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Topic : "Do you work at a game company or in movies or similar fields" |
Dizzogg junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 48 Location: Everett, Wa, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 9:18 am |
Ive worked for Knowwonder Digital Mediaworks in Kirkland, WA for 3 yrs.
I do pretty much whatever Im asked to do. 2d to 3d. Ive got to work on a ton of fun titles. My latest has been 3d modelling and animation for a Rugrats title in the works. Im trying to get more into the animation side of things.
Here is the url http://www.knowwonder.com
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Anthony member
Member # Joined: 13 Apr 2000 Posts: 1577 Location: Winter Park, FLA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 9:19 am |
Mostly freelance 3dcg, but some composition/layout stuff, and now I'm starting to get more into 2d concept art(including color themes, etc), probably start on a game(you'll hear about it later this year I think) first week of October(hopefully).
Carpe Carpem |
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Guy member
Member # Joined: 29 Feb 2000 Posts: 602 Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 9:37 am |
im a 2d/3d artist living in british columbia, canada. im still a student at college, but im in a game design program. i also have a small company like thing going on with some friends too.
the "company" i work for is www.blacksphereentertainment.com (damn i hope theres no typos in that)
[This message has been edited by Guy (edited August 30, 2000).] |
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Dhabih Administrator
Member # Joined: 13 Sep 1999 Posts: 532 Location: Kirkland, WA, U.S.A.
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 9:45 am |
Please include company name if you work for a company, or if you are freelance include a couple clients names.
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Worthy member
Member # Joined: 26 Jun 2000 Posts: 143
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 9:54 am |
I currently work for Viewpoint Digital http://www.viewpoint.com, which is the leading provider of 3d models for movies, games, commercials..etc. I am a 3d Sculptor here. I worked for Nichimen graphics Inc (now known as Winged Edge Technology) www.nichimen.com, which created Nendo and Mirai and was used in numerous games (final fantasy, gran turismo..etc) as well as movies like X-Men, the upcoming Lord of the Rings..etc. I also freelanced for
Academy-Award winning cinematographer Dean Cundey, who did the camera work on Apollo 13, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Roger Rabbit..more...
3D Sculptor
Viewpoint Digital |
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vebjorn member
Member # Joined: 10 Mar 2000 Posts: 317 Location: oslo
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 12:01 pm |
I work as an lead graphic artist at Funcom Oslo, on a project called Anarchy Online. I have also worked on The Longest journey.
I do design, models and textures, mostly characters, monsters and items(weapons) and the odd background stuff.
A small highlight: Came in second in the infamous "low poly love doll" contest about 1,5 years ago after Paul Steed(man time flyes!) And sofar this model is one of the most popular Q3a models. Proves again..sex sells..yep she is butt naked with high detail in all the righ places.
I also make Conan covers for the norwegian edition of Conan the Barbarian.
The company: www.funcom.com
The Game: www.anarchy-online.com
My homepage: http://home.enitel.no/vebsart
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29A member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 110 Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 12:22 pm |
Since I don't see this anywhere else here,
I code perl/SQL/HTML at razorfish ( www.razorfish.com ).
In the spare time I code on a game on which I'm also Lead Designer with some friends, it will be released in 1-2 years from now, depending on financing...
Oh, and I go to school otherwise
I'm not defect! |
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LeperKhan junior member
Member # Joined: 10 Aug 2000 Posts: 16 Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 1:31 pm |
Keith Self-Ballard, Game Artist
For almost three years, I've been working in the pc game industry. I spent two years working at Sunstorm Interactive on games that I'd really rather not discuss.
Now I work for Presto Studios with Francis, Fred, Waco, etc. on Myst III: Exile.
Before the game industry, I jumped around a lot with jobs in print advertising and web development. . . . but I'm feeling a lot better now.
