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Topic : "Digital "ART"" |
ShinShot member
Member # Joined: 20 Sep 2000 Posts: 70 Location: Tustin, CA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 6:43 pm |
Gah, PandaX52 beat me to it.
I'm glad someone else saw some humor here. I'm certainly not taking sides, but I could not stop laughing at the visual I had of Don King spewing forth that f*ck diatribe...
Where's Lunatique with his love when you need it? Oh wait, he's already here
p.s. GreenPeach - Thank you, too for the laugh and the retina damage.
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 7:18 pm |
social drone
WOW was that 'hacker speak' in your post. �Run in fear I have been owned �by joo��. I here all the kids on the playground at your school are into that hacker stuff, so join the club clone boy. Oh, sorry drone boy, cause it is �boy�.
You are now more then ever proving your overall lack of intellect and ability to validate any given point. Thank you so much for the URL to a dictionary site, at least I know you don�t use this (re: the usage of the fuck and its derivatives that you so aptly penned earlier).
To quote Johnny Lydon �Boring� Boring� Boring�� (ps he was in the Sex Pistols and they were considered punk when your dad was in school). And yes you little �sod� I did actual interview with him, so I CAN quote this directly (PIL - UCI, Bren Events Center, Irvine Ca,)
Isn�t it nice to hide within the anonymity of the Internet? Hey hacker boy, if you want so bad to own me, send me your IP address, then we can really have some fun. Because your AOL account is probably on DHCP, I will tell you how to get a static address if you really want to play.
While I am sure your school counselor said ninth grade would be tough, you shouldn�t take it out on yourself, you have the whole summer to think about private school. Try to make friends, stop picking on little helpless animals. Work through all that pain you internalize.
Your statements are boring, your mannerisms lack any form of style whatsoever and no one is interested in your opinion.
How about this for fun, you sit on the computer all night looking up big words and find a way to embrace all that anger that is pent up inside you. Voice your witty repertoire with many colorful metaphors and explicit references to profanity. Hey, how about something really fun, quote something you know absolutely nothing about, but you just read on some hacker site. Trust me little boy, the chicks will dig it.
Your future as a hacker is ensured, as is your life long ambition to be nothing at all. Now get to it, bring out that anger deep inside and let it all go in one grand explosion of vile wisdom to the masses. I await with baited breath your chosen words and simplistic attacks at my matriarchal linage.
Your Friend, Dthind
my apologies to the rest of you for this BS.
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Giant Hamster member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1782
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 7:26 pm |
if you put peanut butter on your grandma she will stick better.
wait 15 minutes before genacide...
-JameZ the Giant Hamster-
The Hamster Alliance
AIM: Gianthmstr
Multimedia Producer/designer/all of the above.,overall guru :)...and music music music! weee!! |
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Bradford Guest
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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 7:31 pm |
Ever noticed after about 7 posts of so people are never talking about the original topic?
I think it's okay for this one because it wasn't really important.
[email protected]
icq:3704871 |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 7:54 pm |
Heyyy I still remember my original post! :P
I understand the mentality of Impaler's last argument, and it does make sense, in a transitive-property-sort-of-way.
When I was still in college (I graduated with a degree in Fine Arts), I used to initiate discussions with the instructors of whether illustration was art, siding on the side of hell yes. I am not saying that digital illustration is not art, so let me clarify that first. I can see how many of you would refer what you do as digital art. All I was saying is that the whole banner of "Digital Art" covers sooo much more than just illustration, and that the genre of Digital Art should be explored and pushed much further than just illustration.
GreenPeach's posting of artwork was a good example, in my mind, since even though it was illustration, it took full advantages of the intrinsic (couldn't resist, Impaler ) values of the medium by being so clearly and obviously digitally rendered.
Obviously, this is not an issue that truly "matters" since art is what we make of it, and is open to interpretation...but since this is a discussion board, I decided to post my opinion.
And for the record, I saw nothing wrong with socialdrone's original post, and agree with the message of it, if not the language of it. I posted it up for discussion, and nobody forced you to read it or to respond, which is why I do not understand Socar MYLES' posting..." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oh, for heaven's sake.... I rolled my eyes when I saw the subject line of this. I've heard this debate and variants on it over and over again while I've been at art school, and all I can feel about it now is a sense of acute and aching...boredom." If Socar felt this upon seeing the subject line, then why bother reading...let alone responding and posting to...the thread? The whole few arguments smack of an attempt at censoring a topic, or at least my opinion, which some people do not agree with. If that is indeed the case, then what is the entire purpose of having a discussion board? Many of the argument and flames that I've read on the boards here so far end up with lame insults mixed with arrogant superiority, a wanna-be socialite's defense and effort at being sophisticated.
