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Topic : "broken valve" |
SplitSoul member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 2000 Posts: 336 Location: Denmark
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 6:49 pm |
Hey, I have a suggestion for you guys. Make a .txt file in notepad. Name it "avoid.txt".
Done? Good. Next step.
Every time you see someone post abstract art, photo-manipulation, etc., you add the name of that person to the list in your "avoid.txt".
Now, every time you enter these forums, you double-click on the file on your desktop called "avoid.txt". If you see a new topic by one of the people on the list, simply do not click on it.
Now, wasn't that simple?
Other alternatives are: Memorizing names of the "bad" people, instead of making a list; Beg Dhabih for an "ignore" function, which automatically filters out topics made by the "bad" people; Accepting that you have to actually use 5 seconds of your precious time on opening a topic, seeing an abstract image, and clicking the little "x" in the top right corner.
Thank you for your time.
-Split |
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Isric member
Member # Joined: 23 Jul 2000 Posts: 1200 Location: Calgary AB
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 7:07 pm |
Haven't read any of this really long page, but I really like this. It's one of the few "classy" looking......things like this i've seen (not sure what you call these) |
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fazedesign member
Member # Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 115
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 7:14 pm |
Splitsoul has posted at least 10 pics on this forum, and does it quite regularly, i like this style of art to look at, and it is a good break from dragons/ppl with lots of guns/amazons, some people say its ugly, or bad, but its personal preference. Splitsoul is KNOWN for posting this type of art, and i say good on him. You people should know by now that his posts are going to have large pics that can be used as wallpapers and dont have anything really easy to see in them.
And you people who keep accusing him of being a filter-boy cause he uses textures well, get over it plz.
I would not really object to this kind of art and other alternative art like the clay head model, which was awesome by the way, cant remember who posted that, being put in a seperate forum, it would keep the flamers out, because they wouldn't have to post.
just because i dont like some of the pics of amazons/gunmen etc... I dont post flame's to those artists saying "Thats the crappest ugly piece of shit ive ever seen, because i dont like it, and I am the god of all who can decide what is art and what isn't, and what looks good and what doesn't" |
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Lukias Guest
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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 7:29 pm |
I like the digital painting idea.
This is kinda whats happening and will continue to do so:
This type of art is one reason (as stated previously) that members are leaving, especially those with the knowledge and expertise to help others out.
Now its not whether this type of art is liked or not, the thing is, it *is* a reason for the lack of original members. So I guess this comes down to - Do some of the newer members care about this, if not well then gee what I write really makes no difference. but if you do care that those with the know-how are no longer here to tutor, then perhaps a seperate forum to encompass this type of digital art would be more appropriate.
Apart from the main reason for those leaving...due to excessive arguements and *lack* of art in general.
Perhaps the forum should be plugged so new members arn't allowed (or meet certain criteria). now this maybe drastic.....but if its not then it *WILL* continue to progress in the fasion it currently is.
So basically make rules or have a forum that will inevitably become......really bad.
There is no simple answer to all of this, some people will end up being pissed off, but whats the point in trying to make everyone happy when It can't be done.....everyone will end up feeling unahappy. A sacrifice has to made in order to keep order....and make those that stay away come back...and those that are virging on leaving, stay.
2 cents |
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fazedesign member
Member # Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 115
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 7:43 pm |
New forum = Good idea, i would love to see more great art from the masters on this forum, but i'd also like to see more really good photomanips like this one. And i dont think the fact that an image does not come across as being paticularly happy, makes the artist that did it a goth, or have goth friends. |
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galen member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 172 Location: a computer.
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elam member
Member # Joined: 27 Sep 2000 Posts: 456 Location: Motown
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 8:30 pm |
That is without a doubt, the stupidest thing I've read on this board.
Greatness is fostered. It does grow, through practice, hard work, and talent.
I would say that split's art falls into the category of design. A topic much richer than "Oh, go on and make layer 5 a bit more blue and add Filter X with Y and Z settings" as you seem to put it. If it's so easy, why does your web page suck? No design skillz. Not being rude, I mean every word of it.
And your math is faulty.
Lets say x=Sijun, y=the number of users on the board and z=the sum of everyones talent level, talent level being from 0 to 1, 1 being perfect. The correct formula is x=z/y.
In the begining their was Dhabih. So our formula produces x=1/1 or 100%. yay! perfection..
A year later we have, for the sake of clarity, 100 users, and their total z=80. Some suck, some are great. The math equals .8 or 80% of the work is damn good.
Obviously the more people that come here, the odds are the quality of work will go down.
Your slavery analogy sucks too.