"Art, music, and philosophy are but poignant examples of what we might have become had the priests and traders not gotten a hold of us." -G. Carlin |
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black_fish member
Member # Joined: 31 Jul 2000 Posts: 333 Location: Los Angeles, California
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 1:50 pm |
My name is Jean-Michel Ringuet
I am a 3D artist at LIQUID ENTERTAINMENT www.liquid.to and I work on a PC realtime strategy game called BATTLE REALMS. This game kicks a$$! And by the way Liquid is looking for artists (check the website ).
I have worked before in a lot of different game companies on titles such as Nightmare Creatures, Tomb Raider 2, Wild 9, XMen Mutant Academy. I also do freelance illustrations (I worked mostly for small magazines).
http://jmringuet.webjump.com |
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Bilbo member
Member # Joined: 31 May 2000 Posts: 356 Location: Israel
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Mergatroid member
Member # Joined: 30 May 2000 Posts: 165 Location: Pasadena, ca U.S.
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 3:58 pm |
I'm a senior illustrator at Hamagami/Carroll & Associates in Santa Monica where we deal mostly in advertising illustration (product stuff mostly).
[This message has been edited by Mergatroid (edited August 31, 2000).] |
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Shane Caudle member
Member # Joined: 19 Dec 1999 Posts: 50 Location: Raleigh, NC, US
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 6:11 pm |
Hi, my name is Shane Caudle, I am the Art Director for Epic Games, I have worked on Unreal, and Unreal Tournament, currently working on the PSX2 version of UT, and designing our next game. I do art, duuu, level design, character models, skins, Textures,interface design,etc. Pretty much any thing in the game accept programming. Before that I did a comic book called Eye of the Storm, and animations for TV, and games and stuff.
Basically everyone who works for us at Epic, got the job by doing something really cool and proving that they could bring value to the company prior to getting the job here at Epic. Either by doing cool new levels, or making a cool mod, designing cool characters, making great skins or textures,etc.
I suggest anyone who wants a job in the gaming industry, should create some really cool content and place it on a WebPages at tell everyone about it. This is how I got my job. I was making a Total Conversion of Quake by myself, and within 2 weeks of me putting up my WebPages for it I had job offers from 5 major game companies.
Hope this helps.
Shane Caudle
Art Director/Level Designer/3D Dude
For Epic Games on Unreal and Unreal Tournament
[email protected]
http://www.planetshane.com |
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Farwalker member
Member # Joined: 20 Feb 2000 Posts: 228 Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 6:26 pm |
I am currently working for iRock Interactive. ( www.irock.com ) We are working on a game called Ozzy's Savage Skies. It's going to have Ozzy Ozborn's music among other things. Doing 2d/3d and level design.
[This message has been edited by Farwalker (edited August 30, 2000).] |
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kurisu member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2000 Posts: 482 Location: Santa Monica, California, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 7:07 pm |
Contact Information
Name: Christian G. Senn
Location: San Mateo, California, USA
URL: Pixologic ...Free Demo or buy ZBrush here.
Email: [email protected]
URL: ZAcademy ...Learn ZBrush here.
Email: [email protected]
URL: Senntient ...Smell some of my stuff here.
Email: [email protected]
General skills
2D/3D Graphics, animation, web design, game design, production management, product demonstration, technical/customer support, forum administration, writing and composition.
Work History:
Company: Sega
Employed: 1993-1999
Products: Ooze (FG/BG/FX demo graphics to help sell product) & Comix Zone (2 background world pages, 1 boss, miscellaneous FX for Genesis), Sonic Xtreme (co-led design, art directed, story/character designed, designed 50+ enemies, 6+ bosses, 50+ minutes conceptual music and numerous demo graphics for 32X, then NVidia, then Saturn, then PC... then canceled) and Dynamite Deka II (miscellaneous idle animations for arcade)
Company: Malibu Interactive (formally Acme Interactive)
Employed: 1992-1993
Products: Battlecars (3 battlecars for SNES) and Battletech (5+ bosses, 9 mechs, miscellaneous FX for Genesis)
Companies: Where ever! (mostly small, hole-in-the-wall companies)
Employed: 1990-1992
Products: I did whatever I could find - logo animations, t-shirt designs... even an "Anti-drug campaign" character design...