I'm glad that Impaler finally stated his point in argumentatively logical manner and I was interested in reading, and considering, his point.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 8:06 pm |
My apologies to the posts (of mine) that are off topic,
Digital art tends to indicate usage of computers more than anything else. With that definition, if I scibble random characters in wordpad, then by my own definition I would be an artists. So obviously my definition needs to be refined.
Is it fair to say that digital art must pass a single test (at least at the beginning), the creation of something that could be done manually (i.e without the usage of a computer), but is enhanced with the usage of a computer. PLEASE DON�T start spouting off nonsense, I know as well as any �other� fool that art can be anything that sells, smells or makes the morning post.
What specifically I mean with my modified definition, is that A) The world has changed since oil on canvas, and B) the medium has changed since a simple gallery show.
Now, with that I mind, wouldn�t digital artist tend to indicate someone that can create without the need of a computer, but their creation is enhanced by the usage of a computer (ps I know this theory has holes in it, I am just working towards a better definition for myself).
With all that in mind, who gives a rat�s ass what the actual definition is, it will change and no one that does �digital art� will care when it does.
My Apologies for prior posts that appear to be arrogant superiority, I was just in ultra rant mode.
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travis travis member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2001 Posts: 437 Location: CT, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 8:19 pm |
I'll talk about the original post...
it's intent and usage that makes something art mofo... stop categorizing without cause... you're not going to get a good response here because you come in blasting with utter ignorance, I mean it's too fucking obvious to anyone who's spent a week around Sijun that there are ways to paint ART digitally... and so here you are trying to lump all sorts of shit together as multimedia/computer illustration and not one person can take you seriously just having seen the things we've seen -- and you really give off the impression of being the kind of person who just likes to argue and has zilch to back it up, at least that has been everyone else's reaction, and now mine upon reading your post (and remember the post is at the top of the page, so our opinions are our own, unbiased) |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 8:25 pm |
[This message has been edited by Jaydeman (edited March 20, 2001).] |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 8:34 pm |
I understand why you are saying what you said, and would normally agree. I debate with a great many people about art related topics all the time, both with traditional paint-and-canvas artists and with computer-assisted artists. I agree that yes, I maybe should have examined what Sijun had to offer.
However, what occured was that I was in a debate with Lunatique about the exact same topic, and he invited me to post exactly what I was saying, on Sijun, and to hear the replies back, so I did.
Anyways, my apologizes if it seemed like I came in here blasting at everyone, that was not the intent. The intent was to give my personal thesis of thought on the topic and to read and consider the arguments against it. I did have a feeling that it might start a flame war, but more just because someone always simply refuses to respond in a cohesive, objective manner, and resort to just insult flaming instead, leading into, and propagating, a flame war.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 8:40 pm |
I agree with your last posting, and read it carefully, since it was intelligently written and obviously full of thought. You are correct, in that ultimately, it doesn't matter what anything is termed. With the advent of new imaging software, the whole concept of art in our digital world has changed, and has changed the entire art world as well. What I am interested in, is determining where categories lay at this point, although I agree it is pointless and futile in the longterm scheme of things.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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social drone member
Member # Joined: 12 Mar 2001 Posts: 120
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:03 pm |
Ddimd, im not a hacker nor do i want to be; "hacker speak" makes me laugh...i think its fucking funny.
my opinion of the sex pistols is very low. and the fact that you hold some respect for them makes you (in my mind) a bigger tool than ever before. if you think dropping names will levitate your status of "Grand High Wizard of Faggotry" then you have met every expectation i had for you, these being that you are in fact the worlds first thinking tampon. i grew up in the shit white-trash spawning grounds of filth and vommit. i have know more kids who have died from drugs like heroin than a male prostitute on east hollywood. the fact that you seem to be trying to glorify the fucking sex pistols makes me want to smother your bitch ass in a shower of shit. then i will flame broil these diseased beliefes of yours untill they reach purification in fucking brutal storms of fucking fire.
if i wanted to drop names of every scumsuck fuck i have known that got blessed with 5 seconds of fame i could, but i wouldnt. to do so would set apon me a new hight of shame that has been unkown by mortal man. i am beyond your level Dflaboid...you are in the level of absolute shit and fuckatry, and i am at the apex of all levels. you live, breath, and eat shit.
you eat the feces of dead feces, while i drink milk straight from gods tit.
im just that fucking high.
