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Topic : "Why?" |
Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:01 pm |
Why do people keep replying to threads posted by morons?
I'm not mentioning any names right now, but there have been a huge amount of spam in the galleries this week... and it doesn't help that each time the spammer posts something, people /flock/ to that thread.
Interesting pictures plunge off the page because of this - it's getting really annoying.
I've seen mentionings of banning, and bla bla bla... but hey, can't everyone just /not/ reply to threads like that? The more attention someone like that gets, the more he'll post, and the less interesting and fascinating this forum will seem. He doesn't need to be banned. He needs to be ignored. I can feel the temptation of writing a smarting remark to some of his posts... but I don't. Because, to be truthful, that's what he wants.
He's getting more replies than most of the sincere artists out there. Isn't there something wrong with that?
This goes for other spammers as well. It's not the first time this happens.
If there's a whip there's a way! |
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:11 pm |
Isn't there something wrong with that?
yes, actually there is something wrong with that.
its not smart and logic to reply to such a post, however the fact that someone is THAT dumb is hard to grasp and not often seen.
I agree with you-
Its just that this guy is really annoying. |
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SoMK member
Member # Joined: 04 Jun 2000 Posts: 237 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:14 pm |
"I'm not mentioning any names right now"
Imho, you're totally right... I guess some of the guys are simply having fun, a certain taste of chaos you know :), some are really sure they could add some sense in the lousy head of his and I think it's cool and brave at the same time.. because I'm afraid it's an endless task in this particular case :p I'm not even sure he'd go away if nobody answered...
*sigh* morons happen...
SoMK -----
Either way, you get your dog back. (Veterinary-taxidermist motto) |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:18 pm |
I too have succumbed to that... No More...
*scurries back into the darkness of the internet*
Blah...Blah...Blah 'Ginger' |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:20 pm |
Yeah... I can understand that.
Just please stop it, okay? It's completely ruining the forum.
Either someone kick him out, or people just smarten up and stop replying to the posts. As amusing as I thought it was to read the funny flaming of him in the beginning, it's getting very old, and very annoying now... *sighs*
If there's a whip there's a way! |
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sacrelicious member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 2000 Posts: 1072 Location: Isla Vista, CA
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:32 pm |
I personally try to use humor to defuse these often volatile situations. But I suppose that's just as pointless as flaming.
What is your obsession with my forbidden closet of mystery? |
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schabe member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 327 Location: hamburg, germany
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:43 pm |
i think people who dont look often into the forums dont realize that this geek does spam the forum everyday. so they read a stupid posting and flame it and thats what the spammer probably wants to :-/
if i cancel tomorrow the undead will thank me today (iron maiden)
((( |
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travis travis member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2001 Posts: 437 Location: CT, USA
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:43 pm |
I replied to a few posts trying to help the idiot, now it's pretty clear he's not willing to EVER swallow his pride, so it's a hopeless case. It's too bad, because I do think he at least has potential as an artist, if only he'd shut his mouth and put the work in, but I don't even think he has a jaw, just a big hole that won't stop making noise.
So, I won't respond to any more of his posts starting now... but the admin could help alot by at least moving all his posts out of finished works that don't belong there |
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MrPumpernickel member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 291 Location: Boden, Sweden
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 3:28 pm |
I couldn't agree more, ignoring is the best way to get rid of morons... |
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PandaX52 member
Member # Joined: 10 Feb 2001 Posts: 603 Location: WA, USA
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 3:33 pm |
I rarely even go the the gallery/finished work section, there is just too much stuff to sift through nowadays...
Random MusingS! wooO! |
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Bradford Guest
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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 4:15 pm |
I can't see anything wrong with this person posting their thoughts (good or bad), except when they post a hate thread in the Finished Artwork Gallery and it lacks any picture, is wrong. If people choose to respond to his hate with hate then they are not any better than he is.
The sad truth is, people are driven by hatred remarks, if I posted a random musings topic that said "You all suck, because I am better", you can easily expect a lot of replies.
I could go further, but what is the point. If you want it to end, ignore it, if you do not, then reply.
[email protected]
icq:3704871 |
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Frost member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 2662 Location: Montr�al, Canada
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 4:51 pm |
I reply to some of them because I just cannot stand to see this forum turn to shit because of losers like that... I guess I don't like the way Dhabih decides to deal with those issues, but that's just my oppinion... anybody can just come here and post anything for as long as they like, ruining whatever is left of this place. And I take that to heart... I've put a lot of effort in this place, and made many friends, and this place is sort of sacred to me, and I refuse to let it go to ruins like all other damn messages boards run and populated by miscreant pieces of shit worthless lame losers... there are many professionals on this board, and that is something very special that should NOT be destroyed by waves of morons (without naming anyone). If I can in any way help clear the air and get rid of those scum sucking losers, then great.
That's my take on it. |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 5:57 pm |
ya i dunno why i reply to THIS post! hehehe its lame
hm bah, go reply to 'MAKE YOUR BRAIN GO WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!@##&*(#$' post, it is much more sincere!
nothing really matters |
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GreenPeach Guest
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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 6:01 pm |
Well, I'm not completely sure that it's not me you all are talking about, but I think I'm in the right so i'll say this... It's easy to overlook what is so cool about this place, espacially if you're new to it. I'm 25 and have a college degree but still play games on this forum. I try to keep it in check but it's just so easy.It's sometimes hard to remember that the images and text on our screens come from real people, it's so abstract. I think some people feel scorned and hurt when their artwork doesn't get noticed. Enalya, you obviously work hard. I could see how you'd be pissed. At the same time I think anarchy is nessasary to keep people thinking.
hmm, my 2 cents looks like I'm stating the obvious, oh well.
