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Topic : "is it good to draw everyday?(for pros only)" |
JaVa-Original junior member
Member # Joined: 11 Jun 2002 Posts: 33 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:46 pm |
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if it's good to draw everyday?(including weekends)...for no reason, I'm running out of ideas and I feel burned-out to the nth degree!
PS: I ususally spend more than 7 hrs none-stop virtually drawing anything for the past few months
>one more thing..plz, only people who are considered "pros" may reply to this topic.
thanks in advance
[ July 01, 2002: Message edited by: JaVa-Original ]
[ July 02, 2002: Message edited by: JaVa-Original ]
[ July 02, 2002: Message edited by: JaVa-Original ] |
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nova member
Member # Joined: 23 Oct 1999 Posts: 751 Location: seattle, wa
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:45 pm |
i hope i'm a 'pro'.. still a student but working in the industry
it's great you're drawing every day already! of course it's helpful. one thing i found really helpful [that i'm still doing] was to treat your drawing sessions like workshops, to study one thing for a few weeks or even months at a time. for example perspective, then line, then value and maybe then color. draw people, then draw environments. perhaps pick an artist you admire and study them. this sort of thing keeps me busy and let me advance a ton, learning new stuff for a change if you feel you're burned out, it's time to try something new.
i'm not sure what kind of drawing you're doing, but it sounds like you're drawing what's in your head, more or less? correct me if i'm wrong. drawing from life at a place like a park, a mall or if you're lucky enough, for figure drawing classes is REALLY helpful. it gives you a formula for drawing what's in your head, makes you more confident and increases your hand-eye coordination quite a bit.
1. give yourself lessons
2. draw from life
3. keep moving
hope i can help
- l |
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zak member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2002 Posts: 496 Location: i dont remember
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:50 pm |
i normally get a magazine like fhm, and start from the front and draw all hotties from the front right throught to the back. i normally just copy to get practice. when i want to make a proper finished piece, i then use my imagination and whatever i learned from the constant sketching, ^__^
or just when i feel partyicularly inspired |
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bearsclover member
Member # Joined: 03 May 2002 Posts: 274
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 11:10 pm |
Only pros may "replay" to this topic? What? Does this message board have a rewind and fast forward button, like a VCR? ("replay" instead of "reply"�get it? get it? Oh, never mind.)
What will happen if non-pros reply to this topic? Will the Message Board police cart them off?
To answer your question, yes, it's good to draw every day. No, it's not good to draw so often, or with such fervor that you start to feel burned out. Take a break whenever you are feeling overwhelmed.
A good drawing routine is a great thing, but you should have some balance in your schedule!  |
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bearsclover member
Member # Joined: 03 May 2002 Posts: 274
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 12:03 am |
Well, that's no fun, Java. You went back and edited your typo out! Now my little joke will be perplexing to everyone! Bummer, man. And I was being so clever, too...
[ July 02, 2002: Message edited by: bearsclover ] |
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Loki member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 1321 Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 1:17 am |
I'm not a pro, so sorry, I'm not allowed to answer this question ...
[If I was a pro though, I'd recommend you do whatever you feel like at the moment. If you force yourself, nothing good will come out of it - you'll get frustrated and post stupid threads like this one]  |
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Sedone member
Member # Joined: 11 May 2000 Posts: 455 Location: United States
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:41 am |
Loki is right. You have to choose your battles. Sometimes you have to fight through the frustration, and something good comes out of it. Other times, it's better to put your drawing practice on a backburner, and go hang out with friends, or better yet a girlfriend. There's more to art than just technique, and it's during the times you interact with the rest of the world you really get that creativity engine going. Of course, even when you're not drawing there's nothing stopping you from coming up with new ideas. I think most of us have a hard time turning off that part of our brain.
Since you seem so eager to learn, I'll give you one more piece of advice. This is probably the best tip for drawing I've ever gotten. To really improve your drawing ability, you have to...wait, I'm not a pro. I'm not even suppose to be posting in this thread. Bummer. |
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DeathJester member
Member # Joined: 17 Dec 2001 Posts: 91 Location: Monterey, CA
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:50 pm |
(not a pro and I dont think I ever will be)
Drawing everyday is good.. practice is always good.. I found doing reading about new things in art.. or reading about artists.. is very inspiring... Im not a book hound.. but Going to the local store and getting a book on anatomy, color theory, etc.. helps alot... And you dont have to draw everyday.. if you dont feel like it dont.. get out and do stuff.. plain and simple.. |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:58 pm |
i'm not a pro yet, but i am a GREAT ARTIST. yes you should draw every day, i mean have you ever heard of anyone that got worst from praticing?