I would compare it to a nice neighborhood. All the rich folks live here and it's great. Word gets around and soon some undesirables start moving in. Maybe they want to better their lot in life, improve and make something of themselves, so they move to a place that affords them the opportunity. But as soon as they move in, what attracted them moves out. Why? Don't know. I would attribute it to arrogance. Don't want any "niggers" around...
I would suggest having icons in your topic post. Similar to smiley faces, only stating what the art is. A brush for art, P for photoshop etc.
But the bottom line is by being exclusive, you will blind yourself to opportunities. A potentially great artist, an inspiring idea etc.
Pieces? What the fuck are you talkin' about? Pounds, baby, pounds! |
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Lukias Guest
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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 8:53 pm |
This bit this bit
elam's Quote:
Word gets around and soon some undesirables start moving in. Maybe they want to better their lot in life, improve and make something of themselves, so they move to a place that affords them the opportunity. But as soon as they move in, what attracted them moves out.
Sad but ever so true, theres no denying that this is basically whats happening.
Whats the answer.....not sure. I say plug the forum.
My motivation for coming...is going, I'd say I'm not the only one.
Merry Xmas everybody and a Happy new year, I'll see ya in two weeks....
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gseegert Guest
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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 9:11 pm |
I like the picture. People saying this doesn't belong, well, shouldn't say that, I guess.
I'll admit that when I come to these forums, the type of art that I look for is the more standard "spooges/lokis/isrics/flex elfs/mickes/joachims/frosts/whoevers" stuff. But seeing this doesn't offend me - it was well thought out, creative, and well executed art. If someone painted this by hand, wouldn't you be impressed? I would. It is digital, and he used the tools photoshop offers just like the rest of us.
If this isn't your bag, just move along to the next thread.
I WOULD support a forum split however, if for any reason to better organize the type of art available here.
Anyways, nice pic. |
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Chapel member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2000 Posts: 1930
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 9:12 pm |
So, it looks like the forum has resorted to name calling. Sad really...
Split: It would be nice if you did go back and resize that image and edit the first post. I know you already said you will do that in your future posts, but you can still go back and edit this one. As for any crits.. yep it looks like a broken valve. Good use of the layer settings? Maybe if you posted some progress pics of how you did it so we can see what you hand painted it would be more impressive. Right now it just looks like random pics on top of each other with different layer settings. |
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Pigeon member
Member # Joined: 28 Jan 2000 Posts: 249 Location: Chicago
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 9:29 pm |
Split, please DO NOT STOP posting your art. Those who say it's shit are the ones who need to look at it, and for this reason, I don't think the forum whould be split either.
People hated Monet, Van Gogh, Klimt, and other great artists. I for one have not seen much work on this forum that refers to such masters, and that's sad. We all refer to "the masters of this forum" which is not healthy. There are skilled folks who have much to contribute, but they're just people like you or me. People who are not recognized "masters" of the forum have a lot of constructive things to contribute as well, if you'd only take the time to recognize it.
An assignment for all of you: go to a contemporary art museum. Or go see some shocking performance art. Then come back and discuss it. Just don't dismiss it or ignore it. Do yourself and everyone a favor - try to talk intelligently about even things you hate.
http://www.darklight.org/dunakin |
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jcterminal member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 316 Location: Vault 13
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 9:35 pm |
christ. who cares if it's done by hand, done with filters, or done with a mouse tied to a dead cat and run thru MS paint.
art is art no matter what tools are used.
if you like it, fine. if you don't like it fine. by why waste time bitching about something you don't like when you can focus on something you DO like.
stop being so damned negative, you're not doing anyone any good.
soul |
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hydrid member
Member # Joined: 20 Jan 2000 Posts: 193
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:11 am |
You know, I just *have* to throw in my thoughts here. I've done photomanip stuff, but only with my own photography. I think anything that you create is art. Hence under the current title of Digital Art, it fits. But since most people here don't really post much of that style, they assume it's irrelevant and "off topic." Whatever... I disagree and I don't think the person who posted this should get yelled at.
It's not too bad. Not tremendously interesting, but not bad. |
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kardis member
Member # Joined: 14 Sep 2000 Posts: 88 Location: Fairfax, Virginia
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:34 am |
Frost, I really do enjoy your work. I do look forward to seeing more of it in the future. I can see where you're getting at.
I'm a very patient person. I am willing to listen. Perhaps you will do the same.
Everyone have their own personal preference. What I like, you may not. What I consider art, you may not. Thats fine, you're open to your opinion, and so am I.