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:06 pm |
Ouch...that was harsh...
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:13 pm |
Lunatique to to rescue with much needed love!!!!
Oh shit. It's too late. You people already bashed each other's heads in.
Man, why can't we have civilized discussions WITHOUT the venom?
Bottom line: digital or not, we all want to be great artists. Whether it is web design, 3D, paintings, comics, or animation, we all want to be good at what we do. So, while these discussions are mildly interesting, we should just all agree that when the ART is good, everyone usually just shuts the fuck up and and drools in admiration and respect. |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:17 pm |
shut the hell up before I bash your loving head in.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:22 pm |
Sweetie, don't tease.
I can't take it. |
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Silico member
Member # Joined: 25 Nov 1999 Posts: 178
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:23 pm |
i swear i always get here 5 replies late... |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:35 pm |
quote: Originally posted by social drone:
Ddimd, im not a hacker nor do i want to be; "hacker speak" makes me laugh...i think its fucking funny.
my opinion of the sex pistols is very low. and the fact that you hold some respect for them makes you (in my mind) a bigger tool than ever before. if you think dropping names will levitate your status of "Grand High Wizard of Faggotry" then you have met every expectation i had for you, these being that you are in fact the worlds first thinking tampon. i grew up in the shit white-trash spawning grounds of filth and vommit. i have know more kids who have died from drugs like heroin than a male prostitute on east hollywood. the fact that you seem to be trying to glorify the fucking sex pistols makes me want to smother your bitch ass in a shower of shit. then i will flame broil these diseased beliefes of yours untill they reach purification in fucking brutal storms of fucking fire.
if i wanted to drop names of every scumsuck fuck i have known that got blessed with 5 seconds of fame i could, but i wouldnt. to do so would set apon me a new hight of shame that has been unkown by mortal man. i am beyond your level Dflaboid...you are in the level of absolute shit and fuckatry, and i am at the apex of all levels. you live, breath, and eat shit.
you eat the feces of dead feces, while i drink milk straight from gods tit.
im just that fucking high.
Social drone
You are a parody of yourself. You mock the mirror that reflects your angst. Go home. Have a nice day in North Hollywood living with the addicts you love so much. Get a life, move on, you are the tool and the fool, no one cares, get a life. You have none, and you have nothing to say to anyone, ever. AOL calls your name, go see dadda when he has custody on Wednesday. You are a non person and you simply have nothing to say. You bore me and anyone you come in contact with, face the facts, son.
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:39 pm |
Actually, I enjoy reading Social Drone's prose His first post was just a comment about people having their own opinions, and then he was attacked, for no real apparant reason.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:44 pm |
I dont mind the social drone comment, as long as it does not involve making something personal, as opposed to opinion. And Yes I think there is a difference.
'Talking Shit' and having an opinion of things and others is very different.
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 9:55 pm |
quote: Originally posted by social drone:
Ddimd, im not a hacker nor do i want to be; "hacker speak" makes me laugh...i think its fucking funny.
my opinion of the sex pistols is very low. and the fact that you hold some respect for them makes you (in my mind) a bigger tool than ever before. if you think dropping names will levitate your status of "Grand High Wizard of Faggotry" then you have met every expectation i had for you, these being that you are in fact the worlds first thinking tampon. i grew up in the shit white-trash spawning grounds of filth and vommit. i have know more kids who have died from drugs like heroin than a male prostitute on east hollywood. the fact that you seem to be trying to glorify the fucking sex pistols makes me want to smother your bitch ass in a shower of shit. then i will flame broil these diseased beliefes of yours untill they reach purification in fucking brutal storms of fucking fire.
if i wanted to drop names of every scumsuck fuck i have known that got blessed with 5 seconds of fame i could, but i wouldnt. to do so would set apon me a new hight of shame that has been unkown by mortal man. i am beyond your level Dflaboid...you are in the level of absolute shit and fuckatry, and i am at the apex of all levels. you live, breath, and eat shit.
you eat the feces of dead feces, while i drink milk straight from gods tit.
im just that fucking high.
an example of 'Hacker Speak' (ps. This is a joke)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by social drone:
[[[533 my 3l3373 h4cXz0r 5k1llz! -->>
183=ibe=I BE OWN1NG J00
161=i6i=SHIT~i trifling imp h4h4h4h4h4h4h h4 ]]]
If you bothered to read my reference to the Sex Pistols, which it was really a post of a speciic quote of Johnny Lydon (that I can back up), you would not have shot your mouth off as you did (or actually YOU would have). I dont care if you love them or not, they did what they did and it is remembered years later, even by little boys like you.