what kind of a silly thread is this? were you actually expecting someone to say no? |
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James Bradford member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2002 Posts: 131 Location: Savannah, GA
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:02 pm |
Put some variety into what you draw - imagination, pictures, magazines, life, etc. Also try out new mediums to keep it interesting. Doing this while you draw 7 hours a day should keep it going for you and you will improve a lot faster. |
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fuel_99 junior member
Member # Joined: 20 Feb 2002 Posts: 48
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:05 am |
sorry misunderstood you
[ July 03, 2002: Message edited by: fuel_99 ] |
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[666]Flat member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2001 Posts: 1545 Location: FRANKFURT, Germany
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 4:46 am |
Bein' no pr0 but super 1337, and dat's even bettar than bein' pr0, I'm telling you: DRAWING IZ LIKE MASTERBATION FROM WITHIN.
Did that make sense, yo?! |
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zak member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2002 Posts: 496 Location: i dont remember
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 8:39 am |
acording to this thread were all no pro's, cos everyone keeps saying im no pro.... well i know im no pro, and thats pretty obvious, but where all the pro's gone? |
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JaVa-Original junior member
Member # Joined: 11 Jun 2002 Posts: 33 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 10:45 am |
Thanks guys...I really appreciat your help
BTW: Davinci and all the great artist of the past didn't draw everyday, they used to spend long hours observing rather than drawing(anyone can hold the pen but that dosn't mean he's an artist)...the only reason I said "For pros only" is because I needed it to get your attention
[ July 03, 2002: Message edited by: JaVa-Original ] |
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Jelo member
Member # Joined: 29 Nov 2000 Posts: 122 Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 11:17 pm |
I can tell by my own experience that if I work hard on something may it be drawing;painting, studying, gaming or annything else. When then I make a brake for some time. It all comes natural as I grow sick on doing it over and over.. exaclty like you feel right now... then when I get back at it again I feel refreshed and stronger. It's almost like the brain has gotten the time to crunch and grow new nerv paths.  |
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dontfallin member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2002 Posts: 170 Location: Vancouver BC
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 11:25 pm |
drawing good |
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Drawnblud member
Member # Joined: 24 Nov 2001 Posts: 116 Location: Missouri, USA
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 8:59 pm |
Well, if you mean "Pro" as in do I get paid to draw, then I would love to answer your question.
Drawing every day, in my opinion is essential. You wouldn't draw with a dull pencil, would you? Drawing every day keeps you sharp. But that is my opinion.
I would still like to know why only "pros" can answer you, as an artist is only defined by his/her artwork, not how much money he/she makes. I work at McDonalds to pay my bills, but as you can see from my work, I am a fairly decent artist and I do make pretty good money from it. I realize I may be treating this a little "wishy-washy", but I find that it is rather presumptious of you to think that only college-educated artists are capable of answering your question.
I'm sure I just misunderstood your intentions.  |
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EviLToYLeT member
Member # Joined: 09 Aug 2000 Posts: 1216 Location: CA, USA
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 9:30 pm |
You know... i hate to sound caustic - but there are some things you can't learn from pros... just like in real life..
just like in real life you learn how to be carefree from a child... which is just as important as being an adult.
So, take all advice into your hands. Even if it is bad advice, learn from it.
My rant of the day  |
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oDD member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2002 Posts: 1000 Location: Wroclaw Poland
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 4:03 am |
quote: Originally posted by JaVa-Original:
[QB]the only reason I said "For pros only" is because I needed it to get your attention QB]
yeah right, you edited youre message after my reply (it was the first reply in this thread), so i delted my post. ahhh ,forget it... |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 6:54 am |
quote: Originally posted by JaVa-Original:
BTW: Davinci and all the great artist of the past didn't draw everyday,
Bullshit. these people use to burn their sketches so that others can't find them, so people would think their talent was devine. have you seen how many drawings rembrandt has???????? and that's after hundreds of years. don't tell me he didn't draw every day. for someone to ask such a question shows something about yourself. |
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Lee Yiankun member
Member # Joined: 23 Apr 2002 Posts: 65 Location: Bangkok,Thailand
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 7:17 am |
I wish I could find the strength to draw everyday. But I don't , So I just try to draw when ever I can.
After a while, you can't seem to find the will to draw anymore.
Perhaps after some break(sometimes several weeks) I was able to get the mood back.
I still felt for the lost of time though. |
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StrangeFate member
Member # Joined: 20 Feb 2000 Posts: 199
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 4:56 pm |
i wonder too where the pros went, probably buried under some newbie load...
Drawing like a madman wont help you improve any. You don't improve much by drawing, but by observing.
You might draw a lot better if you make a break of a few month and simply _think_ about it instead of pushing yourself to draw without though.
From time to time you need to take some distance from art and look at it from an observers perspective, that usually helps see what and where your skills are lacking. |
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