I don't like every photomanip artwork, I'll be stupid if I said I did. I don't like every painting of dragons, I'll be stupid if I said I did. Not every artwork is of my flavor. But I have the respect to accept it as art, and leave it as be. If I have no interest in it, than I won't give t any criticism. As far as 'yes that looks good', or 'yes, that kicks ass', where you can't really criticize things, somehow it reminds me some of the artwork of the so-call 'vets'. They really do not get as much constructive criticism as they should get, perhaps they're just so good, perhaps. I don't see anything wrong with it.. some stuff were just meant to be eyecandy.
On a personal note. I'm sorry if I may have offended you, or made you think about leaving. I really don't, I appreciate what work you have posted and shared with us, as any help you've offered, as I do the other so-call 'vets'.
Anyway, just rambling eyt again..
-kardis |
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Snake Grunger member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2000 Posts: 584 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:37 am |
As predicted, my post simply makes me go off as an evil bastard, instead of a truth releaving message to light up some people's consciousness.
elam - You seem you say that my arguments aren't valid, but you don't say why. You just say: "You're wrong, it's really like this." which is not the way we achieve a good discussion and come to an accurate conclusion.
But you seem, in general, to say I'm stupid and you're smart. I don't want to waste my time with you. But I will try and defend some of my arguments.
1) No, greatness, like money, or natural resources, or water, or ANYTHING in physics, does not grow or gain volume by itself. It changes. It moves, merges, transforms.
2) Why is Split's montage richer than my paintings? You just say: "Split's better, you suck Snaky." I require proof!
3) Why is my math faulty? Besides, your translation of the math makes my first equation valuable, whereas the more people, the less quality of the board! Thanks!
4) My analogy on slavery is bad? How so?
5) The neighborhood example is good. But you fail to mention "Why" they move out. The reason is simple: Since more and more lamers who wish to become good move in, and more lamers move in then the old lamers didn't have time to become good yet, they start hanging out with each other in the end and, all of a sudden, sucking has become common thing! It's like, they don't even know they're infected by a plague, since everybody else but the elite (good/awesome) people (artists) are infected. So the elite people move out because they don't want to catch the virus and be like everybody else! That's why.
Anyway, this should clear up things and not make me guilty as charged as Elam would say.
Sure, it's much easier to take the lamer's side, since you'll have all the lamers fighting for you, but that doesn't mean you're right.
Snake Grunger's Art Dump |
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Frost member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 2662 Location: Montr�al, Canada
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:38 am |
To repeat myself, I am not saying this kind of work is crap (...). This is NOT a debate over what ART is, but what this FORUM was and where this forum is heading. I've been here for nearly a year, and when I joined, there were great artists like Spooge Demon and Loki posting wonderful things and being there for us, people who paint and gathered here because Dhabih also paints and I thought this was a great place to learn from other painters doing this kind of medium. Doing splash screens and layering is fine, I don't care, but there are countless other forums with members who's names are "5uP3Rd00d-2000" to do them in... this one WAS once special... so I'm an elitist. So what. Fuck me. If you people want me out of here, just say so and I'll get lost.
Elam: I appreciate some types of art, not all types of art. I could randomly generate pixels with my programming skills, or program some mandelbrot, julia, or other types of procedural fractal sets, but I don't. The point of this was this forum is losing the focus on digital painting from what I understand it was created from initially. Start my own forum? Don't tempt me.
Splitsoul: Sorry for doing this in your thread. My most sincere apologies. |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:41 am |
It�s not that photomanip stuff isnt welcome here, it just doesnt fit in. I discovered that quite a while ago, and it�s why i hardly, if ever, post my design (as opposed to art) here. Another forum for this would be nice.
That said, even in a photomanip/collage forum my comments on Splitsoul�s "Art" would be the same. You dont judge this kind of thing by the same obvious standards as painting (anatomy, etc.) but there are other criteria nonetheless.
The Couch Pleasures Me!!! |
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synj member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2000 Posts: 1483 Location: San Diego
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:42 am |
frost dont worry i toss a hug at you. i agree that manipulated photography isn't as fun to look at as hand created material. of course, it all boils down to one's opinion on that - which is mine on this particular matter. |
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jcterminal member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 2000 Posts: 316 Location: Vault 13
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:48 am |
Then again these days most "Art Groups" (the word makes me nauseous) release stuff of about the same quality as Splitsoul�s so i guess "art" truly is in the eye of the beholder.
*runs off to throw up in a corner*
The Couch Pleasures Me!!! |
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SplitSoul member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 2000 Posts: 336 Location: Denmark
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 12:48 am |
quote: Originally posted by Frost:
Splitsoul: Sorry for doing this in your thread. My most sincere apologies.
I'm getting used to this, don't worry.
