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Author   Topic : "Looking for advice"

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Joined: 13 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2002 8:59 am     Reply with quote
I have been asked to create a cover design for a small RPG publisher. They create adventure modules for the d20 system and mostly publish them only on PDF on the web, with a future option of going to press.

Anyway, they want to purchase the full copyrights for the cover design, and they intend to reuse such design for future products. I despise such arrangements, but I understand it would be a better approach for them.

The cover consists of a front and back cover with various designs and fairly elaborate elements to make it more pleasing to the ete. There is an area in the front cover page middle where they can put whatever image they want, to customize the cover for the particual product they are using it for.

My question at this point is this:

How much should I ask for the cover design?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Ian Jones

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 3:56 am     Reply with quote
It would have to be a balance between several things.

The amount of work, effort and time you put into the project.

It also largely depends on the size and budget of the company. If they are small then they simply wont be able to pay much. You are just starting out too so you can't dictate terms as much as a highly respected, experienced artist.

In the end though I think the major factor to consider is the usage of your work. You can sell them the rights and charge for the work you put into it, or you can charge based on a royalty fee. Royalties work by taxing the client every time they use your design... this means that they cannot rip you off and buy your design for $100 then plaster it all over a thousand things in a multi-million dollar media blitz. See what I mean? I would personally charge for the work I put into it, then based on trust ask for its intended usage and the amount of times they will use it for. If they are going to use it for 2 years then charge more than if they are only going to use it for a month or two.

In the end though I can't give you any specific price. Hope taht helps anyway.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 4:02 am     Reply with quote
decide on an hourly rate (say $20) and then estimate on how long your project is going to take and add say 3 hours to it this should give u a costing of how much to charge..
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 7:54 am     Reply with quote
I always like to give a range to the client a minimum and a maximum that way there's no surprises. I say this because all of the time you never get the concept the first time around, there will always be alot of back and forth with client with changes here and there. Like Bob said pick yourself an hourly rate, and plan out how long it will take you. So for example, lets just say $20 U.S an hour, and you think its going to take 10 hours, now add another 6 hrs of corrections and back and forths. So your range will be between $200 and $320. Usually the client will get something between that. But you might get lucky and your client will like the first thing you do,its rare but it does happen from time to time. i hope this helps! Good luck to you! Oh yeah whatever you do if your in a position where you need money don't do work for a "Royalty or equity thing or Waiting to secure financing from a publisher type thing" If they give you the option take the money first otherwise you illbe waiting a lonng time to receive any kind of payment.

[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: Germ01 ]
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 10:57 am     Reply with quote
You are very right to despise the idea of letting go of your copyright, do not sell it unless they are prepared to offer you a substantial sum!!!

If it is a low budget sort of thing then they must be prepared to accept a limited license, believe me your client will be aware of the value of copyright and if they are trying to grab it off you I would hazard a guess that they are being very unscrupulous indeed. Please do not let them take advantage of you.

As a ballpark figure, I would not sell my copyright on any single image for less than $5000, and believe me this sum is a bare minimum. If they are using this image as the cover of a game then it will also be used in all the promotion attached to that game, in fact everything to do with the game will probably revolve around the use of such an image. This is presumably the exact reason why they want the copyright on it, to pay for it only once. Now this is a legitimate way of doing business as long as they are prepared to pay you adequately.

Just imagine if the game became a hit, they would have all their promotional material covered by owning the rights to your work and you would not see another penny from it. As an example, an aquaintance of mine sold the rights of an image very cheaply to a greeting card company when he was starting out and ten years later he still sees that greeting card in the shops, constantly generating revenue for someone that isn't him...

I have a contract that a posted up a few weeks ago for another thread, feel free to grab a copy here to modify for your own use if you do not have something already.

If I was quoting for that job I would offer a limited rights deal and work something out that fits their budget and pays for my time. If they insisted on a copyright buyout I would ask for a minimum of $5000 per item (cover, back page etc) but initially quote higher, ie $7000-$8000. If they wanted full rights for less I would turn the job down.

Good luck

[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: Frog ]
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 1:45 pm     Reply with quote
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your input!

Every one of your posts has been very very useful to me. It is great to read about all the different aspects of this issue you have pointed out.

A few years ago, I got myself a copy of the GAG (Graphic Artist Guild) book. It is definitely a must read, but I believe their fees guidelines are probably tailored toward assignments coming from large or medium publishers/ad firms/game companies.

I for one, also agree on the copyright transfer being a powerful transaction, that should not be encouraged. Judging by the predatory behaviour of some publishers and the many horror stories like the one Frog pointed out, all of us should push for licensing agreements.

I think I was mostly looking for a confirmation of my opinion toward some of these issues and you all (especially Frog's post) have helped me in making up my mind for good.

I will be pursuing a limited licensing agreement with this publisher. If that does to go anywhere.. too bad for them

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