topic : "Lucha libre !!!" |
Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 11:02 am |
Replying past posts:
v1510nAry --->
Thanks! I watche 80s wwf when a child time to time when the "demolition Bros." the ultimate warrior" "MachoMan" "hulkHogan" and so, It was funny.
But this pic is more inspired by Mexican "Lucha libre", a cheaper and less theatrical fight...
Was its sad and funny atmosphere what inspired me...
Micke --->
Very glad that my style remembers you such great illustrator-masters Thanks.
FlintHawk --->
Happy to see you again !!!
I have been busy past month...
...I Wanna see more of your work too!
Thanks a lot for reply to all you!
...Waiting more replys...
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 1:33 pm |
Zoso --->
Thanks !!!
I agree, it�s kinda surreal !!!
About your question:
Hehe! don�t worry...
This what done with a couple of pencils!!! And whole bunch of patience!!!
The pencils: A lightBlue 0.5mech pencil and an Imperial purple color pencil.
I love those two!!!, The pity is that are very bad compressed, so when I scan the drawing I apply some color adjustements.
As I wanted a "retro-psycho-sadness" I did this kinda "old-photo" color...
I did more or less the same adjustements in my Gladiatorus post!
Have you seen it?
See ya Zoso. |
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 1:50 pm |
What kind of paper do you use? |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 2:11 pm |
Ragnarok --->
An ultra top secret kind of paper
Its codename is "standard photocopy paper"
Hehe !!!
If you ask it because of the texture, it�s the effect of the pencil.
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 2:20 pm |
Sempere: Pensaba que era alg�n papel especial por el color. He visto a algunos miembros usar papeles en los que a�ad�an luces y tal y me preguntaba si habr�a alguien que pudiese dec�rmelo en espa�ol =) |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 2:55 pm |
--- Sorry about non-english text ---
Ragnarok --->
Of course !!!
Es muy interesante usar el propio color del papel !!!
Una de las formas m�s habituales de aprovechar el color del papel es usando creta blanca y de color siena sobre un palpel de un tono calido. Con el siena das las sombras y con el blanco, posteriormente, dar�s los realzes (luces)
A typical ex. is a nude study or portrait.
Otro m�todo muy utilizado son los pasteles. Al ser pigmentos, polvos de color que se adhieren a una superficie es habitual usarlos sobre superficies que aporten un color base, ya que es un medio muy delicado a la hora de superponer capas.
Los papeles m�s utilizados son los canson, con un grano suave pero que permite una correcta adherencia.
Hay miles de maneras de hacer lo que comentas, (incluso podr�as utilizar acr�licos sobre papel adecuado para el medio del color que quieras), pero no te olvides que si no encuentras una tecnica que te apa�e siempre podr�s inventartela.
Espero no haber metido mucho la pata.
--- Sorry about non-english text ---
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 2:58 pm |
Well, thanks! I use the typical black and yellow pencil to make my skecthes, so it's a bit hard to make lights  |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 3:13 pm |
Ragnarok --->
If you mean a typical HB pencil you can make highlights with the eraser.
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 3:17 pm |
Yes, but the typical used Milan eraser is not very precise, is it? |
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hydrid member
Member # Joined: 20 Jan 2000 Posts: 193
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 3:41 pm |
Wow! I love this! It looks really nice. |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 3:49 pm |
Ragnarok --->
Don�t be so obsesive with the material.
I use a normal eraser too. A good one, but a normal one. If you want some data it�s an stadler office20.
Some time ago I had the same obsesion, I though that if I had the same pencil that Azpiri had I would draw like he draw.
I was more time thinking about what I lack than what I had. And I had a pencil, a paper
and some spare time.
That was enough, but I didn�t knew it.
A good japanesse friend of mine teached me that the important thing it is the artist and not the tool, it�s person and his work and not the medium.
It�s something that seems obvius, but sometimes we can�t understand it.
Now I understand it at its full, and since then I began to improve my skills.
Sometime ago I readed a really interesting book of the work of the grand-master Jeffrey Jones. He told something really interesting:
"The first fan letters I wrote were to Mort Drucker and Al Williamson. Al Williamson wrote back a wonderful letter. I don�t know if Drucker ever even received the letter I sent. I had the gall to ask him the most embarrassing, lame question of all, which was, "Mr.Drucker, I love your work. Could you please tell me what size pen points you use?" Like that�s all there was to it. If I could find those points I could be a great artist. I could be Mort Drucker. [laughs] I don�t know how many times people have come and asked what size brush I use, pen points, paint, like it makes any difference. It dosn�t. If you can draw, you can draw on a paper bag with a burnt stick. [laughs]"
The book is published by Vanguard, it�s called "JeffreyJones Sketch book"
I reccommend it a lot.
it�s Astounding !
Hehehe !!!
This text seems of martial arts or something similar!!!
Sorry I�m a bit crazy !!! ;;; |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 3:54 pm |
Hybrid --->
Thanks a lot !!!
Very happy !!!  |
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 4:25 pm |
I have some "interesting" material.
Look, the small one is the pencil I usually draw with, and I also do all my quimics and maths exercises with it
I'm not obsessed with the material, not yet
My only complain right now is that my sketchbook's page's size is bigger than what my scanner can handle  |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 4:39 pm |
--- Sorry non-english text ---
You�re an "animal de mucho cuidao"
No me extra�a que te quejes del material!