-Split |
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fazedesign member
Member # Joined: 28 Nov 2000 Posts: 115
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 1:03 am |
Lots of you have valid arguments, the deviant art link was good. But why say that photomanip doesn't fit in when there is so much of it.
Photomanip in the style that Splitsoul uses is more a design thing than what alot of you consider "art", so why not make a "Digital Art" forum, and a "Digital Design" forum, then problem solved |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 1:13 am |
From the dictionary :
Main Entry: design
Function: noun
Date: 1588
1. The arrangement of elements or details in a product or work of art
2 : the creative art of executing aesthetic or functional designs
Sorry, it�s no design either. Lets make a "digital doodle" forum.
The Couch Pleasures Me!!! |
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insomniac junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Nov 2000 Posts: 20 Location: Mesa, Az,
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 3:06 am |
"work like this should have a forum of its own" Oh my god thats a great idea. From now on no one can post here unless its fully realistic pictures of Goblins, vikings, space men, or big breasted women. If you work doesnt look like everyone elses work then you dont fit in.
What kind of thinking is that. Diviserty in groups of artists is what creats great artists. How can you grow as an artist if all you view is the same stuff all the time.
I say work like this does fit in here and quite well. Dont forget we are a comunity of artists here for the intent to grow from one-another.
I think split's work is refreshing
As far as you guys who say he doesn't fit in here. If you were in art school right now or maybe when you where(which ever aplies to your situation) and there was an art student whos work was different would you try to get him to leave, by telling him he didnt fit in there, and that it was a disapointment to see his art?
Split- great work as always |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 3:12 am |
Refreshing. Oh please.
go to www.deviantart.com : it could�ve all been made by exactly the same person (except for some highlights by Pyros, Tech & Thredz). The web is absolutely drowning in sub-standard cliche "photomanip" (better renamed to photorape) "art" and everyone who�s never seen any better thinks it�s the epitome of al that is conteporary art & design.
The Couch Pleasures Me!!! |
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Chameleon junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Dec 2000 Posts: 3 Location: The slaughter house of my soul
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 3:26 am |
Art can be anything, visible or not. like ive said in my first post here, " art is anything you can get away with. " It doesnt have 2 be that the person draws it by hand, but the fact that it is drenched with emotion and feeling is the real key. Art was never ment to be bound by restrictions in the beginning, it was meant for beauty and for meaning... i just hope some of you will learn this someday
[This message has been edited by Chameleon (edited December 22, 2000).] |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 3:44 am |
Beauty and meaning.
Beauty : rusty textures from freerustytextures.com?
Meaning : fuck? i hate the world? die?
The Couch Pleasures Me!!! |
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toast! member
Member # Joined: 29 Sep 2000 Posts: 442 Location: France
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 4:46 am |
i like design and wallpapers with photomanips and composition works (regarding the web , every navigation design could fit on this kind of 'art' ) but i really don t like this one ; the rusted textures are just a big clich� , there s no balance in your picture and the photo sources are not the best choices. Because something is different doesnt mean that it is good. Take, an abstract artist , his paintings could not look with a very high degree of technique, but the color and composition can make it really nice to the eye ; that Is different but there is enormous work behind this ; now take a kid splashing some colors in a canvas and expose it ; this could also look different, but it has nothing to do with art; thus , you will always find some people liking it ..
i also agree with the idea that the forum is really decreasing in terms of technical level and nice spirit ; it was great to see people teaching each other and posting experimental threads to learn . there are tons of forums , but this one was really the only one with a big educational concept. people surfing on the net for many years are bored of seeing the same stuff everywhere, this forum was a little fresh heaven with mature people posting with the only aim to learn more and raise the limits of their art ; too bad the main actors are going away. One master away = 2 immature people entering ; hum let s say every 5 entries , a good one enters (good doesnt mean with a high level of technique but , with good sense, decent crits and the most important respect for other people)
thanks, if you read this
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Leo member
Member # Joined: 24 Oct 1999 Posts: 328 Location: Russia
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tempus junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Dec 2000 Posts: 1
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 7:58 am |
If you people want true art, get a canvas and some paint, or visit a museum. yes, this is art as much as paint splattered on a canvas. it might not be GOOD art in your eyes.
Also, I find this forum more of a digital painting forum, however, it says Digital Art. I first off would tell splitsoul to stop wasting his time posting his art to a bunch of assholes.
im no great artist in the form of anatomy and people, but i am okay, or at least i like it. Isn't that what ART is suppose to be?
Don't forget when your kids bring home a collage and you say nice, that you told someone - who did the same in a better manner more style and expression of ideas - they were crap.
;backpocket |
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