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Topic : "The Level of Talent in Sweden" |
asmodie member
Member # Joined: 11 Sep 2000 Posts: 100 Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 3:12 am |
I don't think that the origin of ppl desides if they are good artist or not. But their groth. Were they grow up und how mutch their parantes thought him to do art things.
I think practicly every Swedish kid have been forced to play the flut *not me thogh*
Am also a Libanese mix...
Konservativ is is the will not to evolve to not create. *I think Bush cheated* |
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tayete member
Member # Joined: 03 Dec 2000 Posts: 656 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 4:10 am |
 | should come to Spain to see *REAL* black-haired beauties...Though I love the blondes you have up there (too tall for me most of them, though), and I love the blondes down at my antipodes (Australia), and I love...well, I love women in general. But the *pure and original black haired woman* is Spaniard.
And I think it is more difficult trying to paint a black hair than a blonde one (at least I've been trying for some time and cannot get it). |
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spooge demon member
Member # Joined: 15 Nov 1999 Posts: 1475 Location: Haiku, HI, USA
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 4:25 am |
Can anyone tell me more about the stereotype of Swedes (or maybe Scandinavians) having trouble with depression?
Is it a myth or do you find some truth in it? Maybe from the dark and cold? Or does it seem to follow expatriates from that part of the world?
Sorry if this is OT and better suited to RM, but I have been behaving lately and this is my first offense your honor. |
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asmodie member
Member # Joined: 11 Sep 2000 Posts: 100 Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 5:19 am |
One thing is the the winter...can make anyone depressed.
Depression comes with inteligens... |
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NDR113 member
Member # Joined: 06 Dec 2000 Posts: 73 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 6:19 am |
Well I don't know any great swedish artists actually. I do know alot of Dutch artists. But it doesn't mean anything. Because that would mean that there are alot of great artists here in the Netherlands right now also, If you know any...please tell me because I'm stuck here. I can't even find an education where you can learn how to paint digitally. They don't even know what the hell I'm talking about when I mention it here. It's just sad. Very sad. but we were talking about Sweden right now...Does Sweden have those education programs or not? In that case I'm moving to Sweden! Please let me know. Thanks! ...The design is good...Construction could be better (IKEA)
...I would rather die as a man than live eternally as a robot..."Andrew Martin" |
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AliasMoze member
Member # Joined: 24 Apr 2000 Posts: 814 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 9:06 am |
Well, I know in Sweden they drink lots of hot chocolate. Does that help? Also, I think they have lots of windmills and wooden shoes. Oh, and everything they say starts with "Sv." So, they wouldn't say "Sweden," they'd say "Sveden." |
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Binke member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 1999 Posts: 1194 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 9:15 am |
Actually we say Sverige.
Scandinavians having trouble with depression? Now that's the first time I hear that prejudice
It could be semi-true because its pretty dark,cold & rainy here cept on the summer & sun went down at 3pm today..woo..
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micke member
Member # Joined: 19 Jan 2000 Posts: 1666 Location: Oslo/Norway
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 9:26 am |
I've notice that i get very tired and often
depressed during the winter cause it's dark
and cold(it's starting to get dark about 3 in the afternoon and i like to sleep until 4, hehe!). So i rarely see the bright day
except for going to work in the morning.
The typical thing for Norwegians is that they are not very open minded and they are often suspicious when it comes to new things.
Like some of you might have seen the comercial for Rignes(a norwergian beer) that
cures the "Norwegian stifness syndrom"
The Swedes and Danes are a more open and happy kind of people.
Mikael's artwork |
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micke member
Member # Joined: 19 Jan 2000 Posts: 1666 Location: Oslo/Norway
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 9:30 am |
Aliasmoze: You mean Clogs(wooden shoes).
I used to have a pair, hehe.
There is not alot of windmils in Sweden.
That's in the Netherlands. |
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AliasMoze member
Member # Joined: 24 Apr 2000 Posts: 814 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 9:40 am |
Oh, OK, my bad. Man, you guys speak good English. We Americans can't do anything. Half of us barely speak English. |
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NDR113 member
Member # Joined: 06 Dec 2000 Posts: 73 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 10:13 am |
Is that really the Netherlands?... I think I'll just put on my wooden shoes then and be sure to lock up the windmill before I leave. Actually we export the most XTC to the US of all countries in the world. And our actual image is coffeeshops and brothels. We are not just some Eastern European country (no offense) But then again we don't have that much to be proud of either I think. Actually our goverment is looking for a new image right now. I bet that if you can't name any of the things above all of you will have a very hard time coming up with something....instead of soccer me glow with pride
...I would rather die as a man than live eternally as a robot..."Andrew Martin" |
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Hurri-cane member
Member # Joined: 01 May 2000 Posts: 466 Location: sweden
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 11:52 am |
sweden is good, but i like the weather more in finland, the winter is cold, the summer is hot...well it used to be that way, havent been there for some years tho.
