The distortion is caused by air pressure differance,the frames exert alot of force on glass to keep it attached to the building, and the imperfections in the glass caused by the production process of ...
Hi all. I am trying to paint texture maps with Photoshop to be aplied with Maya. I'm having dificulty capturing the warps and distortions in the glass ( on highrise building ) that cause distortions i ...
Thats what I was afraid of. It as an older seial port Wacom intended for use with SGI or PC. It isnt used so I would like to use it on a new G4. Thanks for the info. Dan
Has anyone had any sucess hooking up an older (serial) wacom tablet to a new G4? #ud1218R There is not much usefull info on the wacom site. Thanks for any suggestions. Dan
I am using photosop to paint 3D texture maps of buildings , to me aplied with Mtor. I am not sure how to apropriatly handle metal surfaces like brass of stainless steel in Pshop . Could any o ...