Si raspar�s el papel con las u�as so bestia !!!
A ver si antes de que empiecen las clases haces algo y lo pones por aqu�.
Y haz el favor de comprarte un lapiz nuevo, o un apura-l�pices en su defecto, que el bicho ese da pena ! Si quieres te mando veinte duricos por correo...
Hasta luego!
--- Sorry non-english text ---
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 4:59 pm |
I will scan some drawings I've made on my phylosophy book and post them here so you can see what I can make with that little beast that pencil is
Well, I've scanned it already, here I have some of the many drawings I have on my books:
As you can see, my phylosophy class aren't very amusing
[edit]I'm going to bed, I'm so tired I mess the UBB code [/edit]
[This message has been edited by Ragnarok (edited January 02, 2001).] |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 11:20 pm |
Ragnarok --->
First of all sorry for not post yesterday, but I went to slept. I was tired.
Philosophy is amazing. I�m sure that your teacher is who make you bored.
I drew in classes too
Hehe! They look really spanish! They have "bandolero�s" faces!! I like the first one the most (the one who is shouting). Is the one who is more and goes out from the typical 3/4 stuff we all have the mania to draw.
The second seems that had a "permiso" for Xmas and left "Caravanchel" to visit his mom !!! I like his so wide eyebrown !!! Makes him seems dangerous !!!
As a "consejo": try to make different drawings every time. if you see the 3 faces you can see the same extructure with different details.
I had the same mistake. Only drawed 3/4 heads with torso. Right now I�m working hard with poses. They result me really difficult.
It�s rally hard to draw hands right now because I almost have never drawn them before...
Every time you draw try to make your drawing more and more complete, and more different.
Think in drawing as a personal challenge.
And classes are for Study !!!
At less I hope you pass the exams
... Waiting more replys ...
... Thanks ...
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Zoso member
Member # Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 132 Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 12:35 am |
Sempere -
I like it! Very cartoony yet somewhat surreal feel to this. What did you do this with? Sorry if I missed that from your previous thread... |
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tayete member
Member # Joined: 03 Dec 2000 Posts: 656 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 6:34 am |
Well, as this is becoming a Spanish thread, I'll tell to:
SEMPERE: I really like your drawing, though it is a bit "cartoonish" for my preferences, but I can tell when someone knows about proportions, anatomy, etc...even if they draw Mickey Mouse, and you know about all that. Great job.
RAGNAROK: Have you seen the thread "Final Sketch" from Mega? He uses the technique described by Sempere: the paper gives the color to the background, while you have to add shapes, the shadows, and the lighting (with a white pencil or so). It was a style often used in the Renaissance (no s� si se escribe as� Renacimiento, pero bueno), as you can see in Michellangelo's and Leonardo's drawings.
And you should study more and draw less (this is what my parents used to tell me too...).
Again, Sempere, great pic. |
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tayete member
Member # Joined: 03 Dec 2000 Posts: 656 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 6:36 am |
By the way Ragnarok...are you lefty (zurdo)?
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 7:43 am |
No, I draw, write, etc with my right hand, why did you think I'm lefty?
Oh, and I have good marks on the exams, although Bachiller is much more difficult than ESO.
BTW, here it is a drawing I made during a really boring quimics class:
What I'm aiming with my lastest "portraits" is not learn the anatomy (which I should do) but to give them expression, an emotion.
I wonder if I achieve it... |
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 2:31 pm |
Tayete --->
Thanks for reply! And happy to see that you like my picture.
I agree with you about anatomy importance.
But there�s a lot of determining factors that nobody should forgot.
I know a lot of artists who are able absolutely astounding representing reality as real as it is, but they are unable of make something of its own. They need reference material as air.
You should see this in the fantastic art field.
There�s who use the reference as it�s, a reference. But there is who pick up a photograph (or a model) and photocopy it in the media he/she is using adding some complements. The result will be, ironically, liveless paintings.
Are you sure if el se�or Iba�ez (the great master creator of Mortadelo y Filemon) or a lot of cartonisis are able to make a perfect anatomy study ?
I�m not.
But I�m sure that his drawings, his characters are alive !
That�s the important thing.
You can see characters as Snoopy or Garfield (or if you want something more actual Bone) and you will see a dog and a cat.
They are alive.
This is the magic of drawing !
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Sempere member
Member # Joined: 20 Oct 2000 Posts: 206 Location: Spain
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 2:37 pm |
What a non-sense I wrote !!!
Ragnarok --->
Happy to see that you�re a good student !!!
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 4:16 pm |
Well, tayete, I really tend to make my characters looking to the left, but in a canvas, the right represents de future, de left the past, the top the positive the bottom the negative. Therefor, I try to make positive characters looking at the right.
If you see my last character he is facing the left side and has an uncomfortable look. |
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tayete member
Member # Joined: 03 Dec 2000 Posts: 656 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 12:34 am |
Well, I think anatomy is the basis for everything. If you know how the muscles work, you can make your characters show any emotion you wish.
I asked about left-right handed, because I've noticed that most of right-handed people tend to draw figures looking to the left (seems easier), and lefties create right looking figures.
Anyway, maybe you are the exception, or maybe it was just an illusion. |
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