School: California Institute of the Arts (CalArts)
Enrollment: 1990-1992
Department: Character Animation
PS: I miss this place - but have no time to play...
PS: Hey Joachim - Long time no "Z" ...I demonstrated ZBrush at Infogrames last week! lol |
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eclipse member
Member # Joined: 11 Nov 1999 Posts: 140 Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 7:36 pm |
I work in an editorial art department at a newspaper in Pittsburgh using programs like Freehand, Illustrator, Photoshop and QuarkXpress to create graphics. The art ranges from maps and charts to full page explanatory graphics and illustrations. The official title of what I do is Informational Graphics which is exactly what I went to school for at Ohio University. Page design was also tacked onto my major but definitely not one of my strong points.
It's great to get paid to draw.
(89 posts since Nov 99? That's pathetic, eh?)
[This message has been edited by eclipse (edited August 30, 2000).] |
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TJFrame junior member
Member # Joined: 23 May 2000 Posts: 41 Location: Costa Mesa, ca
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 8:26 pm |
I have freelanced in the past for places such as BMW and Los Angeles county, but currently I work as a concept artist for the game company Westwood Studios in Irvine,CA. I was the sole concept artist for the upcoming title Red Alert II, and have worked on a variety of projects including NOX,Tiberian Sun Firestorm, and the next generation Command And Conquer game.
In addition to pure concept art, I do some modeling and texturing from time to time in 3DS max and Alias, and I have even been known to bang out interface mock-ups in visual basic on occasion. My work process involves jumping back and forth between markers on paper, 3d models, and Photoshop/Painter
I don't have a website yet, but will get off my lazy butt and make one soon. |
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Brain member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 662 Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 8:48 pm |
Chris Bowden... lead artist at JDS Games, currently working on Xarlor: Rebirth, modelling, texturing etc. Doing last year of High school. Homepage below.
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imdaking member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 321 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 9:52 pm |
Ian Shea
[email protected]
Co-Founder, Head Designer at Insite Developers Insite Developers
Co-Founder, Head Flash Designer at Zero-G-Design. Zero-G-Design
Currently Freelance for IR Productions.
[This message has been edited by imdaking (edited August 30, 2000).] |
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zayats junior member
Member # Joined: 09 Apr 2000 Posts: 45 Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 10:05 pm |
I'm a Character Animation Supervisor at Sony Pictures Imageworks. Recently completed FX work on "Hollowman". Previously supervised animation on "My Favorite Martian" & animated lots of bug shots on "Starship Troopers". Before that I was an animation director & supervising artist in the games industry for a while. Before that, I was a freelance illustrator. I spend most of my time in Maya (animating, setting up characters, and writing MEL scripts), but I try to use a pencil for at least a few minutes everyday.
BTW - We're gonna be looking to hire a whole slew of 3D CG character animators very soon. Anyone interested can email me directly at the office:
[email protected]
Sincerest apologies if it's inappropriate for me to recruit on this forum. |
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Eckhardt member
Member # Joined: 18 Jun 2000 Posts: 56 Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 10:45 pm |
My name is Eckhardt Milz,
I am working as concept artist and Animator at a computer game company "Aniware" Sweden.
Before comming to aniware I was working 10 years in the Animation field doing classical animation on paper. Films I worked on where:
Asterix and the big fight "Gaumont"/Paris.