U would also be depressed if you went to the beach and no beachguards *aaah, baywatch....(druels)*
sauna rocks. finland rocks, sweden rocks...
its all about a free mind.
.caneman |
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Binke member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 1999 Posts: 1194 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 4:00 pm |
yeah. And we got smorgosboard. haha sounds so silly when pronounced the 'american' way. Sm�rg�sbord damnit
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DirtyDigger member
Member # Joined: 09 Dec 2000 Posts: 115 Location: NutSac, California
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 1:11 am |
 |'s funny to see the stereotypes abound...wooden shoes, windmills, etc...
I don't know about 'the original black haired beauty' comment though...i'm pretty sure asia has a lock on that
First time I've heard of a 'depression' stereotype myself..i've always thought of like the St Pauly know the one..cleavage..braided blond on her face..
In general with all of the stereotypes most Americans (at least everyone I've ever talked to) have a very positive view of the dutch in general. Sure stereotypes abound, but they are not always negative prejudices.
Americans also have a very positive opinion of Australia. Where the men are real men, rugged (hell they play rugby a lot)and friendly... and being a programmer I see great talent coming from Australia all the time in regards to programming.
This thread is so far off topic it's funny. In reality though it's good because it breaks a lot of the stereotypical outlooks people have in regards to foreign countries.
Hell, once when I was in Australia a very sassy, down to earth cutie was shocked that I was American. She thought all Americans were black.... go figure.
It's been fun reading through this thread (all except the political comments of course)..we shouldn't even go there, especially since most artistically inclined people are also liberal in their outlook (hence the stereotype, which is semi-true in places like San Francisco).
I'd hate to hear (but it would be interesting) the stereotypes people have of Americans (I'm thinking words like greedy, capitalist, rude, bullying come to mind).
Still a fun thread though.
"I Hear High Heels!" - DirtyDigger |
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Lajun member
Member # Joined: 15 Nov 1999 Posts: 67 Location: UME�, Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 6:08 am |
Back to design/graphics educations. That's a real intressting question when it comes to sweden. Someone here said that we had really great schools , but very expensive though. I don't think that I agree. Or is it just me who lack info. When it comes up to college level and higher. - Master of science in ART and DESIGN. And that kind of degrees. There's not alot around here. There's some but for example in Malm�, MHA that was a wellknown school for 3d animation and design. One of the best. They had to close up.. what do we have left ?? I want to know cause I'm about to choose what I'm going to do for the rest of my life
// Lajun ( Lars-Erik Juntti )
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Bradford Guest
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Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 6:45 am |
All I can say is that I am blown away by how well you Swedish can speak the English language. It's as if it's your primary language. I haven't seen many other European countries come close.
James Bradford
Bradford2D3D |
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asmodie member
Member # Joined: 11 Sep 2000 Posts: 100 Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 7:02 am |
Some reasons why sweds are so good at english(I'm a exeption...i sux) Is fist of all that we start with english when we are seven years old. And second, we don't dub our movies like lot of other countries do (like Germany, Spain) and in thay way we hear english all the time.
Depends what you like to studdy, and I know some schools shutdown for diferent reasons. But when it comes to design we have RMI Bergs, B�ckmans and so on... In Stockholm, and they are realy good. And when it comes to 3D there isn't mutch... We have Nackademin but I heard the sux... Coz here in Sweden 3D is more seen like a sciense thing. When developing new products, so there is loot of 3D schools for engeneering 3D. |
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Chronic Beauty junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 33 Location: Glasgow Scotland.
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 7:08 am |
Europe and East Asia are more cultured than the rest of the world, and there for more artistic or creative. |
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Joachim member
Member # Joined: 18 Jan 2000 Posts: 1332 Location: Norway
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 8:52 am |
Europe and East Asia, more cultured, I don't know, hehe. Cultural history maybe When I look at the history, I'm no history expert though, I feel that certain countries/ separate themselves from others (that is architecturally and artwise) Italy, Japan(or maybe all of asia?), Greece, Egypt. . ..and others ofc.