Edit for content
But at least shut up... or make a relevant comment.
As I said Before, In My Opinion. You (in regard to this thread are no more).
Friends come and go, Enemies accumulate
[This message has been edited by Dthind (edited March 21, 2001).] |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 10:06 pm |
So what are you challenging Social Drone to?
quote: "We seem to live in the same part of the world"
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Bradford Guest
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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 10:34 pm |
What is the point of arguing when no one ever admits they are wrong and changes their views?
Furthermore, when it comes to art, everyone has their own "views" on what digital art is.
!IMO! if you create art digitally (computer), then it is digital "art", and I cannot understand why someone could see it any other way. Perhaps if you are scanning traditional artwork into the computer, then yes it is not digital. But many people scan linework to color and shade it digitally, or do touch-ups, so it is more of a combinaiton.
Sorry, I guess I am contridicting myself but I just had to put in my 2 cents.
[email protected]
icq:3704871 |
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 10:49 pm |
I've read and heard enough logical arguments to bend my view enough to agree that digital illustration can be considered digital art...I just think that there's so much more to the genre of digital art than just illustration.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 1:54 am |
Frost: Resistance is futile� *assimilates him into her Borg collective*
As for the rest� Isn't the issue here rather whether or not we should call ourselves digital artists rather than whether or not we're allowed to call ourselves artists?
The /art/ remains no matter what media you use. I do not think that art is something that should be connected to computers, or to oil paint, or to clay - isn't that something that comes from your heart, no matter what you use to channel it? I don't claim that I am an artist� I never really have. I draw for fun, and very rarely any other reason.
��.You have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh.�� |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 2:20 am |
I didnt even take the time to read this fucking thread. "Art" isn�t.
Smash me to the ground, a thousand times as before. |
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DrBof member
Member # Joined: 14 Dec 1999 Posts: 187 Location: nottingham (england)
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 6:03 am |
i call myself a digital artist because it best describes what i do
i write programmes that dynamicly output images witch i then interpret or do with as i please (@ the moment i am making screen prints from line pictures outputted from data generated bay intersecting sine waves)
in your opinions am i wrong to call my self a digital artist...if im not then waht am i?
im not nesiserilly a timed artist (even tho some of my stuff generates in real time)
im not a print maker (because a lot of my work is never ment to be printed)
am i a photorapher? (just because i take photos and digitly manipulate them)
am i a programmer?
go on catagorise me
(")(") all hail mr.bunny
:: dr.bof :: |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 7:45 am |
quote: Originally posted by Jaydeman:
So what are you challenging Social Drone to?
quote: "We seem to live in the same part of the world"
Actually nothing. I edited the section that seemed that way. My intention was to indicate I have seen quite likely the same things he has (since we live in what appears to be the same part of the world). I re-read it today and realized I am battling stupid with more stupid and removed it.
*walks away from thread*
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social drone member
Member # Joined: 12 Mar 2001 Posts: 120
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 7:04 pm |
Dlimpd, the whole point is that h4ck3r sp34k is fucking funny shit. reading and writting stupid pointless crap makes me laugh, i find a great deal of humor in it. so add the two together and the hilarity keeps on cracking.
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 7:55 pm |
quote: Originally posted by social drone:
Dlimpd, the whole point is that h4ck3r sp34k is fucking funny shit. reading and writting stupid pointless crap makes me laugh, i find a great deal of humor in it. so add the two together and the hilarity keeps on cracking.
I agree it is 'funny'
Can we end this (forgive and forget) ?
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Jaydeman junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2001 Posts: 31 Location: Hell, CA, USA
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 8:21 pm |
yeah, let's all kiss n make up.
Just watch out for the tongue Lunatique keeps trying to slip in.
The Jaydeman sez...
"That was Zen, This is Tao." |
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