Get on up! Dumb it down. |
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Subhuman member
Member # Joined: 06 Mar 2001 Posts: 101 Location: Dallas Tx
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 6:11 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Enayla:
I've seen mentionings of banning, and bla bla bla... but hey, can't everyone just /not/ reply to threads like that
because he wil start spamming in other people's threads until he gets the attention he wants.
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KrassOtti member
Member # Joined: 07 Mar 2001 Posts: 112
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:24 pm |
The thing is: We all are more or less more used to the real world. If someone in the real world comes up to you like stneil did in here, sooner or later that would mean real consequences for him and shit like this would never happen in the real world. Somebody rips stuff of? Get him a good beating [blahblah, maybe immature attitude, but people that rip off stuff only learn the hard way, words don't do crap]
In the internet world though everybody tries to smack that kinda people around as well. Problem: no real consequences so there are just words going back and forth forever... |
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Chapel member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2000 Posts: 1930
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:39 pm |
I tried to ignore it as long as I could, but when every other post is about the same thing I'm just bound to reply to one of them. This forum is the bottom of my list now. |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 8:43 pm |
OK so I am back.
I can deal with the images I do not like, I can deal with the potential of talent that has not 'quite matured', but what bugs the hell out of me is the garbage that is CREATED by the people (mentioning NO NAME (singular)) that seems to strive on the reaction and counter-reaction of the forum dynamic.
Not the constructive commentary, or the wisdom of age or experience, but the random trash that CAN be thrown out and thrown back (cause' it can be).
It is like arguing with a spoiled child that will not shut up, or learn from others. Until that child grows up, you must endure its whining, or leave.
This is one joy of the internet. Unless someone bans the indviduals IP ADDRESS (HINT, HINT, HINT to the moderator), this will continue.
However, it is not fair or right, but it is what is, unless it changes.
Sorry for the rant.
I am not sure if this is relevant but:
[This message has been edited by Dthind (edited April 09, 2001).] |
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Jyashuwa member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2000 Posts: 64 Location: Edmonds, Wa
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 8:51 pm |
Some people don't realise, that they are simply fueling the fire.
Honestly, this forum, just isn't the same anymore.
oh well. |
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A.Buttle member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 1724
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 9:58 pm |
Did I miss something?
I fear the end is near for fish with no hip burrito.
Joe Dillingham
[email protected] |
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sacrelicious member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 2000 Posts: 1072 Location: Isla Vista, CA
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 10:32 pm |
Oh man, did you ever.
What is your obsession with my forbidden closet of mystery? |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:34 am |
Wow, lots of replies.
I need to point something out though - I'm not sad because /my/ posts get bumped down. I always get more than enough answers to them. I'm sad because I see other posts with very pretty and interesting pictures shoot off the page.
It looks like it's all calmed down now, though... which makes me happy
If there's a whip there's a way! |
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Ian member
Member # Joined: 19 Mar 2000 Posts: 1339 Location: Singapore
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:53 am |
Yeah iv'e noticed it too. Lotta bitching lately. I think it mostly started with different tastes of music and at the same time a tidal wave of idiots from deep space. Yep. Sijun is changing...I don't know if I like what it's becoming. With all the tons and tons of users, I remember when it was just a handfull of folks. Hrmm...C'est la vie...
To thine own self be true.
[email protected]
ICQ:36732485 |
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ceenda member
Member # Joined: 27 Jun 2000 Posts: 2030
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 3:52 am |
Am I one of the few people that actually sees the humour (ya ya humor, whatever) of the situation???
Why are you all getting so het up about it?
There's 3 things you can do.
A) Ignore the thread.
B) Offer to make constructive points.
C) Poke childish fun until the moderator arrives.
The thing about the forums is the relative anonimity of each user's identity. People here can be as intellectual or as dumb as they want. If you don't like a thread, or don't like the artist in general, then don't look at their postings. Simple.
BTW, Enayla, nice Sig. I like the way you think. *WHHHHHHATISH!!!*
Nicholas Anderson
web: Flying Islands |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:10 am |
Ceenda: Main problem here was that his threads kept bumping other stuff off the page... *shrugs* Ah well, not that it's really any of my business *chuckle*
I thought it was pretty funny to begin with... some jokes grow old pretty damn fast though.
*brandishes a whip, and winks* best way of keeping people in line...
If there's a whip there's a way!
[This message has been edited by Enayla (edited April 10, 2001).] |
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MrPumpernickel member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 291 Location: Boden, Sweden
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:17 am |
Sijun is surely changing, nay, the whole net is changing. The tidal wave hasn't only struck sijun, but other forums and places where people meet aswell ( and to mention a few). There are just two questions left, what spawned the creation of these moronic creatures, and what can we do to keep them out?
My 2 cents... |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
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social drone member
Member # Joined: 12 Mar 2001 Posts: 120
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 11:42 pm |
Why do i keep replying to threads posted by morons?
I'm not mentioning any names right now... |
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