English. I guess most of those countries who don't dub their movies and learn english from an early age writes fairly good english, I don't think Sweden separates them much from the other scandinavian countries on that one. It's different with how we talk though. You can usually spot which european country a person comes from fairly quick when they speak english.. . .hehe, that goes for us norwegians too offc. ...I've experienced that the swedes so often have problems pronouncing "ju" words, like they would say "yumper" instead of "jumper"
I wish I knew more of the art history from Sweden. For me, at school and up the years, I've always been fed with norwegian art (and some danish too) when it comes to's not before the recent years that I've discovered Zorn from sweden and Helena Shjerfbeck (or something) from Finland, which have blown my away. Someone know of any other amazing artists from the history of Sweden, I love to discover the talent of new artists and get all the books and work that I can find from them Like the US, I've never thought of US art than other than Disney, etc. Though it's newer history in a way, Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell and Rockwell, are some of the ones I've recently discovered and enjoyed. Too bad there's no bigger books from leyendecker for sale.
It's really sad, seems like no art school in Norway put any focus to art from the US, just the really "old" masters from Europe, which did put focus in totally different things.
Talking about Scandinavia, There's one artist from Norway I really want to find out more about. That's one living today though. Ever seen the movie "what dreams may come" ? He did those awesome background paintings, but I have no clue what his name is...anyone knows ?
Sorry, I'm just writing a lot of nonsense because I'm really bored and have nothing else to do.
Go Swedes! -hehe
Joachim's Place
[This message has been edited by Joachim (edited December 17, 2000).] |
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TheMilkMan member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 2000 Posts: 797 Location: St.Louis
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 9:17 am |
can this thread die now??? ....... all I have seen for 4 days is this thread ya ya there is talent in what there is talent everywhere most places dont have internet access like america and sweden do so people cant get in on the art can we stop talking about this now? |
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Slicer member
Member # Joined: 03 Mar 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Sala, Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 9:24 am |
Well I can agree on most things.
More beautiful women in Sweden than in Finland.
And about swedes talking english good is probably because we start learning it so fast and that we dont dub movies and all that. We also get much english teve-channels by cable and satelite(thats how I learnt english at about age of 5=)).
And about the schools, well. I think there are some schools but they are quite few and usually most crap.
And I like Denmark, they make much great HIFI-stuff, like Dali,Scan-Speak and Jamo are from there.
What more..Sweden has got a quite bad current(?), money-value that is. the lowest I think? Finland has a good one. Get a job there and live in sweden and you rich =)
well... I cant think of anything else right now... |
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Binke member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 1999 Posts: 1194 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 10:38 am |
Lajun: Why there are alot of them artcolleges in just have to look for them. For an exampel in Stockholm you have the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (kungliga konsth�gskolan - [url=][/url]
and we have "Konstfack" in sthlm as well..both where you can graduate with a master degree. But I dunno about malm� though..
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eetu member
Member # Joined: 27 May 2000 Posts: 289 Location: helsinki, finland
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 10:56 am |
about the depression, i think the numbers are quite bad here in finland.. especially in this time of the year.. (sun ? what sun? :) and i think we're in the top10 suicide chart too :P
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zaar member
Member # Joined: 13 Sep 2000 Posts: 128 Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 11:11 am |
Hello everyone!
This is my first post, I just had to stop lurking around this forum when I saw this thread! I'm planning to post some art/pictures soon!
TheMilkMan: I might come of as a patriotic freak now but I just have to say that: This thread will never die! Why? Because there is nothing that we Swedes like more than hearing of our own international success. Usually we are kind of shy and modest but when it comes to things like this we just can�t shut up. We measure everything we do by its international success, and we are extremely proud of everything that does well abroad. And right now the weather in Sweden is really horrible, so we need a thread like this to cheer us up! or we would all suffer from even worse depressions than we already do�
Spooge demon: �the stereotype of Swedes (or maybe Scandinavians) having trouble with depression?� It�s definitely a stereotype but with some truth in it. A lot of Swedes are depressed but since Swedes (in general) are a bit shy and quite they are often mistaken for being even more depressed then they really are.
Asmodie: �depression comes with intelligence...� that might be true, but couldn�t it be the other way around: that one has to be really smart to be able to stay happy. Or is that some other kind of intelligence, EQ maybe?