Fievel goes to America, and a lot of small commerical films
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phreaknasty member
Member # Joined: 21 Jun 2000 Posts: 106 Location: bay area
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:00 pm |
name: care michaud
company: sony
division: scea r&d (ps2 and some gscube)
title: artist
role: 3d modeling, animation, texture creation, demo and product conceptualization, painting, web design, ui design... basically anything art related that our group needs getting done.
past companies: sierra, 3do
ramble: gotta love this gig...
work url: www.sony.com
personal url: www.pixeljock.com |
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Clockwork Bacon member
Member # Joined: 12 May 2000 Posts: 69 Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:10 pm |
Currently I'm working as an illustrator for Mattel Interactive. I have the honor of being the only english-speaking illustrator in our office, so I end up doing alot of other stuff that the producers don't feel like translating to the others (interface design, production art, etc). Plus, Mattel is selling us, so everything's in limbo.
I feel like General Confusion up there, and am also actively looking for new job.
Before this job I was partnered with Samdragon doing freelance projects around the web. We have been following Spooge's work from wayyy back when he was starting to do those Marathon paintings. Naturally we found our way here.
My goal is to someday afford to work freelance again, or start my own company with Samdragon.
[email protected]
Digisaur's Lair |
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Francis member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2000 Posts: 1155 Location: San Diego, CA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:27 pm |
Francis Tsai, conceptual designer. See Fred and Wacomonkey's posts for detailed explanation of what that means at Presto. In addition to Myst 3, I also was the lead designer on Star Trek Hidden Evil, a game that was a big hit with all six people who bought it. I was formerly in architecture, and worked on urban design projects for the city of Austin (Texas), Schloztsky's corporate HQ, big freakin overkill houses for people with too much money, and lots of small time freelance art.
www.presto.com company
www.myst3.com game
www.teamgt.com personal
Francis Tsai
TeamGT Studios
[This message has been edited by Francis (edited September 07, 2000).] |
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CyberArtist member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 1999 Posts: 284 Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:31 pm |
Lead Mapper/Engine Guru at Perilith Industielle (best known for Unrealty). Also a mapper for Digitalo/Cycle Games. Do some texture work for both as well.
Both use the unreal engine.
-CyberA(rtist) aka Ben Golus
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Loki member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 1321 Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:37 pm |
Peter Baustaedter - Digital Artist/Matte Conceptual Painter, occasional Art Director for visual effects and computer games. Industry experience 5+ years
Worked for: Vienna Paint (Austria), Digital Domain (Venica, CA) SquareUSA (Hawaii), Station X Studios (Santa Monica, CA), Heavy Iron Studios (Culver City, CA)
Homepage below:
DigitalIllustrationOutpost - http://www.vigilante.net/~loki |
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spooge demon member
Member # Joined: 15 Nov 1999 Posts: 1475 Location: Haiku, HI, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:39 pm |
My name is Craig Mullins, I freelance as an illustrator/designer/matte painter. Been doin it for about 10 years
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General Confusion member
Member # Joined: 13 Apr 2000 Posts: 365 Location: NJ
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2000 11:50 pm |
My companies' name is Smith Design Associates, in case that isn't apparent from my post.
State of Confusion |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2000 2:57 am |
Im Frans Mettes, i do freelance graphic design for print and packaging, as well as webdesign. I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Website : http://www.sedative.org |
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Mix junior member
Member # Joined: 28 Feb 2000 Posts: 11 Location: Columbus, OH
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2000 6:07 am |
I work for GameSpy Industries, as a Web Designer/Graphic Artist/Flash Artist.
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synj member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2000 Posts: 1483 Location: San Diego
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2000 7:35 am |
I am an animator and a producer for a company called Z for about 6 months now. Before then I would do websites and graphic design freelnace for humans. Z is my first actual job.
Mainly I use 3 programs. Lightwave v5.5, adobe imageready v1.0, and adobe photoshop 4.0.
Also, I make a living licensing my animations that are found on www.synj.net , or selling the paintings on there.
My location is in Cleveland, ohio, until october where I will be in Los Angeles.
heheeh i feel like i'm at an interview or something.
work url: synj.z.com or www.z.com
personal url: www.synj.net
[This message has been edited by synj (edited August 31, 2000).] |
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