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Author   Topic : "beowulf sketches"
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 2:49 pm     Reply with quote
Hi, I know I've never posted here before, but I've been a lurker for a while now. I figured since this is really the first time I ever did CGI with intent as a finished piece, I'd post these up.. they were done for an english project on beowulf. I'm considering using the last one with the dragon for a contest, but it'll be quite large and with color and everything. Any crits on the sketch before I go at it? Apx. time per drawing: 1-2 hrs.


P.S. Also, when I print these, the color is remarkably different. I had to print again and again until the colors, though different, looked allright on paper and onscreen. Any suggestions to solve this problem before I attempt to put in more color?

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: cytias ]
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:04 am     Reply with quote
Wow... That's a very stylish.... style you have there... Very nice...

I'm having a hard time seeing what's going on in the last one, there's a tower.. a guy with an afro, being stabbed at with a trident prostetic from a tentacle bulging out from a venus fly trap...

Try defining things more in that one...

to the printing problem....

If you have a good video card, or moniter, or both, the hue settings could be... changed, see if they are set to factory defaults or not...

or your printer might be low on ink, which is the most likely explaination.

If none of that works, try printing it in a different program, something native, like ms paint, just for diagnostic purposes, of course.

good luck.

Joel Loukus
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:18 pm     Reply with quote
I like your work, it is to some degree simplistic but it still conveys emotion and ideas. Nice job.
My favorites are the second and the last one...they have very defining and illustrative lines to them. I'm not exactly sure what the monster thing is, may have been going for that. I get the rest of it though. Lol, wasn't thinking venus fly trap but still...
Anyway, good job and good luck. Can you tell us what the text on the images says? They are kind of small on my screen.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 8:40 pm     Reply with quote
yea, thanks for replying... wasn't sure I'd be noticed. the monster in the last one is a dragon, actually... I guess it helps to know that, I'll be sure to make that all more obvious. And all of these were done over the period of two nights, and they are really the first time I've ever ventured into much figure drawing as well as cgi, aside from the class I'm taking right now... so I'm proud of them.

Also, each one has a small paragraph to go with it, and the ones with text on them actually took up two pages so the text had to be part of the pictures. Here's the text for each for anyone interested:


1. [just part of the cover.. that's Grendel]

2. Long ago, in the land of Denmark, King Hrothgar ruled over his people, the Danes. They were a strong people, a very happy people. They lived in prosperity, gathered around their gift-giving king in festivity.

3. But a monster came to put an end to the Danes joy. His name was Grendel, and he was filled with all the hate of the world. He came to Herot one night while the Danes slept, taking them by surprise!

4. Herot was empty for many years after that. But finally, a hero from across the sea, a Geat named Beowulf. Beowulf was a most famous warrior, the son of Edgetho, and the hero of many fierce battles. He vowed to rid the Danes of the monster.

5. So Beowulf sent the monster away with ease, and the Danes rejoiced. But they
were not completely free, for soon Grendel�s mother came to finish the job her son Grendel had begun. A dear friend of King Hrothgar�s was taken away. [in this picture, he's pulling Grendel's arm off]

6. It came time for Beowulf to return to his homeland, and so he went back across the sea. There he became the greatest king the Geats ever knew. But there was a tragedy. Someone had awakened a sleeping dragon when they tried to take some of his treasure! The angry dragon flew from his lair and caused panic and terror throughout
the land.

7. Beowulf had grown old, but he was still a warrior. And so he went to the dragon�s lair, and with the help of the young warrior Wiglaf, the dragon was defeated. Beowulf was wounded, however,
and as his last wish, a tower was erected so no Geat would have the dragon�s treasure, and to stand as a monument to the Geats' greatest king. [dragon's stabbing Beowulf in the neck here]
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