/tz |
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 11:30 am |
Hmm.. you seem to be proud of your good english, but it also looks like you don't find interesting your own culture. I would like to know more about your regional traditions and so. Here in Spain people doesn't speak english very well (just listen to Solana, he has a lot of accent), but I have to agree that the most beautiful black-haired women I have seen were spanish.
Bradford: "I haven't seen many other European countries come close." I would say England, but maybe I'm wrong =) |
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DirtyDigger member
Member # Joined: 09 Dec 2000 Posts: 115 Location: NutSac, California
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 11:39 am |
MilkMan: just ignore this thread if you don't want to read that so hard?
It wasn't a Swede who started this thread it was a freaking american (namely myself) and I would like to hear of their masters, their outlook on art and their schools.
It's not so off-topic... besides other Americans have also expressed interest in this thread.
You're probably one of those people who censors something just because it doesn't interest you..aren't you? admit it!
"I Hear High Heels!" - DirtyDigger |
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AKIRA_x member
Member # Joined: 15 Jun 2000 Posts: 174 Location: NORWAY
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 1:02 pm |
Reading all the posts here I just feel a force inside me pushing me to type this post. Maybe rather silly, but I feel the need to express one thing..a fact. Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are 4...count them...1 2 3 4 TOTALY difrent countries. Yes, three of them have some similarities in language, but still we are not any thing like how you would think of Africa or US, we dont call ourselfs Scandinavian. There is a comon misunderstanding, or a simplification of just calling us all scandinavians, at least I dont like it. I think this is comon for all norwegians, that can ofcourse relate to a subject thouched on this thread before. That we once was rulled by both Denmark and Sweden. Norwegians are EXTREMELY proud of the independence. If you want to come to Norway at any time, come in the middel of May and experience our National Day. 17 of May here in Oslo (the capitol). You will be blown away to see the enthusiasem of THOUSANDS of people all with the norwegian flag in hand. This day is celebrates one thing only..our independence. As we are a rather tiny country we apreciate it very much...cause in fact if any country got the idea of invading us they could pretty much do it in a week. We are 4.5 million people stretched over a veeeery long and thin country. over half of that population is centerd in and around Oslo. We are one of the richest countries in the world with no foreing depth. Oil paid if off for us. I am not sure of this but its not far off, but right after Sweden in IT industry, knowledge and web connection per capita Norway comes in a good second.
and no, there are no icebears in the streets...except if you live in Svalbard. Where bars have the sign: "pleace leave your weapon at the door"
About our weather...its a crapy winter here snow!! But I do love the weather change. You wake up one morning and you hear something you really didnt know you missed..bird singing..and spring is moring the sun is warming you throught the window..summer is here...then one day your walking and yellow leaves are paving the road..fall is here. Then you are hit by a snowball your skiing down the slopes..winter is here...and here the birds again. I love Norway......*sigh*
Whos ya dady!! |
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DirtyDigger member
Member # Joined: 09 Dec 2000 Posts: 115 Location: NutSac, California
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 1:26 pm |
See ya learn something everyday. I've never been to that part of the world and therefore concluded that all the scandinavian countries are the same.
I'm sure most other Americans think the same.
I wish the US was so patriotic all the time. Most of the time we just bash each other unless there's a war going on or something then we usually (and I say usually ) come together and get patriotic.
I myself am very patriotic having been in the military and being a military brat my whole life. Some would say patriotism is stupid, because you really have no choice where you are born, but if you all can't work together as a country then noone will get ahead.
I will definetly have to visit your part of the world one day and see for myself, that's for sure!
"I Hear High Heels!" - DirtyDigger |
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starfish member
Member # Joined: 07 Feb 2000 Posts: 126
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 9:35 pm |
thought I should bring the name John Bauer
to your attention. he was prolly one of the
first swedish fantasy illustrators.
couldn't find a better link than this one
there are however books available with
sketches and loads of his waterpainings.
search a bigger library. |
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ShyGuy junior member
Member # Joined: 11 Oct 2000 Posts: 17 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 10:40 pm |
"There's not alot around here. There's some but for example in Malm�, MHA that was a wellknown school for 3d animation and design. One of the best...:"
Thanks Lajun that allways warm my heart!
Lajun I was the head teacher and only
teacher at MHA the last final year, it's a
damn shame I agree. But look out at malm�
h�gskola K3 konst och kommunikation,
They have contacted me and some things are happening, hopefully next year.
Sorry if this is relly off topic in the topic.
But than again educations was on the topic, right?
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